All of the EXO members are just back to their dorm at 11.48 PM, it was a long day and everyone is exhausted, they start filling their room immediately after they settle in, everyone except Chanyeol that making his way to the kitchen, looking for a popcorn, he’s been waiting to eat that snack for a while now. After he found what he was looking for, he then walk to the dining room and sit on one of the chair, scrolling on his phone and eating his snack peacefully.

It was 00.30 AM when Chanyeol heard a door being open, he lift up his head from his phone to see who it was. Not a long time after that, he saw Kris making his way to the kitchen.

“Why are you still up?” Kris said as he walk passed Chanyeol.

“Oh, hi hyung, I am not sleepy.” there was no answer so Chanyeol goes back scrolling down his Instagram comments.

“Yah! What are you doing giggling at your phone like that?” ask Kris when he back to the dining room, sitting next to Chanyeol with a plate of fruits that looks like a mountain on his right hand and a glass of milk on the other.

Chanyeol look up at his hyung which is already sitting and laugh a little “are you that hungry hyung?” his hand is pointing at a mountain of fruits in front of his hyung.

“Yah! You are not answering my question”

“You are not answering my question ether hyung” Chanyeol pout, Kris sigh.

“Yeah yeah I am hungry, now answer me.” Said Kris coolly as he plop a grape to his mouth, making Chanyeol laugh some more.

“I was just reading some comment, you eat funny hyung.” Chanyeol said, Kris only hums in respond and continue eating his fruit quietly as Chanyeol start scrolling his phone again.

The silent went for another 30 more minutes after that. Chanyeol is already bored reading the comments that his fans give and close his Instagram. He then looks at Kris that already finishes almost all of his mountain fruit.

“Hey hyung” Chanyeol start.


“Let’s play a game”

“What kind of game? Please don’t involve running or screaming because the other won’t be pleased, okay?”

“Sure sure, let’s play hangman hyung”


“Hangman, you’ve never heard of that?” Chanyeol said disbelieve.

“I know I know, don’t be that surprised.”

“Oh, okay”


“Oh yeah, the game! You can only guess five times and you’re out okay hyung?”

“Sure sure, you can go first.”

Chanyeol start typing on his phone and showing what he has written to Kris.

“Five letters, unreal.” Chanyeol said as he starts getting excited.

It turns out that Kris is bad at this game, as they already play for the fifteenth times, Kris only can guess three words of out seven words that Chanyeol gives. In the other hand Chanyeol is pretty good at this game, he only can’t answer one words out of eight.

Kris looks at the clock hanging in front of them, it read 03.05 already, Kris sigh, time sure fly fast when you are enjoying it.

“You should sleep Chanyeol, it is getting late” Kris said as he plopped down another grape to his mouth, yes he is still eating every now and then.

“But it is my turn hyung” Chanyeol whines.

“Okay you can play your turn, but promise me that this is the last!” Kris turn his head to see Chanyeol, which he immediately regret since Chanyeol is already looking at him with his puppy eyes and is really close.

“Yay hyung! Thanks!” Chanyeol said happily as he hug his hyung from the side, Kris was taken aback but immediately regain his consciousness and start patting Chanyeol’s head in return of his hug.

“Seven letters, edible and orange hyung.” Chanyeol said happily.

“O?” Kris said immediately which replied with a high pitched Chanyeol screaming “four more lives” and Kris face palmed.

“Okay that got me. It was apparently NOT an orange”

“Of course not hyung” Chanyeol laugh.

“A then?” Kris guesses after a few moments.

“Three more lives hyung.”

Kris holding his head on his two hand and groan a little.

“Why am I so bad at this? Give me another clue.”

Chanyeol laugh as he pats his hyung back a few times “you just notice it hyung? You’re practically can only guess three words so far.” Kris looks up.

“You count?” Kris said disbelieve

“Of course duh. Anyway, the next clue is fruit and is round”

“What orange fruit exists beside Oranges?” Kris whines, Chanyeol face palmed.

“Round and big” Chanyeol start “and orange” he continues “and hyung passion fruit is orange” he finished.

Kris lifts up his head and a big grin showing on his face, it was kind of creepy, Chanyeol thought.

“Round and big… PUMPKIN!” Kris is literally shouting and bangs his hand on the table, making Chanyeol startled a little and face palming again.

“I should have not said that.” Chanyeol said in a low voice as Kris start laughing.

“Chanyeol, passion fruit is practically reddish dark-green or something.” Kris said after a minute full of laughter.

“Uh yeah, kind of, how about pineapple hyung? Yellow?”

“I guess it is greenish or yellowish, not sure, but the content was yellow.”

“Papaya and mango also orange hyung.”

“The contain is orange, but when you mentioned ‘orange’, I tend to imagine the exterior color.”

“But hyung, I am not even thinking about which one is orange, its skin or its content.”

