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It seems to be Yunho's lucky day. 

Yunho clasped his hands merrily with a huge grin on his face upon the served food infront of him without spending a penny on it and it is all thanks to his friend, Choi Siwon. He feels like a kid for having a sort of reward after getting a full score on their Math Quiz this morning. Everyone in their class congratulated him after when the teacher announced that Yunho got all the check marks on his paper, but to him–it is a perfect bonus points on his way to fame by his academic skills. Well-pleased that everyone in his class finally noticed him. Things have gotten better when Siwon willingly offered a lunch with him using his money. 

"Let's say..this is your reward." Siwon had said when they were on their way to the cafeteria. Luckily it wasn't as crowded like on Valentine's Day, though it's the place where everyone gather to fill their grumbling stomach and the popular students are no exception when it comes to food after all. This place could crowded anytime.

Meanwhile, Yoochun his bandmates are having another band practice somewhere away from everyone, and also to spend lunch with Changmin. 

"Why do you have, the cheaper food than I have..." Yunho eyed at the other's food who's obviously has less food than him. It seems to be unfair to have much greater than him and Yunho wouldn't mind paying him back on the free food, unless if he wants his money. Siwon, and his hand gestures, hastily sways his hand sideways, a gentle smile spread across his features. 
"No it's okay. I can't each that much." Siwon chuckled. "No worries, it's my treat right? Dig in!" 
"You won yesterday and I should be doin' it than you...Oh well. Suit yourself."
With his words and his oh-so smiles Yunho was convinced and took a bite on his food, chewing the food contently. His remaining money can buy a bag full of food later. 

"I've heard you were with Heenim yesterday, and told me that tables turned quite unexpectedly along with Chunnie and Jun." Siwon broke the brief silence when he was about to put the food into his mouth, referring about yesterday's rehearsal at the Drama Club. Heechul must've possibly told him about that incident either—but Yunho doesn't mind discussing topic at all, rather he was glad that Siwon started it.

Yunho shook his head, "Normally, you can only allow to see their rehearsal by an invitation from a member so I got mine from Hee...and yeah, it was unexpected that they liked us"

"That's good to hear! He even told me that Junsu played as Edgar? Or is Hee is kidding with me?"
"He's true! He's True! The Victoria was obviously enjoyed with him as Edgar than the original one...but that guy isn't bad at all." 
"Should've visit Heechul yesterday so that I saw you guys on stage. And laugh with him because–" Siwon's words cut off, restraining his laugh when they're going to talk about that incident again and again just like Junsu this morning. Why the hell did he have to know it anyway! He wasn't there when it happened!
"Oh come on!!! Damnit it all! Why isn't this thing over!" As the other male laughing Yunho slams his both palm on the table and was going to stormed out the cafeteria when Siwon grabbed his hand and returned to their table. But still, Siwon couldn't control his laughter. 

"Yeah I know, I know..but it wasn't easy too, right?"
"Errr..Kind of? To be honest it was very challenging since I haven't done acting before I was so shy. But—"

Albeit the script seems to be easy to do it and the character seems easy to portray it Yunho never imagined acting would be so difficult even on a rehearsal. There was a time it actually crossed Yunho's mind to join the drama club and include it to his plans to make things easier, yet he was uncertain on this idea since he haven't tried acting on stage before so he crossed out the idea from his plans and tried new one instead. Overall..

"We had so much fun even it was hard. I can say...It was worth a shot." Yunho looked at him, eyes gleaming with enthusiasm and smile filled of keenness to retain his mission that it left Siwon speechless when he returned back a look to him.

Siwon could only smile sheepishly. "I can see that.."  True, Heechul had told him a lot of things including his thoughts about Yunho. It was also the reason behind Siwon's late arrival on their game yesterday where he was with Heechul right after their rehearsal, there, he confessed a lot of things. Heechul might be blunt and straight-forwarded person but he's also a very honest man towards his friends and Yunho is one of those those people that Heechul treasures. Other than Yoochun and Junsu who had seen Yunho's eagerness on his goals from these years, Siwon is also one of them who supports Yunho behind his back. He's still very supportive to him until now whatever the circumstances he's in, despite that he's just a close friend to him. A friend is a friend, and Siwon treasures him too.

"He's changing. Not in a bad way but.." Heechul paused, rather than to continue his words he clicked his tongue when he caught Siwon staring at him. "Let's see if he can finish this so-called plan of his, if not then he'll definitely taste my spanking." 

Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden tone of Yunho's phone, he reached his hand one of his pockets and slips out his phone. 

"Yo, how dare you disturb my–"
"Pack your clothes Jung Yunho we're having another mission to accomplish!"

"What's with this..pre-opening thingy of the Host Club? Are they planning to do another skit again–? Gosh not again" Junsu took another look on the invitation in his hand as he walks with Yoochun side by side. Re-reading the whole paper again for the last time so he won't miss anything.
"Let's pray that they won't pull you to a kiss again. Prepare yourself." Yoochun croaks out, voice serious.
Just the mere thought of it made Junsu gulped, hoping none of them would kiss him as a fanservice just like they did last year's school festival. They found these peculiar invitations on their tables right after they came back from their practice and as what it said, the Host Club is throwing a pre-opening event party today at the Multi-Purpose Hall this afternoon. That's why Go Blue members are cordially invited to this said event which means Changmin might also received the same thing. 

The host club surely do spend a lot on their little parties, Yoochun thought, yet he's having a tinge of wariness to this event they're throwing. "...It wouldn't hurt to take a peek on it, right?"


Upon arriving the said place there was a queue of line on the side leading outside of the hall, but due to these two unfamiliar students guarding the door it seems to be complicated to enter the event without an invitation unlike them, the line are mostly by fans almost crowding half of the hallway giving the staffs an headache by their impatient complains. Outside the hall was simply decorated with large patch of blue and white roses displayed at each sides, there was also a sign beside the blue roses saying "Pre-Opening Program by the Host Club" with a very elegant font and colored with pastel shades of blue.

"A very typical thing for the host club indeed.." Yoochun chuckled halfheartedly at the sign, knowing that blue is the signature color of the said club since they were freshmen. Way back before they've been invited to a similar program like this regarding for their upcoming School Festival. Incidentally they were on the first list on their Special Guest to perform live the whole day for the program which they've gained more supporters than their main performance on the festival itself. The said party was to let everyone see their sneak peak on thei

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