
Read Me

The last I saw of Myungsoo was the day before summer break ended, even then, I still didn't know much about Kim Myungsoo. 

I knew his name, his age, the things he was interested in and how extensive his knowledge was, I knew he was peculiar but I did not know the basics. I did not know what made kim Myungsoo, Kim Myungsoo. 

I did not know his parents or any of his family for that matter, I did not know where he lived or how he lived. I feel as if every piece of information I knew— thought I knew, rather— was all very external. Superficial, if you will. 



 We met up in the evening, at the park again and we walked without much conversation before he came up with this ingenious idea that we go stargazing. It was around six in the evening, then, and as we lived in such a big and polluted city, it should have been obvious that it would be hard to see any stars. 

"You know, we won't be able to see much, Soo." I said as a matter of fact. 

Soo. Something I had taken to calling Myungsoo. A nickname of sorts.


We were walking through some alleyway I had never been to before. It was narrow and on either sides, there were small shops and windows that seemed busy and full of life.

 Myungsoo turned to look at me but kept on walking beside me. I looked straight back at him. He was wearing a red plaid shirt and rugged jeans that day, his hair was always a tangled mess. He grinned at me before saying

"We'll manage."  

But we didn't. 



I've said it before and I'll say it again. Weird kid, Myungsoo.

What he did, well,  what he and I did that night was this: the two of us being young and ruthless teenagers found our way onto the rooftop of our school building. 

We snuck in, climbed the flight of stairs and, I, being brilliant managed to pry the door leading to the rooftop open. 

It was around seven in the evening and the sun had already set. The warm summer wind ruffled my hair and I looked at Myungsoo who seemed to be having the same problem. 

I took out my phone,  and sent my parents a message telling them I'd be home late; that I was watching a movie with a group of friends. Never would they have guessed I was stargazing (going to at least). 

We lay back on our backs with or arms behind out heads looking at the clear sky in silence until Myungsoo said the stars would come out soon.

"Just wait a little." He said, sounding impatient himself. 

"Okay." I replied doubtfully. 

The sky was nothing but blue, the kind of blue the ocean is. There wasn't a cloud in sight but I could not see any stars, either. 

We waited ten minutes, then, twenty, an hour and more. 

Eventually, I heard Myungsoo fall asleep beside me. I turned and found myself looking at his rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. Myungsoo looked a child like that and I found myself wondering what it would've been like if I had known him when he much younger.

The stars didn't show. 

"Soo." I said, staring up at the sky. He stirred and fluttered his eyes open. 

"Hmm?" He groaned. "Let's go home." I said. And so we left the school grounds and walked home. 

It was quiet that night and we walked in comfortable silence with only the sound of the wind to accompany us. 

Myungsoo would rub his eyes groggily every now and then. We reached a bus stop and waited. Myungsoo's bus  would come before mine.  It was only when the bus arrived that Myungsoo spoke. 

"See ya, Sungyeol." And with a wave of his hand, he hopped onto the bus and didn't look back. 


When I got home, I knew I would be scolded by my mother for being out late. 




The next day at school, the desk beside me was empty, empty it stayed. 

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I started writing this on a whim. I've only a vague idea of what comes next, so, please, give me a moment to work it all out and I'll be writing again.


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Chapter 4: This story is really refreshing to me.
It's easy to read, and idek if I make any sense to you, but it's soothing.
I'm commenting on this chapter because the last line just did it.
I felt like I was Sungyeol for a moment.
It triggers something inside, like remembering something you'd long forgotten.
If I were Sungyeol, I'd probably be furiously blinking my tears away. ;~;
Chapter 6: I chuckled. Hm. I've been reading this, and to be honest, the voice you use has simplicity, and it's exactly what keeps me at the edge of my seat.
Chapter 5: I like this a lot. I like the ambiguity and the tone of the story.
And since I'm missing my best friend, it did hit a nerve!
Well done Author! Anticipating the next update :)
infiniteirit #4
Chapter 5: who is the cicada? isn't sungyeol ? myungsoo? suji?

it's so complicated but i love this! :')
Chapter 2: ""We should be kind to cicadas, sorta like why I'm kind to you." Myungsoo said."

does this means sungyeol is a cicada? O A O
matsukazeai #6
Chapter 4: is Myungsoo a cicada ? I'm very curious..
Chapter 4: oh wheres myungsoo?
Rosebill #8
Chapter 3: What happen to myungsoo and where did he go
Chapter 3: where did myungsoo go!? O.o
matsukazeai #10
Chapter 3: when I read this story for some reason I feel like reading a manga with a background of Japanese life. I don't know why, but that's how I feel. I could feel that this story just flows. continue your story ... I'll be waiting ^ ^