Prologue: Disease/Deceased

Illusion, Delusion











                  Last year, 2015, a disease called “pseudḗs tis aisthí̱seis” spread at our country. Pseudḗs Tis Aisthí̱seis literally means ‘false senses’. Yes, false senses. It’s a severe case of people hallucinating. Sometimes, a person with this kind of disease hear something as if it’s so real, feel something like his imagination really has a body, etc. Most of the hallucinations have some connections with the past saddest memories a person has.




                  It all happened when an asteroid crashed at Han River in South Korea. The tiny powdered particles was the main cause of this disease. People who are nearby the Han River got those tiny powdered particles stuck in their skin, eyes, etc. There were only about fifty people in there because it was a school day. If I remember correctly, it was a Wednesday. Unfortunately, I was there. The disease was just recognized last month by the Japanese scientist, Yamamoto Rina.



                  The week after the disease was diagnosed, they conducted free check-ups on those who were nearby that day. 31, 32,33,....Finally, 34! My turn. I hope that I haven’t been living in a lie for a year now. How many people were just my hallucination? How many are not? Now that I think about it, I’ve been hearing sometimes my name when it’s just me in the house and it’s too quiet. Sometimes, I also hear my mother and father in my house fighting again that in my opinion it has become ordinary, but still irritating, especially when I know they already moved out of the house to live separately from me in America.



                  The doctor got a sample of my blood and put it in some machine and poof! A printed red paper came out. The doctor handed it to me and said, “Positive. You have a 2.0 level of that disease. The level only increases when a person feels more depressed so try calming yourself for the time being. We have Psychiatrists here if you like.” “No thanks,”I said as I grabbed the paper, he called the next patient and that’s there is to it. I have a Pseudḗs Tis Aisthí̱seis. I crumpled the paper and hot tears came running down my cheek. It’s the worst day of my life. I mean, am I not better off not knowing?


                  I walked and walked and walked. Without me realizing, I was back at the Han River. A place that was once a tourist spot is now filled with Korean scientists and Japanese scientists. Since they knew the disease, they’ve been experimenting on animal that were affected to find a cure. “Poor animals,” I thought. They have been suffering in both reality and fantasy. I  smoothed the red paper and red what’s in there. “Alert: Disease Level 2.0 detected”



                  Have I ever mentioned to you that that disease has levels? Well it has. It ranges from 1.0-5.0. I’m not familiar with the distinctions of each level. I only know that when a person reaches the 5.0 level, the person becomes a living dead. All of his senses were taken from him and he falls in the state of oblivion. I hope that doesn’t happen to me because the day of the check-up, I saw a person who has reached level 5.0. I believe that the Koreans got lucky because only 58 of us has been reported to have a disease like that but to us who got affected were the most unfortunate people.



                  To us people who have that kind of disease, our only safe haven is a place where no one is there and a music to break the silence. But today, a blackout happened and I wasn’t able to charge any music player. I started hearing my mother and father’s voice shouting again. I close my eyes and let a tear fall. Then, I put my two hands on my closed eyes and whispered, “Stop it.” I still hear them. It’s not about financial problems again. “Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.” I repeated until I finally lost it. “Please stop it!” 







[A/N]: The next chapter will be release next week. :D Stay tuned. Please leave a comment/suggestion about the first chapter. :))

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