“Well first you said ‘orange’ which is both a color and a fruit, then you said ‘edible’, which led me to thinking that it is orange and the orange has an orange skin, so yeah.” Kris explains as he takes an orange from his plate. Chanyeol nods and hums in response as Kris start peeling the orange.

“So, it was all about the oranges.” Kris state, and Chanyeol give him another hums.

“Orangecption is the fruit named after the color or is the color named after the fruit?” Kris said after a few moments and offering the orange he has peeled to Chanyeol which is happily accept it.

“Not sure hyung, but probably after the color. Which one do you think is right hyung?”

“I am not sure, it’s like asking ‘why is that long ambiguous fruit named banana?’” Kris explains slowly and chanyeol chokes on his orange.

“Probably it was just coincidence hyung, it start kind of weird if you think about it.” Chanyeol look up at the ceiling, thinking

“Well you don’t have to think when naming something, right?” Kris said simply.

“Maybe, but then again, how about when parents naming their kid? Kid is also something right?” Chanyeol answer with concern in his voice as he looks at his hyung.

Kris immediately looks at Chanyeol after he said that, and found his eyes meeting Chanyeol’s bright ones already looking at him.

“NO! Of course not Chanyeol! Naming something and naming your children is different. You apply that ‘name is a prayer’ thing to your children, not something. And heck, you would not call your children as a ‘thing’ right?”

Chanyeol think for a moment, eyes not leaving Kris.

“Uh, if mine, of course I would not” Chanyeol nods at his own answer and start again “then! What if banana is actually someone’s name?” Chanyeol ask, sound excited.

“So you would call other people’s children as ‘things’ then?”

“Uuh hyung lets drop the children thingy, I don’t meant it that way and I promise I would never ever call other people’s child as a ‘thing’ since it is kind of weird and rude, okay?” Chanyeol plead.

“Huh, sure. About that banana thing again then” Kris said “you said before what id banana is actually someone’s name, right?”


Kris thinks for a moment “that, I don’t know, Banana exist from a long time ago, so there should be no ‘founder’ of banana.” Chanyeol hums in response.

“it leaves you with the imagination of how mankind first saw banana” Kris laugh at his own words and stand up from where he was sitting, “maybe they were like “UGA UGA, NANANA” and then they start dancing” Chanyeol laugh. Probably too loud because the next minute they heard a door being slammed open and an angry stomped can be heard from the living room towards the dining room.

And it turns out to be Sehun, and angry looking one.

“Sehun?” Kris start.

Sehun ignoring Kris and start rubbing his eyes “hyung don’t you know what time it is? It is almost four AM, people are trying to sleep hyung!” he glare at Chanyeol and shift to Kris and shift to the table, and his eyes glowed. Chanyeol confused.

“BANANA!!” Scream Sehun as he point at the banana on the top of Kris plate, he then took it at start peeling it in front of his two hyungs.

Chanyeol was stunned for a moment and then he look at Kris which is stunned too.

“And suddenly a wild Sehun appears chanting banana” Kris start slowly without any expression and then he look at Chanyeol who is already holding his hand in front of his mouth, attempting to hold his laughter, Kris think.

“You know what hyung? I suddenly thinking Sehun dancing around in a circle chanting “UGA UGA BANANA!!”” Chanyeol laugh, and it is Sehun turn to be stunned.

“So yeah, that was a prehistoric example, hence the “uga uga” part.” Kris said after he and Chanyeol stop laughing.

Sehun plop the last bite of his banana and stand up, probably can’t stand his hyung anymore. “Yes, I am done, please continue kid.” He said as he walk passed Chanyeol. Kris in the back was waving his hand and said “I am not doing anything.”

“Sehunnie, hyung is sorry okay” Chanyeol half plead half whines while holding Sehun right arm. Sehun just shrug it off and looking at the clock “since when you guys are here?”

“Since twelve thirty I guess” Kris said, Chanyeol nods, Sehun grins.

“All night long?” Sehun show his cheeky grin again and waving his hand at the two “whatever, I am going to sleep, just stop being so loud okay?” with that Sehun is disappears.

The two was left stunned again for a moment, Chanyeol was about to say something but Sehun suddenly shout “Good days babies, oh and please go and get a room” and then a door being slammed closed can be heard.



uh yeah, so hope you like it and please tell me what you think about this :)

see you later, Mii~ :)


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Chapter 1: so funny and cute, just like me when im thinking abt who is 'that words' founder and why hahahahahha arguing such thing with my friends make it even weird >_<
my... i miss kris with yeol so much :(
iyuuuthh #2
Chapter 1: hahaha so interesting!!
so i think sometimes we are curious about every names around us and who is the 'founder' of its name and why ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
i love krisyeol !! and naughty sehun appeared in this chapter too. great!
please update soon :)