Chapter 1

The Last Time

     It started off like any other Sunday on that particular Sunday. I woke up and did my usual routine of the day. Nothing special or exciting would happen on that day, or that was what I thought at the beginning. I ws busy doing the laundry when I received a call from my boyfriend, Jiyong. He asked me out that day to watch a movie and have dinner together. Thinking that I had nothing better to do at home for the rest of the day, I quickly agreed to his plan.


I had been an orphan since I was ten years old. Being alone at a young age, really taught me how to be independent and to only trust myself since I do not have any other relatives or siblings. But somehow, something, about Jiyong makes me feel protected and loved. Wasting no time, I quickly got dress up in a simple shirt and jeans. After dressing up, like on a cue, I heard a knock on the door . Feeling excited and happy, I hopped my way towards the door and opened it and there he stood, looking dashing and handsome as always. I could not help but to notice there was something unusual about him that day. The way his smile looked a little bit crooked, a slight frown on his forehead and I sensed that there was something fishy about him. But, I quickly shrugged the thoughts away and grabbed my purse before we went away from there. While in the car, he was fidgeting nonstop in the driver's seat and there was one time where he spaced out and we almost got into an accident.


     We finally arrived at the shopping complex and feeling happy, I forgot all about his weird attitudes earlier and happily made my way to go shopping. I did not even notice that I had left Jiyong in the car alone when I went shopping. I only realized about that after I finished going stores there and shopped until I was beat. Seeing no sight of him at the  north section of the shopping complex, I decided to call him. I called him for the fourth time already and yet he did  not answer any of my call. I decided to go around the shoping complex and looked for him. It was hard to look for him as the shopping complex as the place was crowded with people on Sunday. After some time looking for him here and there, I finally found him. He was standing against the wall at the cinema and was talking to someone on the phone. I decided to tiptoed at his back and surprised him. He was laughing and had this really bright smile on his face unlike when he invited me over earlier.


Putting the feeling of jealousy aside, I quietly made my way towards him. I poked his shoulder and he was very surprised, He quickly cut off the call. There were beads of sweat on his forehead which I thought maybe it was just because he was so surprised at my actions. I apologized to him for making him scared and he reluctantly accepted my apology. I heard he mumbled some words before he walked away from there and headed down to the ticket counter. I bit my lower lip as he left me there all alone, trying to supress my tears as I bowed my head down, I was burning a hole at my shoes as I stared at it and tried to blink away all the tears that were building up. I heard footsteps was heading towards me and I looked up to see him, holding up the tickets for the movie. He daid some things that I could not figured out as I was still in a state of daze and just followed his steps. I tried to catch up with him and held onto his arm however he quickly wriggled his arm free out of my hold. I was stunned at his action but said nothing. We quietly went into the movie hall.


     I could not focused on the movie as things started to jumble up in my mind. This was not the usual Jiyong. It seemed like he turned into a completely different person. Thinking that there was some possibilities of it, I feel my heart ws cracking slowly and painfully. If he changed, what would I do? What if his feelings changed? The sudden thought of it, a drop of tears trickled down my left cheek. I made no attempt to wipe it away as he could saw that I was crying if I did that. After the movie ended, we went for our dinner at a restaurant nearby. Our dinner was a little bit awkward and was filled with silence, neither one of us talked through the dinner. We quickly finished our dinner and on the way back to my place, I asked him to park his car at a nearby park and walked me home. Eventhough that night was freezing cold and it looked like it was about to rain, I needed this walk to clear my head off things.


We walked in silence until I decided to speak out my thoughts. I told him that I noticed he was a bit different from usual and was not talkative like he was always been. He was bowing his head down on the pavement road. Continuing to ramble on and on, I could feel the hot tears builiding up in my eyes. We almost reached my place when he decided to speak up. My mind went blank as he spoke out why he was acting weird today and it turned out that he was dating my bestfriend, Sohee, behind my back. I never thought that the two people I trusted most in my life backstabbed me. I turned to him and looked him deep in the eyes. 


