
Remember me.

When you opened your eyes, everything looked new to you. New faces, you couldn't remember anyone. One by One, unfamiliar faces asks you if you were okay, not a single one of them were girls, they were eleven handsome boys. You ask them who they were... Who you were... They were speechless. You have lost your memories. 

 The doctor says it was just temporary, the eleven boys asks how you were doing. You noticed there was someone on the back, you felt pain in your chest, your heart could remember him, but you just couldnt remember his name, or who he was. You stare at him for a while and made eye contact, your chest felt pain again. You force yourself to remember him, a part of you wanted to & a part of you didn't.

   One by one they introduced themselves, the last one was the guy that made your heart hurt. His name was Kai. Kai, That named sounded so familiar,but when you think of it, your mind felt like it was shattering, everytime you hear that word, it felt like it was saying, remember him or forget him. You wanted to know why you were feeling like this. You felt tears forming in your eyes.


 Everybody in the room froze, you felt their gaze on you. Kai slowly comes to your bed. Everybody stares, You whisper in his ear and says 

My heart still remembers you.


A/N ; Continue ? or Just leave it as a one shot ?

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Reeses #1
Chapter 2: Dude, I bet Kai was that one hot pedo guy on the street that you fell in love with AHAHAHA wuht
Reeses #2
ShiningStar99 #3
Chapter 1: Continue juseyo~ i want to read it more~
indubitablyneko #4
Chapter 1: Pls continue I really like it^^