
Turned out that way.

(A/N) My lil' peeps so sorry! I've been so sick! But I have come with a peace offering!! A chapter longer than usual ( OMO SO RARE!!  O.O ) Hope you enjoy! ^.^ ....Well it's suppose to be longer than usual... hehe

"When did you get here?" Sunwoo half growled.

"Oh hyung! Not too long ago actually, you care to join me?" He gestured to the food.

"No thanks, I've lost my apetite... in fact I'm kinda tired too, so I'll see you tomorrow." Sunwoo faked a yawn and left.

"Well they're no fun..."


"Eun-Ji? Eun-Ji?" You could make out Sunwoo's hushed whisper from the other side of the door.

Should I answer him? Nah, I don't want to deal with anyone else tonight... You heard his steps start to sound louder and louder. 

Omo! Ottokaji?! On instinct you leapt from the door onto your bed as quietly as possible while also managing to pretend to be fast asleep.

You observed that Sunwoo's steps came to a halt as he creaked open your door. Slowly you felt his presence sit next to your body. You rolled over faking a snort hoping he would leave thinking you were really asleep.

Suddenly you could feel his hand softly your hair.

"Eun-Ji... What's wrong with me? Why am I like this? My heart..." He inhaled, "I think my heart wants you.... I thought it was for Joo-Ri ,but you have convinced me of otherwise in such a short, short time."

Is he confessing right now?!

"Whatever you do, don't ever think twice about Gongchan other than an acquaintance, arraso?" He questioned as if he expected you to answer back.

I want to escape! I can't deal with this right now! Why are you confessing when you think I'm asleep?? Aishhh.... hurry and go! I like you too but I can't.... not now!

"Goodnight Eun-Ji."

You just pulled the covers closer to your body. Once his footsteps disappeared completely you opened your eyes.

What am I going to do?


Another sleepless night. Filled with nothing but useless thought, that led no where, and worries.

"Yah! Eun-Ji! Get up and make the breakfast!" Gongchan rapped his knuckles against your door loud and continuously.

"Alright! Now leave me alone!" You shouted.

"Not till I see your hands making me food!" He shouted through the door.

"Fine!" You stormed from your bed and swung open the door.

"YAH! I almost fell-- What's with your face?"

"If you're going to insult my face forget about breakfast!!"

"NO! It's just... did you not sleep last night?"

"Yeah I didn't got a problem??  It's all because of you and Baro and MAKE YOUR OWN BREAKFAST!! YOU...YOU WEIRDO!" You slammed the door on his face.

"Did she just call him Baro?... What just happened???" He was completely puzzled.

"What's with all the noise?" Sunwoo appeared halfway out his door rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know! She's gone crazy! Plus... she's not going to make breakfast..." He pouted.


Gongchan suddenly got an idea, "Hey... you can cook me breakfast since you know how to cook right?? Like last night, that was really good." Gongchan exaggerated the word good trying to persuade his hyung.

"Uhh..." He didn't look convinced.

"I'll pay you."

Sunwoo was gone before Gongchan could pull out his proof of payment. 

You leaned against the door straining to see if the were really gone.


You breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe I could stay in here and never see their faces again...

Even thought the thought was appealing, you knew you would have to face them eventually.

However.... Postponing realitly wasn't undoable. You smirked grabbing clean PJ's and headed to the bathroom. Hopefully taking a shower could help refresh and filter your worries.

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Chapter 28: Please update soon?! I can't be left with that kind of cliffhanger!
mary9159 #2
Chapter 18: :) aww! Nice filling chapter.
mary9159 #3
Chapter 17: ..... such a bad guy to leave her for joo- ri....
mary9159 #4
Chapter 16: thx for all of the updates!
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 15: Thank u for updating
melonmilk #6
Chapter 14: I'm really enjoying your story! I laughed when she was trying to take a nap in the tree haha. please keep updating ^^
mary9159 #7
Chapter 11: Ke ke ke ^,^ luv it! Update soon!
mary9159 #8
Chapter 10: tthx for update
mary9159 #9
Chapter 9: nice update!
mary9159 #10
Chapter 7: :-) :-D o_O <3 *,* :) thx for update!