I'm Here

Always By Your Side
*I just beta-ed my own story. XD
"Hey, what happened?"
"Just come home, hyung. He really needs you right now."
I called Sehun as soon as I read his message.
I was in deep sleep when I felt my phone vibrate under my pillow. I checked the time, it was 2 in the morning.
I unlocked my cellphone and opened my inbox. The message was from Sehun saying : Hyung, he needs you.
I didn't have to ask who he meant. I carefully got up from bed so as not to disturb Sung Woo hyung's sleep and went out the room to call the maknae. After we talked I went back to my room to get my wallet and jacket. I must've been a little loud because Sung Woo hyung got up asking me where I was going just when I was about to leave. I told him I was going to meet some friends and he told me to take care and then he went back to sleep.
I hailed a cab and gave him our dorm's address. I dialed Sehun's number again and when he answered I told him I was on my way and that I'll be there in 20 minutes.
I saw him and Suho hyung standing outside our dorm building waiting for me.  I quickly paid the cab and went over to them.
"What happened, hyung?" I asked Suho
"He's very depressed. He doesn't want to talk to anybody. He doesn't want to eat and he doesn't want to go out of our room." Suho hyung said
"Hyung, you're our only hope. Baekhyun hyung only listens to you." Sehun said.
Baekhyun and I have been the best of friends ever since we met each other 3 years ago. We were born in the same year, shared the same hobbies and we both like to make people laugh. He was raised in a simple family where his parents gave him freedom to do what he wanted. From his stories, he was always out with his friends playing around after school. It wasn't like he was rebellious. He was actually doing great in school but when his homeroom teacher asked him why he wasn't applying to any university, he told her he doesn't need a diploma. All he wants is to stand on stage and sing.
That was why he auditioned in our company. I was actually there when he first came in. He looked so excited while waiting for his turn. During that time, the company was already forming a new group that will debut soon. Suho hyung, Sehun, Kai and I were already chosen to join the group and there were talks that the managers were considering 6 other trainees but they needed two more persons to strengthen the group's vocal line. I watched his entire audition and everyone in the room were blown away with his voice. I was sure he was going to be picked and I was right.
The next time I saw him was when the management decided to gather all the trainees chosen to debut under one group. There were 12 of us including the newly recruited Baekhyun and the other one was Chen. Lee Soo Man was there and he called us one by one to direct us to our seats. I was seated right next to Baekhyun and he smiled at me like he knew me all his life. That was the start of EXO, the start of our friendship.
Baekhyun and I became the closest as we were training for our debut. It was already proven that he was a great singer but it was also a surprise that he was an excellent dancer. He was even better than me and Suho hyung and I was really amazed at how humble he is whenever we compliment him. But even though he was doing great as a trainee, he had his own struggles.  Baekhyun has always been a free spirit. Someone who grew up with a lot of freedom. He was having a hard time following routines and orders given by the company because he was used to living life at his own pace. Not being able to go outside and play with his friends was nightmare and living away from his parents and his brother was a torture to him. I know because I was his roommate even before debut. He would always tell me his frustrations and would tell me his plans of giving up but then, he himself would pull himself together and remind himself that this was his dream and he was so close to fulfilling it. He sacrificed who he was in order to step foot on stage.
When we debuted, he looked the happiest but he was the most insecure. His training was quick and the company was very strict with his schedule. He and Chen had to work twice as hard as everyone for us to be equal on stage. Most nights, he'll ask me what else he can do to improve himself and I'll just tell him he's doing alright. That he doesn't have to do anything else because everything he has done is enough.
"Thanks." Baekhyun says one night before we went to bed.
"For what?"
"For always being there. Thanks, Yeol."
And he gave me the exact same smile he gave me the very first time we met.
Two years has passed and Baekhyun worked his way up to where he is today. EXO has become a trend but Baek was always one of the members who had the loudest cheers. He was well loved everywhere we go. The reason? Baekhyun has always been transparent with his fans. He always believe in the saying that what you see is what you get. He never pretends and he's not afraid to show his true emotions. Just like what his brother said, Baekhyun has always been fearless.
We had lesser times together as a group and had different works of our own. After I moved in to my shared house for roommate, the only time we're able to see each other is the few hours we work as a group. After that, we go back to our own schedules. I admit that we haven't talked much specially in the past few months but I know that our friendship has never faltered. I believe that I've made sure that Baekhyun knows that I will always be there when he needs me.
