All Alone

Turned out that way.

"Okay, well I'm off." Gongchan polished off his last pancake and put on his jacket.

"Where are you going?"

He slightly turned his head, showing a smile, "Secret."

"Wait, where do I clean today?" Before you got any feedback, he was out the door.

I'll just have to decide myself then.

"Guess we can talk about that "subject" since we're alone now." Sunwoo suggested.

"Yeah, since we are alo-" OMO! We are alone! Just us two! Ottokaji?! I don't want to discuss what happened last night with him!!



"You okay?"

"Y-yeah, why?"

"Your face got red all of a sudden." He pointed out.

"O-oh, really?" You directed your face away from him.

"So that kiss... why did you do it to me?"

"I'm sorry, it was really unexpected and I shouldn't have done that." You apologized looking at him....somehow he seemed closer than before.

"It was unexpected..." He confirmed inching closer.

Why is he so close? I'm going to have a heart attack and die!

"S-sorry." You muttered.

"Why did you do it anyway?"

You gulped, Because I like you.

"Because... I...." Come on stupid brain! Work!!

"Yes?" His voice was urging you to continue.

"I... had to confirm something." Yeah, that was smart to say.

"Confirm what?"

Does he want me to explode?!

"Oh you know..." You backed up into the fridge pretending to examine the contents inside.

Unexpectedly, the fridge door slammed shut as Sunwoo pulled you toward him.

"No, I don't know, please explain."

Might as well, "I.... like... y-" Suddenly Gongchan ran back inside.

"Sorry! Forgot my money!"

You took your chance to escape Sunwoo and chased after Gongchan.

"What is my job today?"

"Umm... clean the hallway." Just as fast as he entered he left.

You dashed upstairs before Sunwoo could catch you again. Thank goodness.


(A/N) Hey peeps!! Just wanted to remind you to post your feedbacks because I have nothing else to read... :( Jk Actually all the stories I'm reading never get updated >:( "Well you don't update either..." I know... I've been so BUSY!! and tomorrow and wednesday I won't update either because I'm going on a trip. Sorry. But I hope this was okay for an update.

Annyeong my lil' peeps ^ v ^

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Chapter 28: Please update soon?! I can't be left with that kind of cliffhanger!
mary9159 #2
Chapter 18: :) aww! Nice filling chapter.
mary9159 #3
Chapter 17: ..... such a bad guy to leave her for joo- ri....
mary9159 #4
Chapter 16: thx for all of the updates!
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 15: Thank u for updating
melonmilk #6
Chapter 14: I'm really enjoying your story! I laughed when she was trying to take a nap in the tree haha. please keep updating ^^
mary9159 #7
Chapter 11: Ke ke ke ^,^ luv it! Update soon!
mary9159 #8
Chapter 10: tthx for update
mary9159 #9
Chapter 9: nice update!
mary9159 #10
Chapter 7: :-) :-D o_O <3 *,* :) thx for update!