What luck...


Ashley Taniguchi isn't the luckiest girl on Earth. Her and her bestfriend, Lily Hashimoto, try to get the most out of this summer. Ashley doesn't have it as easy as it can be, though. Her arch-enemy, Ariel Mae, is doing anything to get her caught or get locked away. Ashley has it in for the summer, she will need many things and you will get to read her adventures. Read on for her Last day or school and her first day of summer. ;)


Ashley makes really smart comments. She back-talks the teachers and makes everyone laugh at her jokes. Typical class-clown.

Lilly is really high-spirited. A great best friend of Ash's. (Ashley's). She's always finding something exciting to tell Ash (Only if Ash gives her something the same value as her news).

Ariel is a real brat. One of Ash's enemies. She's stuck up and snotty and only cares about how she looks. Great person, right?

Alan is Ash's best guyfriend. He's just like her, except a guy. He's always laughing and making fun of the Teachers.

Mrs. Ellin is the principal. She'll be explained in chapter 1.

Mr. Grimely is really heavyset. He waddles instead of walks or runs. He is Ash's HR teacher.


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