Suho hyung, Sehun and I took the elevator to our dorm. As soon as I entered, I saw Kai and Kyungsoo in the living room reading something on the laptop.
"Hyung, it's out." Kai said.
Suho immediately went to Kai's side to check what was on the screen. I did the same and what I read shocked me.
As Suho scrolled down the news, we saw photos of Taeyeon noona and Baekhyun going on dates. 
Did we know? Of course. How can we not know? Baekhyun has always been a fan of Taeyeon noona. He looked up to her and when she complimented his talents, Baekhyun worked extra hard to reach her level. Noona noticed his perseverance and took care of him. She gave him advice that only a sunbae can give and comforted him in ways that me and the other members could not. To fall in love with a person caring for you is never a mistake. Baekhyun felt the support of the girl he likes and Taeyeon noona found the care of a guy she has been patiently waiting for. Baekhyun consulted me before fully asking her out and as always, I tolf him it was okay. If it's love then there's nothing wrong with it and with that, they went up a notch and made it an official relationship. 
I saw how great Baekhyun felt and I was happy for that. Finally, another person is there to support him and I was very thankful to Taeyeon noona for making him happy. But being in a relationship under the same company has never been publicized and the managers has strictly instructed them to be careful. 
Seeing the photos posted by the paparazzi's, Baekhyun and Taeyeon noona were caught together during the time when Baekhyun was having a hard time accepting that Kris hyung left. Unknown to many, Baekhyun has always been close to M's leader too. Kris always looked after Baekhyun and dotes on him like he was his own brother that's why it almost broke Baekhyun when Kris left without explaining. 
It was only logical that Taeyeon noona will be there to keep him company. The members were going through the same problem and it was only people outside the group that can really comfort us during that time. Being the girlfriend, of course Taeyeon noona would be the first one to support Baekhyun. 
"Did the Manager hyungs say anything?" Suho asked
"They said the company's probably going to confirm it soon." Kyungsoo replied
"What? Why? They have to deny it." I said.
"Hyung said it's either they confirm or more damaging photos will be released." Kai added.
"Does Baek know?" I asked.
"About what?"
"The unreleased photos."
"No. Hyung only told me and Kyungsoo hyung a while ago and we didn't want to add more pain to Baekhyun hyung." Kai said.
I stood up. Everyone looked at me but they never said anything. I went to Baekhyun's shared room with Suho hyung and Sehun and pressed my ears on the door, I didn't get any sound. I was about to knock but then I thought he might be sleeping so I just slowly turned the knob and opened the door.
I peaked inside. The lights were off but the curtains were open and the moon illuminated the room. I looked around then I saw him lying face down on his bed not moving an inch. I entered the room and quietly closed the door to give us some privacy. I slowly walked towards his bed and knelt beside it. I saw his phone on the bed side table and without even thinking, I took it and checked the screen. There were hundreds of unread messages from unknown numbers and as I browsed through his inbox, I saw hurtful words and curses. I was surprised when the phone vibrated and a bunch of photos popped out of the screen. Like the other messages, it was from unknown number and as I looked at the photos, I knew these were the unreleased ones that Kai and Kyungsoo were talking about. Photos that the paparazzis will use to blackmail Baekhyun and Taeyeon noona so that they confirm their relationship.
Even if it wasn't my business, I deleted the photos and cleared his inbox. I set his phone back on his bedside table as I got up and sat beside him on his bed. He must've felt the bed dip because he moved to his side to face me. I watched as he slowly rubbed his eyes with his pretty hands. When he realized who I was he sat up and blinked at me.
"You're here." He said.
"What are you doing here?"
I didn't answer and just stared at him trying to figure out how he's feeling.
"Baek, are you alright?" I finally asked.
He stared at me and my heart ached. I saw how lifeless his eyes were. He bit his lip trying hard not to cry but a tear still fell from his eyes. I couldn't bare seeing him like this so I pulled him in an embrace and let him rest his head on my shoulder. I could hear his sobs, and felt my shoulder getting wet from his tears. I couldn't help but cry for him. Even with all the hardships he faced for the past three years, he has never cried and seeing him broken like this, was too much for my heart.
"I don't know what to do, Yeol. I feel like my world crumbled, that I'm nothing now. All my hardwork, gone. I feel like I just threw my life  out the window." Baekhyun said.
"That's not true Baek. you know that's not true."
