
the y pole dancer


Jiyong can’t take his eyes of the girl who’s swaying her goddess like body on the pole located at the center of the stage of the club he’s currently on, he was against the idea of going on a strip bar earlier that night but his employees insisted of them having a guy bonding after the long stressful days of work and right now he must he honestly admits that he should thanks Seunghyun for dragging him unto here for because of him he saw a girl who enchanted him in just a split second.

Old and middle aged guys throw money on the stage and were whistling and shouting towards the girl as if hungry hyenas waiting for their prey but the voluptuous girl don’t mind them and just continued dancing ily making the other guys go crazy on their chairs.

“Sir Jiyong, she’s quite a beauty right?” Seunghyun who’s sitting beside him with a glass of cold beer uttered while munching some chips too.

Seungri who’s at the other side of Jiyong looked hurriedly towards their eldest as if a great idea popped on his mind, “Hyung can’t we get her to sit on our table girl?”

Hearing what the youngest said, the handsome young boss turned to Seughyun as if waiting for the response too. Seughyun tried to stifle a chuckle after looking at the anticipating look of their young boss.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He said and stood up, walked to the counter where a guy who looked like the supervisor of that strip club was standing with that stupid looking Mohawk as hairstyle.

After a few more minutes of just watching the girl dancing the music came to an end and the pole dancer hurriedly picked up the money scattered at the floor, she was wearing a very short skirt and just a laced brassiere but she managed to lean down the floor and not exposing the lower part which the guys surrounding her are eager to see.


Dara heaved a deep sigh as she leaved the dancing floor and headed towards the back stage where the other y dancers were waiting for their turn, as she walked and finally sat at a chair located for her a very y but at the same time girl walked towards her with a piece of corn on her hand and hurriedly hugged her.

“My Daraaaa!!! You performed awesome as always!”

The beautiful girl smiled and simply said a thank you and was about to wipe her face with wet tissue when her friend Bom stopped her from doing so.

“What is it Bom? My act is finish and that means I can go home so why won’t you let me take my makeup off?”

Bom smiled sheepishly and sat at the chair next to Dara, “There’s a customer who wants you to sit with them at their table.”

Dara’s eyes widened and about to answer Bom but the latter was quick enough to stop her from talking and reasoned out.

“I know.. I know you don’t like the idea of sitting at the customer’s table and have conversations with strangers but can’t you break that just for tonight? They are willing to pay a very large amount of money just for you to sit with them for atleast 15 minutes you know.”

“PARK BOM! How many times should I tell you that even if a customer is willing to pay a big amount of money, I would never let myself sit with creepy strangers and pretend as if I’m interested with them! Now will you excuse me?! My brother and mother are waiting for me to come home!”

Dara stomped her way out after grabbing a few wet tissues towards the locker room where her things were located.


Jiyong felt disappointed after hearing what Youngbae( the supervisor of the club)said, apparently the mysterious y dancer that caught his eyes earlier doesn’t do customer service like sitting with the customer at the table.

“How about we double the price of the money we are offering just for her to sit here? You see this young man beside me is our boss and he really wants to have a conversation with that dancer.” Seunghyun tried once again but a shook of the head from Youngbae answered him.

“I’m so sorry sir but even if you triple the money you are offering right now, that certain dancer won’t do what you want her to do.”

Seungri was about to but in but was stopped by Jiyong, instead the boss just drank the cold beer on his glass and stood up.

“Its fine Seungri, we can’t persuade her.” He then faced Youngbae and smiled “I’m sorry if my employees are too persistent on having that dancer sat with us; don’t mind them and its okay if she really doesn’t want too.”

Youngbae left them after making sure that they don’t have any more demands, right after the guy left them Jiyong faced his employees and grabbed his wallet on his black coat and grabbed some bills.

“I’m going first, you guys enjoy. Don’t mind the bill okay? It’s on my tab. See you guys on the office in Monday.” After placing the money on the table he left them and walked towards his car.


Dara changed her y outfit into pants and sweaters, checking if all her stuffs are complete she headed towards the door after getting her payment for the night at the office, she was vigorously wiping the makeup off her face while crossing the road when a car appeared of nowhere. She screamed at the top of her lungs and just closed her eyes as if expecting the pain that might occur after a split of seconds.

“Oh my god I’m going to die!! Oh my… Oh my… Oh my… OH my???” she thought but when minutes passed that not a ting of pain crossed her petite and tiny body she slowly opened her eyes and let a breath escape her lips she didn’t know she was holding when she saw a white car just an inch away from her.

