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Jung Daehyun and Kang Hyojin have been in love for over three years. They've been inseperable ever since they began their relationship. It is crazy to think, two exact opposites have been matched so well. But there are times where we think everything will remain the same. Even after two or five years. But as we come to realize things, it just doesn't. 


"Daehyun? It's me!"



"Where are you calling me from?"

"I just really needed to hear your voice right now."


A/N: Hello! So since I'm out of school now, I've been very bored. And since Daehyun's birthday is approaching, I've been wanting to release another fanfic for him. So I'm back! It won't be a long fanfic this time. It'll just be a one shot. Anyways, please give it lots of love! :)


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