What if..?

What if..?

I said goodbye to my friends from the University and I went straight to my apartment. On the way, I bought a cup of coffee and I was trying to enjoy Friday. When I was walking through not very crowded sidewalk, I saw a group of people. I came closer to see what's going on and I saw lying 20-something-years-old boy. I moved onlookers, throwed away my bag and I checked his pulse. I felt it, I felt it really poorly.

"Hello?! Can you hear me?!" I shouted and jerked by his shoulder. "Someone call the emergency!"

A woman took out her phone and called the 911. I checked his breath and then I started the resuscitation. I put my hands in the right way on his chest and I started pressing. I was counting under my breath. The boy didn't react in any way. I was forced to do artificial respiration. After that I started the resucitation again. After few minutes he came back to our world. He perked up and started to cough. I smiled and helped him to get up.

"Everything's alright?" I asked and he looked at me with sluggish gaze.
"Yeah... Did I faint?"
"It seems so," I answered, "My name is Minho."
"Kibum," he shaked my hand and sat down on a bench. "I don't know how should I thank you..."
"It was my duty," I sat down by him. "Well... The ambulance didn't come till now."
"I bet you made a good show for the onlookers."
"You did," Kibum laughed.
"I hope that we won't end up this familiarity now, right? You are my hero," he embraced me with his arm.
"So I'm inviting you for a coffee," I stood up. "Huh?"

Kibum nodded and followed me. My flat was quite near. I walked through some avenues, talking about our daily life. I got to know that Kibum is studying art and he wants to be a Vouge's photographer in the future. For me it was silly but it was good thing that he has dreams. When I was a little boy I wanted to become fireman, but then I had a choice between law and medicine.

It seemed that miracles are real. I thought that Kibum won't survive. However, he stood up and we drank a cup of coffee together.
We came in. Kibum started to look around with fascination in his sparkling eyes. When he was touring my flat, I was doing coffee for both of us. Every Kibum's small detail was impressing me and gave me butterflies in my stomach. Even his silent slurping. I looked at him and I was watching him looking ahead with a big enchantment. His eyeballs were moving a little, when he was looking on the wall in front of him. All of sudden he looked at me. I was embarrassed, so I looked away, but after a while I looked at him again. He smiled.

"I really like the coffee," he said and drinked it to the end.
"I'm glad you like it," I answered and smiled.

We were sitting on the coach and talking for few hours. At some time, I took out the wine. I poured it into the glasses and I handed one of them to Kibum.

Kibum was blushing. I left my glass a long time ago and felt the heat but I wasn't sure about the reason of that heat. I drank wine, but on the other side, there was Kibum and I could not stop looking at him. I came closer to him and kissed his neck softly. I ran his fingers through my hair and laid me down on the coach. But for a moment I turned swiftly with Kibum, nearly falling off the couch. I pressed my lips on his, tasting them gently. I still felt wine. In the air, there was a scent of his strong perfume. I also felt sweet scent of his body. I took of his t-shirt, after he buttoned-down my shirt. I was kissing his neck, while exploring his chest with my hands. In the same moment we decided to get up.

"Where's the bedroom?" he asked, panting.
"Behind you."

Kibum drawned me inside the bedroom, where he undressed me completely.

When I woke up, he wasn't there. I thought that he already got up. I pulled on my pants and I left the bedroom. The flat was empty, as always. There was no note, no goodbye.

As I was going on with reanimation, I saw an ambulance coming. I waved with my both hands to catch the attention of them. They took the boy on stretcher and allowed me to go with them.

"What's his name?" the doctor asked.
"I have... I have no idea..."

He started to search his pockets and he found a wallet, and he took out his student card. After he saw it, he handed me that. Kim Kibum, art student, second year. While looking at his face, I hear monotonous sound.

"Decease, 2:37 AM," the doctor said.

My legs buckled under me. With my hand I was looking a place where I could sit down. I slumped down, getting on the floor of the ambulance.
I realized that the previous night had not occurred at all. I came up with a scenario that would never have had the place. I agonized over this. Even worse for me was that, as a future doctor, not always I can save lives. Then I saw how much it is valuable, and I started to keep guessing. And if they came earilier... And if someone of passers would carry out the resuscitation... And if I had not passed there... And if Kibum lived?

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Chapter 1: Sad but beautiful.
Engravedintomyskin #2
Chapter 1: so sad but I liked it :')