Realizing that something bad might happen to her earlier, her blood boiled up and anger enveloped her. Smashing her hands in front of the car she can’t help but curse as if her lungs were going to burst.

“Damn you and your ty car you !!! You nearly killed me don’t you know that?! Why the haven’t you checked if someone is crossing before you appeared of nowhere you !!! Come out and I’ll smash your face!!! Yaaaa!!!!Come out!!!!”


Jiyong’s jaw dropped as he was looking at the girl in front of his car smashing the hood with her tiny fist, his heart was racing in the idea that he might have killed somebody a few seconds ago but what made him seemed in a petrified in his seat was the face of the girl whom he can’t forget, it was the girl earlier dancing at the pole ily which caught his eyes.

As if he was brought to the present when the small framed girl was now smashing the glass of the window of his car, he immediately went out of the car and faced the girl who looked furious right now.

“Wow she’s really beautiful.” Jiyong can’t help but think after facing the girl who’s standing now in front of him.

“Yah!!! Are you listening to me?!”

Jiyong blinked a few times as if it was the first time he got the idea that she was ranting unto him.


Dara can’t help but puff a breath out of her and glared at the young guy standing in front of her. “Are you deaf or something? I was ranting for a couple of minutes now and you’re there just standing like a statue?! Are you high or something?!”

“You’re that dancer in the pole at the club aren’t you?” the guys asked making Dara caught off guard and paused for a minute..








Awkward silence.

Dara cleared before gaining herself once again, “You almost killed me and that’s the first question you’re going to ask me? Some guy you are.. Won’t you ask me first if I’m hurt or I should be taken to the hospital huh?!”

Hearing that, it’s as if the guy was snapped from the dimension he was in. He immediately looked and checked for bruises or any kind of damage that may indicate that she was hurt.

“Are you okay? Did it hurt somewhere? Do you want me to take you to the hospital???” he urgently asked, worry filled his system and Dara could see that through his eyes.

“I’m I’m fine… Just surprised…”

“Are you sure? We could go to the doctor right now if you want.”

“No need to do that, I told you I’m fine, maybe I was just surprised but your car didn’t able to hit me anywhere.”

Dara was about to go without any more words but was caught off guard when the stranger grabbed her in the hand, she immediately pulled her arm off his grasp and hit him as a defense for she thought he was going to do something to her.

Gasps from the guy was heard when Dara’s fist punched him straight to his nose, the tall guy lost his balance and landed his in a painful way in the cold cement of the highway.

“Ouch…” The guy uttered, some blood was dripping from his nose and when he saw that his eyes grew big and immediately looked at Dara. “Yah!!! Why did you punch me?!”

“You grabbed me in the arm! What do you expect?! My reflexes just do what they are supposed to do!”

“I grabbed you in the arm because I was about to offer you a ride towards your home because you might still be in shock!”


The guy groaned and once again touched his bleeding nose. “I think you got my nose broken.”


Dara walked back at her house’ living room where the good looking stranger was lying at the couch, she immediately gave the ice bag to the guy and he immediately placed it to the damaged area after muttering a whispered thank you, she felt a little bad for him because he was groaning and really looked in pain.

“Don’t worry; the doctor said I didn’t break your nose right? And the bleeding is just normal because of the intensity of my punch.” Dara tried to console.

The guy just looked at her and just shook his head as if can’t believe that’s what Dara just said and the girl is not that dumb not to get what’s running on the guy’s head.

“Okay.. okay… I’m supposed to say sorry right? Okay… I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry that I freaking punch you, I didn’t mean it, and it’s just that my knuckles immediately punches whenever I feel threaten.”

“Threaten? What do you mean by that?”

“Well since you know I work as a dancer in a bar its almost normal that drunk customer might grab us and impose a threat unto us, it’s my reflex to punch someone who I believe will impose a threat to me and may cause harm, that’s why when you grabbed me my body just acted on its own.”

The guy didn’t give any reaction to what she just said and silence once again engulfed them, sensing that its awkward for her to stay for him in there, she stood up and looked at the guy.

“Just please close and lock the door when you decides to go, am going inside my room now.” Dara was about to walk towards her room when the stranger immediately bolted from the sofa and put the ice bag down the nearest table.

“No need to do that I’m going home now, I might have disturbed you greater than I should have.” He walked towards the door, “Thanks for the accommodation Miss…”

“Dara, Dara is my name.”

