Just Do That Thing That You Do
Characters: Taekwoon, Hongbin, Hakyeon
Universe: Roomates in college 
Your the medicine I nead to heal,
The way you make me feel. 

It’s Friday night and Taekwoon knows the routine. He’s going to put on something semi-decent, which really just means a t-shirt and jeans, go out to the club with Hongbin, wait until Hongbin finds someone to go home with, and then make his own way home, alone. What fun.

Taekwoon does actually like dancing, and he does actually like dancing with other people. It’s just the talking to the other people part where he lets himself down. No one wants to hang out with a guy who can barely introduce himself. Due to this shortcoming Taekwoon has resigned himself to a perfectly simple formula on Fridays: Try to have fun and stare at Hakyeon. Hakyeon is the very sweet, very beautiful, and very funny fellow who tends to frequent the club Hongbin prefers.

Fortunately for Taekwoon his routine is about to be sent down the drain by Hongbin himself. Roomates can be both a pain and a blessing, and when Hongbin walks in with a slightly too cheery smile on his face, Taekwoon knows he’s about to get a little of both. Hongbin prefaces the situation thusly as he unlaces his work shoes, “I am sick of you just watching Hakyeon. I know you like him. Don’t worry I think I’m one of the few people on earth who understands your social cues, so no one else knows. Anyway, what I really want to do is give you a makeover.”

At this point Taekwoon is two steps into leaving the room, but Hongbin lures him back. He cautions Taekwoon, “Taek, I don’t mean a frilly pink extravaganza. I mean a lets-make-Hakyeon-drool outfit that renders it completely unnecessary for you to say a word before he wants to tackle you to the ground.”

Taekwoon finds himself thinking it wouldn’t hurt to try, and realizes that Hakyeon has got him really good if he’s actually contemplating becoming a part of a Hongbin plan. Hongbin takes his silence as a yes and begins his work. He riffles through his closet -the benefits of them being almost the same size are great- until he finds a dark burgundy button down and throws it in Taekwoon’s direction with the directions to, “roll the sleeves up a little less than half way and leave the top two buttons undone.” Hongbin then digs farther back into the closet where he’s got some very interesting pants hidden away. He drags out one of the more conservative pairs.

When he lobs them to Taekwoon a quick, “no” is spit out. Apparently black skinnys with fully functioning zippers running up the outside seams, from the bottom to half way up the thighs, is not something Taekwoon envisions himself wearing. However Hongbin reminds him it’s all for Hakyeon and asks him to at least try them on. Hongbin is about to dive back into the closet in search for shoes, but he manages to catch the tiny nod Taekwoon gives his reflection after tucking the shirt into the pants and examining the effect.

The last article of clothing is a pair of maroon boots that go half way up Taekwoon’s calves. The black laces crisscross between the silver eyelet holes that match the plain cuff Taekwoon always wears. Hongbin then dodges off into the kitchen muttering something about the final touch. When he comes back he shoves a slip of paper into Taekwoon’s hand and explains, “It’s your number. All you’ve got to do is dance around for a while looking wonderful, then walk over to Hakyeon and give this to him, before dancing off again. You’ll only have to talk to him later on the phone which should be way less stressful because if he calls you it means he’s interested.”

It all works out, of course, because Hakyeon has been watching Taekwoon during all times when Taekwoon wasn’t watching him. Taekwoon does stumble through the introductory phone call, but later manages to be very charming on their first date. 



Hi guys! I hope you liked this one <3  Comment and lemme know what you think of it, or just join me in begging that Taek will end up in a pair of pants like that ^_^ 


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8/4/14 11:21 It's up! I have prevailed over the new blue system ^_^


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Rev_13 #1
Chapter 11: Oh my god. I love Taekwoon in white things also (harness,stocking, straps or lace)
Chapter 11: hello i came back to this fic specifically to find the wontaek chapter and i'm just as endeared by it as i was all that time ago when you first posted it god bless you for this tbh

it makes me wanna write something with a similar theme ; w ;
i'm glad you wrote it~
Chapter 11: My OTP, yay, but I don't get it...
Chapter 15: It's really sweet , fightiiing author nim
Chapter 14: So cute jaehwan and sang hyuk together , I love this get away kind of trips hehe , great shot as always
Chapter 13: I love Wonshik and Jaehwan together
Chapter 8: Aww that was cute <33
My favorite colors are purple and pink ^^ And we used to have two goldfish, but they're both dead now XD
Chapter 8: i didn't even realize that this collection had no comments on it, but i don't understand how

these are some really great pieces, and i've been looking forward to all of them every time ( but especially the wontaek one because they're my otp and no one writes them as often as they should be written ). although i understood its dark tone, i didn't really understand what the hongbin/taekwoon chapter was about? maybe i should read it again

anyway, i'm looking forward to the rest of them!

( also my favorite color changes all the time, and i don't have a pet orz )