The Aftermath Of The Marriage

Fighting For Love


Fighting   For   Love

5 Years After Marriage (1984)

Jae-won's P.O.V

Currently, I was sitting with my friend Jiyoon in a cafe. It's been a couple of months since I've seen her. I decided I could get some advice on my married life. I looked  at my wedding ring thinking of my wedded life so far while Jiyoon kept mumbling something about my beahviour and my marriage.

It has been 5 years since the wedding. And let me tell you, the best 5 years of my life. But I was sure I wasn't speaking for the both of us. Sure, Sarah always seemed  happy with me and also enjoyed the honeymoon but something about her smile felt so.....false, unreal. I couldn't pin-point on what she really expected from me but I tried my best keep her happy. Our days always consisted of the old routine. I would go to the office in my car, returning home by 8pm, having dinner with Sarah, doing some office work and finally going to sleep. This was what happened almost everyday of my life. Suddenly something snapped in me and I found myself arguing with Sarah for silly things. I thought she might understand me and try to stay calm but no, she refuelled the anger in me. Day by day, the arguements got bigger and utterly pointless. But eveything stopped when Sarah informed me that she was pregnant and for the sake of the baby, we stopped fighting. Everything changed when little Kiara came into our lives on 4th december 1984.

She could make the days look brighter just by smiling. Kiara was the reason I started to act a bit more reasonably towards Sarah. I loved Kiara that much. But that happiness didn't stay with me any longer. Sarah was so devoted to her daughter that I sometimes doubt whether she remembered, she had a husband who loved her. It was like, she doesn't even care for me anymore. Gradually, I found out why she wanted to get married so fast. She loved children. She wanted some of her own which compelled her to get married. The false smile she gave seemed so genuine now but now, they all were directed towards Kiara. All I could wish for was the love she could share with me.

"Are you even listening Jae??" Jiyoon brought me backto the reality.

"Uhh... Ya I am." I lied. For the next few minutes, she kept on advicing that I should just go to Sarah and declare my love for her.

"But how can I?? Jiyoon, did you forget that this was an arranged marriage?"

"So what? I believe in love after marriage so, be a man and tell her. At the least, she will start to notice you, I am sure. Come on Jae, she is not so bad." She tried to make me feel better.

"Ohk, I guess I can try. But what if it turns out badly. I mean, what if she gets angry and......" I trailed off, scared of the picture forming in my mind.

Jiyoon slowly took my hands in hers and held it tightly saying "Don't worry eveything's gonna be alright. And if the worst happens, I promise I will always be there for you." She promised. She always knew how to make me feel good again.

"Yeah! If Sarah leaves me, I will marry you." I commented trying to hide my laugh. She looked at me with alarming eyes and eventually, we burst out laughing. 


Sarah's P.O.V

I was preparing something to eat when I heard a huge cry for the living room. I rushed towrds it to find Kiara crying hard with her tummy on the floor and her hands holding her plushie horse toy, onwhich she was riding. It looked like she fell down from the toy. I took her into my arms and started cooing sweet words in her ear to soothe her. She instantly stopped crying and held on to me. Kiara flashed me a bright smile which made me smile too. Trust me, it was contagious. I made her sit down and started clearing the books that were sprawled around her. It was almost like a miracle when she started taking interests in the books. I could imagine her being really successful in her life.

"Dada" Kiara called out which made me come back from the trance.

"Sweety, your dad is busy, he will surely come back home soon." I promised her.

It was evident that the relationship between me and Jae was faltering soon. But I couldn't balme him. Or anyone, for that matter. It was entirely my fault. I just couldn't get myself to trust him. Of course I loved him but his mood-swings, his temper sometimes gave me a whiplash. I thought maybe we could get past our differences someday, but we found out that these differences didn't have an end. I was almost going to think about divorce, when I found out I was pregnant. I always loved kids and I eagerly was waiting for one. Kiara was the only reason, I kept on going with the relationship and he didn't seem to mind.

I always thought, if only I could make him say that he loves me, maybe I could change my behaviour towards him. I did sense that he felt a bit offended that I didn't take care of him anymore because I spent most of the time with Kiara. But I couldn't do anything for that matter. I looked at my wedding ring and sighed. Maybe I shouldn't be so selfish. What if I go to him and confess my love towards him, might that help?

Instantly, I heard a loud screech. I examined Kiara, soon my heart beat almost stopped. There was a small amont of blood trickling from her leg. I scooped her of the floor, grabbed my car keys and shot off to the door. soon, I was driving like mad girl towards the hospital. Soon, I reached it. Luckily, I had a friend who was a doctor in this hospital. The nurse took Kiara and disappeared into the doctor's chamber. I sat there, counting the minutes while tears were flowing of my face.

"Sarah, are you okay?" Anissa, the doctor put a hand on my shoulders. I immeadiately pounced on her, attacking her with questions. She calmly explained to me that there was nothing to be afraid of. It was just a minor scratch and she was going to be okay after a few days. Behind her, a nurse came carrying Kiara in her arms. She appeared to be sleeping. I gently took her in my arms and made way to the house.

On the way, I stopped near a red light. Just then Kiara started shouting Dada and looking out the window. When I followed her gaze, I was shocked. I saw Jae sitting with a random women holding hands and laughing heartily. Suddenly, my whole world crashed around me. I couldn't do anything but stare at them. They seemed so close. As the signal turned green, Imade my way to the house. On the whole way, I could feel my tears falling. If only he could've waited for me. But it looked like I was too late. I reached home and made Kiara go to sleep. I returned to my bedroom and fell on my bed. I cried so hard that my eyes stung. All I wished for a happy life but it just crumbled right infront of me. I cried for almost 2 hours before sleep overtook me.

And of course, you would've wanted a glimpse of Kiara, so here you are,


Isn't she cute??

 Another chapter done!! What do you think?

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A beautiful and a confusing love story


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