For the first time that night, the guy smiled after hearing her name, “And I’m Jiyong.. Kwon Jiyong. Thanks for the ice Dara, goodnight.” And then he walked out.

Making sure that Dara closed the door Jiyong pumped his fist high up in the air as if he achieved something.

“Her name’s DAra!!!!” he energetically and excitedly whispered.


Dara found Jiyong coming back again and again at the club she’s dancing at, he’s always sitting at the usual sit he occupied every single night, and he sometimes also waves at her when he knew she’s looking at her from the stage.

She doesn’t know why he’s always present every night at the club but she can’t help but smile to herself whenever she saw him there.

At that particular night Dara was waiting for a taxi outside the bar she was working for when a familiar white car stopped in front of her and the window glass roll down.

“Care for a ride Dara?” Jiyong asked, showing his gummy smiles unto her.

“What are you doing here? You should be at home right now.”

“Well I’m not and I’m here. Let’s go? Don’t worry I won’t hurt you in anyways, and your punch hurts a lot and it may make me think twice before doing something bad unto you.”

Dara thought for a moment before finally deciding to get at the car and accept the offer.

And that’s where their friendship started..

Just then Dara found iyong always waiting for her in front of the bar whenever her performance ended and was about to go home.

That particular night, Jiyong and Dara found them walking at the shore of the nearest sea in their location with coffee in their hands, the moon was giving light to their path and the sea looked beautiful as it shines below the moonlight.

Dara can’t help but let a sigh out of her system making Jiyong look at him which she answered with a smile.

“It’s so beautiful in here.”

Jiyong also smiled and nod, guiding Dara back to the car he opened the front seat for her and sat at the driver’s seat too.

“Why are you working at a bar as a dancer?” Jiyong suddenly blurted out making Dara caught off guard, “It’s not as if I’m judging you but I know you’re smart and talented and that might help you to gain a more decent job, but why stick to this kind of work?”

Dara looked at her cup of coffee and as if flashed of memories run through her mind, “Our father left us when I’m in my high school and my mother took a big deal for that, losing the bread winner of the family and my mom in an emotional state I took the initiative to work and study at the same time, I finished high school and was about to go to college but I know that I can’t sustain the tuition fee needed so I tried to find some work, But… who would hire a person like me who didn’t have any diploma in college that might help me gain some job? I’ve changed jobs to jobs until I found this job, I earn a lot for just a single dance beside the tip those ugly guys threw on the stage. I know my job look dirty for some people but I think it’s not because I’m not selling myself or doing something with the customers, I just simply dance and maybe tease them a little unlike some of the girls in the club.”

Jiyong can’t take his eyes off of the girl sitting beside him, “What if I offer you a job on our company Dara? Would you accept it?”

Dara chuckles and looked at Jiyong, “That may insult me Jiyong, I won’t accept a job to which I know I’m not qualified to do, and besides it’s not as if you own the company.”

Jiyong just smiled and sipped at his coffee, yes Dara didn’t know yet that he own a one big hell of a company.

“Okay sounds fair, and then what if I offer you to go on a date with me?”

Dara was caught off guard after hearing what the guy just said and can’t help but choke on her own coffee. Jiyong laughed at her miserable state and patted her back to help her.

She coughed and hurts making some tear escape her eyes, “Ya!! Don’t joke me like that, see? You almost killed me with my coffee.”

Jiyong just laughed but it died slowly after seeing Dara look at him with piercing gaze.

“All right I’m sorry, but I’m not kidding you know, will you go out on a date with me?”

“Aren’t you embarrassed you’re going to date a dancer like me? And people think I’m a dirty person because of what I do.” Dara asked after a long silence.

“Well they are not the one who’s going to date you right? It’s me, and it’s me who says you’re not dirty because I know you’re not doing anything bad, for me you’re a great person because you’re doing you’re all just to sustain the needs of your family.

Dara smiled sweetly and can’t help but feel happy with what Jiyong just said.


Dara’s heart was beating so fast, she’s nervous and all because tonight is the night she’ll be attending a party at Jiyong’s workplace. She was checking herself out in the mirror again and again to see if something is off and needs to be fixed.

“Noona, no need to worry, you look gorgeous and I know Jiyong will be an envy of every guy tonight.” Her brother Thunder uttered making Dara smile genuinely.

“Thanks bro.” she uttered.

