Chapter 1

What Happen?

~SooYin's p.o.v~

   Today is our 2nd year annyversarry! yeay! it's time..  here I'am waiting for my Yoseob Oppa to come and pick me for our annyversarry. it's already 30 mins after my class ends.. why is he always late huh? hmm 


" SooYin-ah.... m..mianhe.. I'm late. "  he said when he saw me sitting all alone

" ani.. it's alright " I said as I smile to him. i don't want to be angry in our 2nd year annyversarry. It'll be bad.. 

" so, where should we go now? " he said winkning to me and wrap his hands around my shoulder when he sit next to me.

' wherever you want  , baby " i said when i turne me head to see him

" awww my yeobo is the best " he said as he pinch my cheeks.


i'm blushing now.. oh no, although he always do that to me, i' m always blush!  he hold my hand and bring  me to his car.  He seems happy about it, but somehow I felt something is wrong..




~YongHwa's p.o.v~


 aish~ why is she so in rush? is not like that guy's always be in time! aigo.. why am I so emotional? they're together for about 2 years already and I'm still jealous? 


" YongHwa-ah.. want to grab a coffee with me? before i starts my work again. " KyunNag said tapping my shoulder, which is making me jump a little . :s

" yea.. sure...  " I said smiling.


we went to our usual place. and it makes me suprise to saw SooYin and YoSeob are sittting together.. oh what the hell am I thinking? ofcourse they're celabrating their '2nd year annyversarry' .


" what are you going to have? " KyunNah snap me.

" oh.. yea.. mianhe.. as usual please " i said smiling  then i look at the m again.

it makes my heart aching to watch her and YoSeob and we find a place , it's near the window. I look out at the window and there's a reflection of them having fun together laughing.. i guess, SooYin still didn't know that we are here.


" yah! do you even hearing what am I talking?? " KyunNah snap me from my day dreaming and hits my arm playfully

" hahaha mianhe.. there's so much thoughts in my mind " i apologizes

" so her is my st---- wait! isn't that SooYin?" she ask me while pointing her finger to them.

"yea it i--" 

"come on, let's greet them!" she said . and didn't even letme finish my words! oh great1 now she's grabbing me to them!



~SooYin's p.o.v~

i was chatting happily with YoSeob oppa when suddenly KyunNah and YongHwa show up.

" congratulations to boths of you! " KyunNah saig hugging me.

"Errr, didn'tt you already greeted me in the morning? " iask her

she laugh awkwardly "yeaa...  i forgot.. haha.. anyway, " she turn to YoSeob " cobgratulations! " she laugh again.  

YoSeob just nodded and smile.. somehow I really REALLY felt weird. 



~YoSeob p.o.v~

  i really felt guilty . I dont know how many more do I have to kept this from her/ to kept that I already married. but, I love you SooYin. I love you more than anything else. I love you just like I love you sister , SooJin. she already knows that I've dated her sister before SooJin leave me alone just to study because of her fater.









how was my first chapter on my first fanfics? is it good?  

if  it's no good, i guess i'll just have to stop.

if it's good enough i'll continue...

^^ please supporrt me! :D


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I did read!! lol
MeHyumi #2
hey! thanks for reading! :) waa... thanks! you've made me happy hahahas
Narcissist #3
Hey there :D I like YongHwa too! (:<br />
By the way, please check mine out too.<br />