"I was happy. You know I was. Taeyeon noona took care of me and I'm very thankful for all the love she has given me and I feel sorry that she has to go through this pain just because we're together. It's unfair, Yeol. It's unfair for her, it's unfair for you, it's unfair for the fans. I was selfish. i should've been stronger. I should've controlled my affection towards her. Loving her was a mistake. I don't want to hurt her." Baekhyun said and sobbed even harder.
"You didn't do anything wrong, Baek. Loving someone is never a mistake. You can't deny yourself of the love you know you deserve. Taeyeon noona took a leap of faith with you. You weren't the only one taking a chance. She took your hand and jumped with you. I'm sure she loves you the same way you love her. She is probably hurting right now not because she thinks it was wrong to be with you but because she knows you're hurting for her. We both know she loves you just as much as you love her, Baek. You have to stay strong for the both of you. Taeyeon noona needs you now more than ever."
"It hurts. My heart hurts so much. I didn't mean to hurt the fans. It was never my intention to lie to them. I just fell in love. We fell in love. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Yeol."
"Ssshh. You never have to apologize for loving someone, Baek. We're not perfect and we can't control what people thinks. We can't please everyone and if we try to, we'll never be happy. You're just following your heart and living your life. This is you. This is about your and Taeyeon noona's happiness and I'm sure there are also a lot of people who are wishing you well. People who are willing to support you."
I felt him hug me tighter and bury his face deeper on my shoulders.
"Everything will be alright, Baek. I'm here. I'm always here."
"Thank you, Yeol. I don't know what I'll do without you. Thank you."
"I'll always be by your side, Baek. No matter what, I'm always here. Always."
So, as I've said in my foreword, I support Baekhyun and Taeyeon's relationship. I read every single article related to this dating issue and I decided not to believe anything other than the fact that they are two people who fell in love with each other.
I wrote this using Chanyeol's point of view and although I ship ChanBaek so hard, as hard as I ship HunHan, I think Chanyeol here is a reflection of myself. His words here is what I will tell Baekhyun if I had the chance to hug him and comfort him. Baekhyun is not even my bias but I love him so much and I can't bear seeing him hurt. I always want him to be happy. I always want EXO to be happy. No matter what challenge life throws at them, I know that I'll always be here to support them.
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mhargelynne #1
Chapter 1: Thank you author-nim for this story,,, my bias is baekhyun but i was never upset of their relationship. i knew from the start that sooner or later things like this could happen. a fan is a supporter. that's exactly what baekhyun needs right now. i don't know why others can not see that fact. :( and artist is to be admired by his/her talents... and one irrelevant issue like dating should not overshadow what the artist has achieved.... baekhyun is the most true idol ever. he's no different from the ordinary baekhyun. i just hope fans (as what they call themselves -_- ) will eventually realize these things.
. . .
i'll always be by baekhyun's side (figuratively, i guess hehe) and EXO is my no. 1 forever
Nessa08 #2
Chapter 1: This is something I wish I could have the chance to say to Baekhyun. As an Exo fan when you sit and really think about it, Baekhyun got to have his dream girl, the person he used to fanboy about fall in love with him, how many of us want something like that so badly?? No one should deny them their happiness. He'll still always be our Kaebsong Baek with or without a girlfriend. Thank you so much Author-nim you're a star :)
Exofanland #3
Chapter 1: Thank you author-nim. Thank you for writing this fanfic. To tell you the truth, Baekhyun is actually my bias but what can I do now that they're dating. Starts complaining? Can i call myself his fan , EXO's fan if I do that? There are fans out there who are as screwed as this world! Really, do they ever think about Baekhyun's feelings. They call themself a fan, but they could only think about themselves. STUPID. If I could, I would erase every comment that bad mouth about him dating. On the day that their relationship was confirm, my heart scattered to million of piece. Heart broken to the point of crying. But if my IDOL is happy, I should be happy too. I want him to be happy. But no. Other fans don't think like I do. I might not like the idea of them dating, but I support them. I really do. If anyone can date, then so can idols. Its not a crime to date in the idol world. There are fans who think that SM must be planing something behind our back or trying to cover up Kris's problems when they confirmed the dating. And I'm not saying its wrong but they can't say that the dating thing is a fake. As fans, we don't know anything and therefore, we shouldn't assume anything. Damn! I really hate those fans. I hate them because they hurt their own idol. Damn. Again, thank you aurthor-nim!!! I will spread this fanfic and hope many others will read this fanfic and notice his pain through fan's action.
mhargelynne #4
i'll be waiting for this author-nim :)