Just then a knock on the door was made and the both of them looked at it, Dara gulp and heaved a deep breath as she walked towards the door and opened it. She can’t help but feel awe when her eyes landed on the guy who’s standing in front of her, she knew he looked handsome but she didn’t know he’s gorgeous when he’s at formal tux.

“You look beautiful Dara, you ready?” Jiyong smiled and grabbed her hand and guide her outside and towards the car.

“I’m going to bring your sister back later Thunder no need to worry, Goodnight.” Jiyong uttered after settling Dara in the car.

“Take good care of her hyung and have fun.”


Dara gripped Jiyong’s hand when they arrived at the main hall of the party, everybody looked handsome and gorgeous on their dresses and tux and Dara can’t help but feel little knowing that each and every one of them have statuses in life, unlike her.

“Boss!” a guy with blue hair and a guy who looked like a little panda made their way towards them.

“Boss?” Dara thought.

When the two guys reached them, surprise were clearly written on their faces and was about to point it out when Jiyong signaled them not to say anything.

“Seunghyun Seungri meet my date for the night, Dara. Dara this is Seunghyun and Seungri.”

“Wow you look more beautiful p close than in the sta----- uggghhh..” Seungri was not able to continue when Seunghyun elbowed him in his side, and may he add it’s really painful.

“Are you alright?” Dara can’t help but ask.

“He’s fine, don’t worry about him. I’m glad our boss finally had a date for our yearly ball because he didn’t have any in the past.” Seunghyun uttered while smiling.

“OH is that so?” Dara smiled but at the back of her mind, “Why are they calling Jiyong boss?”


Everything was going smoothly for the party and the food tastes delicious but somehow Dara felt uncomfortable, as if every pair of eyes that belonged to every person in that room was staring at her, she just shrug it off and convinced herself that she might be just getting paranoid.

When she can’t take it anymore she excused herself and went to the powder room, she immediately locked herself in of the cubicles and heaved a deep breath trying to calm herself up. When she thought she was ready she grabbed the handle of the door and was about to go out when two voices entered the powder room.

“Hey Tif have you seen President Jiyong’s date? She doesn’t fit our party right?” a voice said.

“I know right? And also did you know that I’ve heard Seungri and Seunghyun talking about that girl saying she’s a dancer in some bar! Oh my god can you believe that? She’s a dirty person!”

Dara’s breath were ceased after hearing what the unknown girl was saying and her grip tightened on the handle. “Jiyong’s the president of the company? They know about my work?” she thought.

“Oh my gosh, she might just be using our president to be a part of the society where we belong, what a gold digger.”

When Dara can’t handle it anymore she went out of the cubicle and clearly saw how the mouth of those two obviously plastic surgery girls dropped.

“Close your mouths girl or a fly might enter it, now if you’ll excuse me a gold digger coming through your way.” Dara uttered and exited.

Her vision were blurry and she can’t clearly see where she’s going, all she know is she wants to leave that hell of a party.

She thought she finally succeeded when she saw the exit sign and was about to go out when a hand grabbed her  arm and made her stand in front of the guy whom pulled her.

It was Jiyong…























President Kwon Jiyong….











“Hey where are you going?” Jiyong asked with a smile but was slowly replaced with worry when he saw the b tears on Dara’s eyes.

“What’s wrong? Baby are you hurt?”

Finally a tear fall down Dara’s cheek and Jiyong tried to wipe it with his gentle hands but Dara swatted it away.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jiyong looked confused…

“Tell you what?”

“That you’re the president of this company and Seungri and Seunghyn knew about me.. and what I do.”

Jiyong was taken aback; his eyes quickly darted to the two guys standing nearby who looked shocked too.

“Am I some kind of a show for you and you’re people? Did you bring me here to flaunt me and humiliate me?” Dara’s hurtful words cut like knives to Jiyong.

“Baby you know that’s not it.” Jiyong trembled.

“What a show President Kwon Jiyong, I hope you’re happy with the show you put on the road.” Dara said and walked out of the room.

Jiyong tried to grab her once more but what caught everyone off guard was when out of the blue Dara’s fist hit Jiyong square on the face.

Everyone gasped.

“Told you not to caught off guard because my defenses will get you.” And with that Dara walked away.


It’s been a week since what happened, Dara would cry and her brother and mother would let her, Jiyong did tried to talk to her and even bravely went to their house, honestly Thunder wants to punch him but with the condition of his broken nose the younger couldn’t.