'It's okay, Jiyong. That's how life is. In life, people changed, feelings fade and things went wrong. At the end of the day, you've only got yourself to trust. In my case, I hope that I would remain as a good memory to you.'


     I smiled at him as I said those words and tears streamed down my cheeks as I touched his face probably for tthe last time in my life, I caressed his cheeks and I knew that he had been crying when I spoke earlier. He was just doing a better job at hiding his tears. I stepped back a little bit and inhaled deeply. I wiped away the tears and smiled at him but the tears still came running down my cheeks and finding it was useless to wipe it away again because it will still came out, I just let it be.


'I hope you will always be happy with her, Jiyong, You know that, your happiness is mine right? Take a good care of her. Love her unconditionally and don't ever let her go. She's really good for you, Jiyong. A good man deserve a good woman isn't it? I know that now I have no right to say this but Jiyong... I love you and probably will always have. I'm sorry that I was not good enough for you, I guess you deserved a better person than me. Thank you because you had always been there for me when I needed someone so bad. Thanks for always putting up with my childish attitude and always be by my side eventhough I know that I had annoyed you, irritated you, make you mad and upset you. But don't worry, now I won't disturb or bother you again and moreover, I will go far far away and will be out of your life forever. I know that I would be lying if I say that there won't be times when I miss you and long for you and want to get back to you but I've been pathetic enough now. So, I'll just keep all of those feeling buried deep inside my heart, act like nothing has ever happened and move on with life. Thanks for making me happy, Jiyong.. Eventhough right now my heart hurts so much and I wonder if I will ever find a cure to my broken heart.. I wish you the best of luck Jiyong. Please always be happy because you deserved it, you really do. Just, thank you for everything..'


With that, I turned my back on him and silently walked away. Before I walked any further, I felt a pair of hands hugging me from behind. With that, all of my self-control went down the drain, and my body shook badly from the tears that I had been trying to supress. He spun my body around and embraced me tight in his hug.


'Sandara, I'm sorry. I really did love you before. I really did. I'm so sorry and maybe now I actually still love you deep inside my heart. But Sohee is pregnant now, that's why I can't leave her alone and I need to buried the feelings that I still have for you and I need to be with her. I'm sorry baby... I love you.'


I cried even harder after I heard his confession. My body shook uncontrollably as the tears fall down nonstop. I can felt his arm hugged me even tighter and I hugged him back real tight because I'm afraid that this moment will passed by just like that, and this might be the last time I might actually get to be in his hug because I know that there won't be any of this again after tonight. I cried against his chest and soaked his shirt wet. My heart really broke at his words earlier and he continued to hug me tight as he knew that no words were needed from me because he know very well that I was breaking down inside. I knew that he was crying hard too as he hugged me like there's no tomorrow. Because when this time end, when we let go of our embrace from each other, we knew that's it. It will be the end. It started to rain but we still standing in the middle of the park, hugging each other tight and crying out what we had been feeling inside as we knew that after this, there won't be again any of this anymore. This was really not like any other Sunday, that Sunday was the day when my heart broke...





Sorry, I knew that this story is kind of lame and have some similarities with my The Ending Of Our Story fanfic. Actually the English paper question is to choose an essay you want to write and choose from the title gven. The question that I chose was write a story that begins with : It started off like any other Sunday morning...... Hahahaha. It's weird right? I know.. :( Despite this fanfic not being that good, fun or exciting. I hope you enjoy it!! Thanks for reading it.. :) And sorry for the not-so-right grammar usage and wrong spelling.. =D Thanks once again! :) 









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DaragonButterfly #1
Chapter 1: its sad authornim
MizzNini #2
Chapter 1: Sooo sad,poor Dara.It's really hurt when your boyfriend has an affair with your bestfriend, even get pregnant.Maybe she is better without them.Only 1 chp?but I love it. thanks for sharing!