The Beginning

Welcome to The Land of Dreams

here is the first chapter!! I hope its okay!~ I wil most likely update more tomorrow after my exams~ nite nite :P




Imagine a world filled with love and joy. Every moment was made up by your imagination, everything from the plotline to the characters/people involved. But what happened when you can’t dream of anything instead your dreams were only nightmares.


“Mama!! Please don’t go!!” ___________ yelled as she tried to reach out and grab her mother in her dream. At this very moment, lone figure entered the cramped apartment.

“Could this place get any smaller?” The lone figure mumbled to himself while climbing over a pile of books and clothes. “Seriously, this girl need to...” Before he could finish his rant, he looked down at the girl tangled in the bed sheets. He saw a fresh tear ran down the side of her face. The lone figures face softened as he reached out to wipe it away. “________, Don’t worry. You will be able to dream happier after you find me.”  He reached into his blazer pocket and grabbed out a bottle of golden dust. He carefully poured it out onto the palm of his hand. “May we meet in the land of dreams my princess,” With one blow, the gold dust floated in the air and slowly landed on ________.


_____________ POV


“Mama!! Please don’t go!” I yelled as I tried to reach for my mother but it was already too late. She was gone. Why do I always have these depressing dreams? Why couldn’t I have those kinds of dreams with princes and rainbows? And I get why I don’t have friends in real life but come on, even in my dreams I have no friend, why!?  I started to cry again for the 302nd dream in a row. Its not like my mother is dead or anything. She happily lives in Italy with my father. Suddenly, my world went bright. I covered my eyes from the sudden light. This was new. I removed my hand to see a completely white room.

“__________, I see you have arrived!” An overly cheerful voice yelled from a place I have no idea of. I started to spin around on the spot looking for where the voice was coming from.

“Yah! Who’s there?” I stopped and got the shock of my life. Standing right in front of me was I think was a guy who could be prettier than me. I fell back onto the ground.

“Do you know how long it took me to find you?” He was dressed in a all white suit with golden fairy wings coming out from his back.

“Who, who are you?” I asked pointing at him.

“Yah, you know it’s rude to point.” I pulled my hand back. “Anyway, let me introduce me great self. I am Kim Heechul, the dream fairy.”

“Dream Fairy?” Really?

“Yes, a dream fairy. I was sent by the Goddess of Dreams to bring more happiness to you life.” This really is a dream. He put his hand out. I took it and he helped me up. “She has seen that your dreams have been nightmares for nearly the pass year. So, she has sent me to give you this!” In his hand popped out sliver key.

“What is this?” I said picking it up and looking at it.

“It's a key, a key to the fairy tales.” A key to the fairy tales? Does he mean the ones like Cinderella and stuff? “This key leads to a room where you can choose a story and dream of it.”

“So why do I have this?” I asked looking at him up and down.

“You seem to not have a imagination, this means your dreams are all nightmares.”

“I so do have an imagination!”

“Not according to the Goddess, now open the room!” He yelled.

“How?! Do I just stick this key into thin air and a door will open?” I sarcastically yelled.

“Yes, yes you do.” He said in a serious tone. I looked at him dumbfounded. “What? Its true though!” He took the key out of my hand and stuck it into air and turned it. A golden door appeared and opened. Still dumbfounded, my mouth fell open. He pushed me through the door and into a room that looked like a library. “I told you so!” It did work.

“This looks like a library.” I took a book off the shelf. Romeo and Juliet.

“Don’t choose that one, no happy ending. Trust me I know.This is a library, "” Heechul said as he planted himself onto the couch. I quickly put it back and went to look at some more.


“So, if I choose one of these, I will be put into the story?” From the corner of my eye I saw him nod.

“Choose one, and you’ll find happiness,” At that moment I saw a book my father use to read to me. I pulled it out of the shelf. “By the way to get in the book, you have to say ‘I dream a dream.” I nodded and looked at the book I got out.


‘I dream a dream...’

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MapleDumplings #1
Oooh, what world will she enter? >_<
Man! i cant stop imagning heechul in a tutu and wings XP
bonbon #3
This sounds really interesting :D Update soon ^^~
MapleDumplings #4
Oooh, Heechul a fairy XD
ooo~ sound's intriguing~~~