Dara resigned as a dancer on the bar so that Jiyong won’t be able to reach her there, she found a job at another nearby city as a gasoline girl and healed her broken heart.

Jiyong knew everything that’s happened to Dara and kept some distance so that she could have a time for her own but he’s planning to do something so that the girl he loves would forgive him.


It was past 11 in the evening when Dara reported for her duty, she was walking toward her refilling station when she saw a dime; she picked it up and saw few dimes more. Thinking that her workmate must have dropped it she patiently picked it up one by one, until she came in front of a stage with a pole.

Dara’s brow went up when he saw someone merged from the shadow and went to the pole, went agape when she saw Seungri dressed in a girly costume and started dancing in the pole.

“That’s his punishment for making his tongue slip the night of the party.”

Dara jumped on her position after hearing a voice whom she missed so much at her back, suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped on her waist and someone leaning on her shoulder.

“God I missed you much.”

“What are you doing here Jiyong? Or should I say President Kwon?”

“I missed you Dara.” His voice full of remorse and Dara can’t help but tear up, “God knew how hard it is for me to keep my distance with you.”

“Don’t give me that bull.”

Jiyong turned Dara towards her and he could clearly saw tears b on the girl’s eyes, he suddenly kneeled and hugged Dara’s legs.

“Jiyong what are you doing, stand up.”

“NO…. hear me out please… I didn’t told you I own a big company because I don’t want you to fill so little, I did offer you a job once right? But you humbly declined it because of reasons, reasons I know that is right. I don’t want you to look at me like everyone does, the Jiyong who’s powerful, owns a company and has lots of money because with you I’m just simply me. With regarding to Seungri and Seunghyun knowing your profession, they knew from the very start because from the very first day I saw you in the club and tried to pay you with a big sum of money just to sit with us on table they were there baby…”

“I didn’t mean to hide the truth with you Dara.. Please forgive me, I can’t lose you. I love you… I love you baby… you’re my world.”

Dara’s eyes darted towards the guy kneeling in front of her, her heart racing when she heard the three magic words.

“What did you just say?”

“You’re my world?”

“No another,”

“I’m sorry?”

“Dammit Jiyong.”

“I love you….”










Tears were falling in Dara’s eyes, does Jiyong really love her? Is he really?

“Why are you crying baby?”

“Because you said you love me despite of people surrounding you saying am a gold digger or I’m dirty.”

Jiyong sighed and stood up, drying Dara’s tears. “Don’t mind them, I don’t care what they say remember? Because they are not the one who loves you, it’s me.”

Dara tried to smile even if tears were falling.

“Now, let’s get this straight, Hi my name is Kwon Jiyong, I own four companies that runs well here in Korea and Japan and am very much in love with a girl named Dara.”

“I’m Dara Park, the girl who met her love as a pole dancer.” Dara smiled and hurriedly hugged Jiyong who welcomed her with a warm hug.





Oh I forgot about Seungri…


“Hyung can I stop this? My muscles are killing me with this pole dancing.”


“hyung… Hyung… Hyung…” **sobs





“You’re cruel!!!!”



            I hope you liked it guys, it’s a little gift from authornim to you for patiently waiting for the updates of my fics… please do comment and upvote… SARANGHAE!!!



            Also to daragon shippers who seem to lost their feels for their ship… don’t lose hope! DARAGON fighting!



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Chapter 1: One shot story but i love it❤️
Chapter 1: Re reading this beautiful love story ♥️
Chapter 1: Beautiful short story can u add another chapters authormin.
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 1: Awwww...poor Panda though kekekekeke
Chapter 1: It's so sweet~~~
Though I hope there's more description, but I like it. And poor Seungri kkkkkk~~~
Thank you for writing this. ^^
Chapter 1: !!!! Ahhhahhahaha, Seungri made me laugh big time.. Poor maknae, always receive the worst punishment ever..
DARAGON couple is so sweet.. FIGHTING !!!
Chapter 1: In every daragon fic seungri always get the best(worts) punishment ever. Hahahhahaha.
Chapter 1: Shems, I had a scene going in my head when I read that Dara choked with her coffee. It's ao hilarious to see on a death certificate:

Cause of Death: Choked with Coffee
pepden #9
Chapter 1: Sequel please or maybe an epilogue.. this story is awesome!!
Chapter 1: Sequel juseyo...... This short story is really AWESOME AND AMAZING.... Hoping for a SEQUEL or at least a EPILOGUE.... Authornim juseyo.... I'm begging you juseyo....