iced coffee and little notes.

emotions inked through sheets.

The scent of coffee beans tickling the tip of her nose when she fills another plastic cup containing a cold drink inside for one of the customers. Hearing the conversations being tossed from one person to another, eyes drifting over to the side to check who it was only to glance back down swiftly. Making sure that the liquid doesn’t overflow and spill out of the cup, setting the lid on the top as she sets a straw on the space, sliding it carefully towards the elderly male with a smile.

 “Have a wonderful day! Come again soon.” Chorong chirps with a bright smile on the lips, being reminded by her manager to always be respectful and kind towards other customers who drops by. Because satisfying them with good customer service and a warm greeting is a step closer to her paycheck.

 Throwing the material of the tiny towel over the shoulder, informing the rest of her employees that she’d take her break by now. A medium size cup containing an iced coffee was inside along with a sandwich that she decided to heat up on the small toaster oven behind the counter. Sitting down on the corner with one of her friend’s and co-worker as well, exchanging a quick smile before settling on the stool besides the taller brunette. 

“Just when my break is almost over, you decided to come?” Eunji asked, laughing breathlessly underneath her breath as she planted her elbows on the surface of the counter. Cupping her own cheeks with her petite palms as she eyes the older female. 

“Oh well, at least we have a few more minutes to talk.” Chorong shrugs, biting down on the sandwich to eat it. Sitting back with one leg resting over the other, feet aimlessly shifting; back and forth before it molds into a circular motion afterwards. 

The two shared a conversation, catching up on what they missed out on during the day but surely they shared a laugh. Like early in the morning over the whole scenario of one of the men spilling another’s drink on their shirt then having to hear five minutes of a chain of profanities to threats. It was quite priceless. Eunji peers over the shoulder, noticing a small group of men who were walking inside to order as she hops off of her seat in order to finish her break. “Gotta go, Cho. Tell you what, we’ll talk more after.” 



Shifting her body along the stool, lips still connected to the straw to continue drinking. Glancing at the few people who continued to step inside or walk out. Hearing the soothing music playing in the background that makes her head lull from left to right. 

  -  -  -

“Swear if you weren’t so caught up on other things, we could have been here earlier.” There’s a childish whine that falls out of Chanyeol’s lips. One hand hanging along the hip as he skims through the menu along with the other two men besides him. Inhaling the aroma of coffee and pastries as he makes his reserved space. 

“I came anyways, didn’t I?” Lu Han responded back and yet none of them replied back to him. Instead he skims through the choices, already knowing what he wanted. A small cup of freshly brewed coffee would help due the exhaustion that was trying to capture a hold of him all day.

 “Lu, you got an-” 

Fishing out the wallet tucked inside of his pocket, pinching a paper bill in between his fingers in order to hold it out for his friend to take into his hold with a coy smile. “Got it.”

   -  -  -

She scribbles a couple of words on the piece of napkin, doodling a smile or a heart on the sides only to stiffen up when she hears a shout greeting coming to her direction. “Yah, what are you doing?” Eunji asked, peering over to see what the other girl was doing. Only to see Chorong swiftly cover it with her arm. Chuckling bashfully as she gazes up at her friend with a nervous smile. Not entirely sure whether to say it or not, no, no. She refuses to speak a word about it after all.

 “Aish. Give me.” She demands, a hand held out with fingers beckoning to place it on her palm and surely they both knew; the charcoaled colored hair woman wouldn’t give in so easily.

“Eunji, no.” Watching her friend trying to sneakily grab a hold of the piece of tissue, Chorong repeats her words once again in order to appear more stern rather than childish or a complete joke. 

When it was removed off and away from her arm, the younger flashes a proud smile at the success of keeping it in her hand this time as she rereads the words quietly. “Tell you what.” Pausing, she folds the tissue in half before gazing at Chorong with another smile. “To save your embarrassment, I’ll deliver it to you. But secretly, so they won’t ask and you won’t have a nervous breakdown.” 


“Now direct me to the person this is for.” Chorong merely sighs, already knowing that she has no opportunity to weasel her way out of the situation. Standing up and on her feet this time, inching forward with one hand cupping her cheek, blocking the view to let the whisper slide into Eunji’s ears instead. Nodding from time to time, trying not to point over to the direction for confirmation. Trying it twice but the older swats her hand away quickly causing her to whine and perhaps let those around them give them a strange stare from the noise and ruckus.

 Clearing quietly in order to step away, shuffling over to continue to take orders with the rest of co-workers. The usual routine, adding ingredients, pouring the correct amount in the cup, set the lid up top and hand it to those who ordered it with a smile. Chorong steps back and behind the counter to follow along, peering over at everyone else once in a while with her bottom lip sticking in between her teeth.

“Lu Han?”

 A hand was lifted up in order to notify the woman that it was him, he walks over to the edge of the counter to pick up the container that had their drinks inside. Bowing his head quickly in greeting with a smile playing along his plump lips. “Thanks again.” And soon enough, he turns his back to walk back to his friends. Letting them carry their drinks and the moment another’s hand grasped onto the napkin, Chorong’s heart nearly stops by then. 

“I need that more than you do, spilled a few drops on my shirt.” Lu Han reminded, finger pointing to the evidence that Jongdae painted upon the fabric. Snatching the napkin back as they walked out of the cafe and Chorong leans back momentarily with a shaky sigh, palm resting on her chest with a laugh following afterwards. Close one.


 “What’s wrong?” 

