I still love you.

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You (Kwon -----)

You are a beautiful, innocent and respectful girl. You was raised by your brother ever since your parents passed away when you was 11, and your brother was 16. You brother decided to send you to a strict and popular school when you turned 15 which was two hours away, so you was made to move out from your brother. You soon then met Myungsoo who was an your amazing boyfriend, and decided to move in together, after a year in to your relationship. You caught him cheating and ran away. A year later you came back with a different image. 

The new you. A year later.

The new you. You are now a rude, and bad gangster who does not listen or trust anyone but your brother, his gang and new best friend. 

Myungsoo (your boyfriend/ex)

Your boyfriend/ex. Myungsoo loves you more than anything, and still does. Even though you left him without an explanation. Myungsoo is a badass gangster, hes a member of ''infinite'' and is feared by many people.

Your boyfriend/ex. Myungsoo loves you more than anything, and still does. Even though you left him without an explanation. Myungsoo is a badass gangster, hes a member of ''infinite'' and is feared by many people.

Myungsoo as a gangster.


A group of gangsters/Myungsoo and your friends.

Your brother (Jiyong)

Your gangster brother, super protective, loves you more than anything. The leader of Big bang.

Big Bang

Your brothers gang, super dopey boys, love you to pieces and protective of you.


Your beautiful best friend whose like your big sister, shes protective of you and loves you more than anything and hates infinite.


Your old friend when you was with myungsoo, little did you know she only used you because she liked myungsoo and wanted to get with him. she always tries to impress infinite and was more than happy when you was gone. she thought she could replace you in myungsoos heart, and tried to copy your style and hair and everything, she also end ups becoming friends with the evil queenka, who hates you.


The evil queeka who likes myungsoo, and would do anything to break you guys up. she was the happiest person along with mimi when you left, while everyone else was devasated that you was gone.

Teen Top

Teen top, a group of boys who are very close to Myungsoo, and infinite and knows what happened and hate Yejin for it.




You're a beautiful and innocent little seventeen year old girl, who has a loving boyfriend, who was a ganster. You lived with him since you moved out from her older brothers house. You didn't have any friends that are girls apart from one girl who was much like you, but a bit more evil. Since you was innocent and cute, you attracted many guys, which also mean't many girls envied you and tried to bully you. So the only friends you had were your boyfriends friends which was also gangsters, however they were amazing boys that treated you well, and you even became best friends with the youngest one. Every day was fun and exciting, your boyfriend would protect you from the evil queekas and get rid of your annnoying fan boys when they tried to purse you, many people envied your relationship and called your the best couple in the school, even the teachers knew how inlove you guys were..but sadly the beautiful relationship was ruined on your one year anniversary. you caught him kissing your bully, as well as your enemy. (your enemys name Yejin) was a queeka and everyone knew how evil she was, but then again she was beautiful. After witnessing your boyfriend kissing another girl, you ran away, without letting him explain. Even though it was all an misunderstanding.


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Chapter 1: Update soon ! Its Interesting ! >.< <3
xjessicale #2
Chapter 1: Update asap.
rebeyoum #3
Sounds really interesting:) please update!