“Nothing.” He simply states. Gazing down at the tiny note that was left behind, not sure if it was mistake or who wrote it. Could be the woman who called his name from the corner of the cup when they asked for his name. ‘You look nice today, hope your day was just as nice too. Ah, anyways I hope your day went well.’ 

“You think it’s the girl who called your name or the one who was asking for our orders?” Chanyeol asked, mumbling the words incoherently. Asking Jongdae rather than the other who had the napkin in his hand. 

“Neither. They couldn’t write it while they were working besides they were in place the entire time.” Lu Han explained, gazing at the other two with a chuckle at the assumption but it’s the start of figuring who it really was.

  -  -  -

 And it happens. Again. Whenever he visits, a note would be placed with notes that makes a warm smile spread along his cheeks. His friends continued to ask, some of them wanting to tag along with him in order to seek who it was but they were distracted by other things. Like a simple call or text message. It didn’t lead them anywhere, the brunette was still as clueless but he hopes to find this particular person soon. He's grown used to hearing these words, but it felt different. Like he felt the need to suddenly know who it was and certainly it's the first it's ever happened. Lu Han didn't throw any of the notes away, he keeps them tucked inside the drawer under the desk he works on when he studies. Rereading them from time to time. Hoping that if they'll meet, he can respond back with as much kindness as this person gives him.

“Hyung! It’s her.” Chanyeol points out, keeping an eye out on the workers that were hanging around the edge of the counter where they drop off the drinks or any specific orders to anyone who asked for it. Fingers tugging onto the older’s sleeve to let him shift his gaze over at the young female who tucked a napkin underneath his drink. Causing him to suddenly approach the girl with his finger resting on it. Blocking a few words as he asks, “Are you the one who writes these for me?” 

Eunji simply stares at him with a blank expression, lips breaking into a smile only to laugh out loud behind a loose fist. Disappointment was overflowing his thoughts, unsure of whether it was her or not. “No, it’s not.” She confirms and his brows furrowed in the center, sighing in defeat as he flashes a tiny smile at the young woman instead. “Sorry about that, I’ve been trying to figure out who it’s been for a while.” 

With the door opening from a distance, small clicking when the heel presses against the floor repeatedly. Clutching onto her notebook with all her strength as Eunji continues to focus her attention on the male. “You’ll find out eventually. Give it time.”

 Time. He’s forgotten that he was becoming too impatiently. When the time is right he’ll actually find this secret admire or this kind person. Fingers holding onto the drink in hand, he bows his head as his way of saying goodbye, turning back to his friend as he peers over at Eunji then straight back at him. “Well?”

 “It’s not her.” 

“Oh.” Chanyeol rubs the side of his neck. “I’m sure they’re around somewhere.” Reaching over to give his Hyung a quick pat on the shoulder before guiding them out towards the door only to see him bump into another woman, teeth grazing along one another as he spills out an apology before Lu Han does. Even if he’s not the victim in this tiny mess. 

“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” Chorong apologized, repetitively. Crouching down to pick up a few of the papers that suddenly flew out of her notebook and she hears a gentle laugh falling out from the other’s lips. 

“No it’s fine.” Falling into silence when his lips were pressed together, eyeing the penmanship that he caught on the random pieces of paper as he slides it into the folder space on the corner. Tucking it away as he gazes at her in curiosity. “You..” 

“Me?” They both stood up at the same time. Chorong straightens her posture, flashing a quick smile at Chanyeol in greeting before he waves his hand, dismissing himself in order to take a step away from the scenario. Already knowing what’s going to occur soon enough causing him to chuckle lowly under his breath. 

“You..” Lu Han suddenly pauses, a sudden loss of words but surely he finds himself smiling at her. He holds out the napkin that glances at the last note she gives him. ‘I hope we meet very soon.’ Is what she wrote, it’s what she exactly remembered as well. There’s a sudden blush that paints the apples of her cheeks but surely she doesn’t let her eyes shy away from the male she admired for a couple of weeks now. “are quite beautiful.” 

And even then, the blush never seems to fade away from her cheeks. Tucking a few strands of hair away from her face and she lets her lips part to speak. “And it’s a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.” Her eyes widened when she comes to realize that she still needed to lend a hand, only to watch Eunji wave her palm out in order to inform the older female to leave already and spend time with Lu Han instead. 

So she complies, walking besides the brunette to leave the cafe for the rest of the time. Barely making an attempt to gaze at one another, but certainly their company is enough. Hiding tiny smiles and asking about their day too, a normal conversation. Walking at a decent pace, not wanting to suddenly rush either. The feeling of nervousness to happiness boils up and it was obvious by the way they speak to each other as well.

 "I don't think I caught your name yet. I do know it starts with a 'C'. But if you don't know just yet, the name's Lu Han." He spoke out, remembering that through out the time of him receiving the notes. The only signature that was at the end of it was one letter. "It's Chorong." And Lu Han repeats her name softly, glancing at her in the corner of his eye before speaking once again. 

"It's beautiful."

-  -  -  

I'm gon' cry because I feel like I'm failing horribly at all this fluff. Anyways, I hope this is okay! I might make a sequel to this if requested a few times and that peope enjoyed this. Might add the rest of the groups into the story to add a hint of spice into it, as in romance, friendship, betrayal and assumptions. Oho, we'll see. Thanks for reading and comment if you must!

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Chapter 1: wahhhhhhh.. sooooo cute *.* <3
Chapter 1: this really nice. a very light mood and ugh cuteness overload!
nazhoney900105 #3
Well for me it is nice for a one shot story..i do want more though..hehe..good job authornim..i ship this couple so much..hope u can write more bout them..