The Beginning-Part 1

WIN The Untold Story

May 31st 2013

I suppose you could argue that this was the day when it all began, the indescribable cruel battle that would decide the future of 11 special boys. However at the time they didn’t know it…

“Yahhh wake up!!!! Everyone up!!!” Hanbin shouted as he walked down the hallway of team b’s dorm, “and don’t even bother to ask for another 5 minutes Bobby!”

Making his way over to their modest kitchen, he opened the cupboards looking for something that would pass for food. Not finding anything suitable he decided to settle for starting the rice instead. Jinhwan was a better cook anyway. Once he set the timer on the cooker he figured he should probably check back up on s.

He poked his head into the room he shared with Jinhwan and was satisfied to see his friend sitting up rubbing his eyes.

“Morning,” Hanbin greeted as he sat on the edge of the bed across from Jinhwan. “How did you sleep?”

Jinhwan took a few moments to process that he was asked a question before answering, “I slept pretty well if you consider what today is. How about you? Did you even get any sleep?” He gestured towards the pristinely made bed on which Hanbin now sat. “I distinctly remember how much you hate to fix your covers in the morning.”

Hanbin shrugged his shoulders rather than admitting to either thing.

“Hanbinnie you can’t keep doing this to yourself every time we have a big assessment. It’s bad enough as it is that you refuse to sleep for more than a few hours anyway.” Jinhwan approached Hanbin placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it quick squeeze before he started tugging him off the bed. “Come on, I know my nagging won’t change it any time soon. Did you start the rice?”

“Yea, I couldn’t figure out what to make to go with it though. We really need to go shopping.” Hanbin paused on the journey down the hall. “Maybe you will have better luck throwing something together than I did.”

Jinhwan nodded in understanding. “I will finish cooking breakfast if you get everyone else up. Deal?”

“Deal, but I might need some help with our troublesome baby Donghyukie. I swear he sleeps like the dead”

Rather than respond, Jinhwan just rolled his eyes and continued on to the kitchen.

The maknae of the group, Donghyuk, even though he wasn’t the youngest in age definitely acted like it. As the last to join team B he was relegated as the baby, despite Junhoe being younger by a couple months.

Knocking loudly on the door, Hanbin proceeded to yank it open knowing the two members within weren’t likely to acknowledge it in any case. The first thing he did was rip the curtains to the side flooding the room with natural light. Hanbin knew he was partially successful when a painful groan was emitted from the bottom bunk.

Smiling to himself he went over the bed and stripped off the covers of one of his best friends, Bobby.

“Pssst…Hey, Jiwon get up.”

“No freaking way. Give me my covers back you theif!” Bobby responded while reaching blindly for the blankets that now lay scattered on the floor. On accident or on purpose, one couldn’t say for sure, he ended up swatting the back of Hanbin’s head.

“Yah Kim Jiwon, normally I would play with you, but today is the monthly assessment so get your up we don’t have time for this. I need your help in getting Donghyuk up.”

Bobby rolled over and attempted to shut out the light by clamping the pillow over his head. “Ughhh get Jinhwan to help you drag that stubborn maknae out of bed. He takes too much energy to wake up.”

Frustrated Hanbin did the only thing he could think of… “Oh my god, have you heard? It was announced this morning on Entertainment Weekly that CL and Kim Hyunjoong are officially dating!”

Hanbin literally had to jump out of the way in order to avoid the whirlwind that was Kim Jiwon as he flew off the bed, no doubt in search of his tablet. As it was he still ended up with a heap of Bobby in his lap. It was a well-known fact that Bobby had a not so secret crush on Seoul’s baddest female. He knew nothing could come of it, but it still didn’t stop him from admiring the crap out of her from afar.

“Hey get off me Jiwon-ah your elbows are like knives,” Hanbin whined.

A devilish smile suddenly appeared on Bobby’s face, his eyes scrunching up until they were only slits. “What was that Hanbinnie I couldn’t understand you?” He pretended to ask and then proceeded to wriggle on the very uncomfortable leader of team b, this time purposely digging his elbow into Hanbin’s sensitive sides.

“Crap owww, hahaha stop! Ahhhh…OUCH that one hurt Bobby.”

“Don’t even think about escaping you blanket hijacker!” Bobby warned once he felt Hanbin try to slide out from underneath him.

Growing desperate Hanbin took a deep breath and then screamed, “JIIIIIINNNNHHWAAAAAAAN HELPPPPPP!”

“SHUT UP ALREADY jeez!” A new voice grumbled from the top bunk.

Bobby and Hanbin were so surprised by the sudden outcry from their normally well-tempered maknae that they immediately froze. They turned to stare at their newest member Donghyuk who currently looked like he had gone 3 rounds with a prized pit-bull and came out the loser. His hair was sticking up at unimaginable angles and there was a bit of dried drool on his chin. Not to mention the lines creased onto his cheek no doubt caused by his pillowcase.

Hanbin couldn’t contain his laughter any longer; he took one glance at Bobby before bursting into full blown hysterics. His recent tormenter joined in not a second later finding the situation extremely amusing as well.

“What in the heck is going on in here?!” Someone yelled as they stumbled into the room.

Bobby and Hanbin paused in middle of their mental breakdown to stare at the newcomer only to fall further into their fit of laughter.

Standing in the doorway was the group’s true youngest Junhoe in only his boxers with a SpongeBob blanket draped around his shoulders like a cape. His hair was sticking straight up in the front thanks to an impressively large eye mask that rested on his forehead, which must’ve only been partially removed in his rush to find out what was going on. All in all he made for a very interesting display.

It was the arrival of the last member, Yunhyeong that finally put a stop to the rapper duo’s trolling. He quickly grabbed up the nearest projectile, which turned out to be Bobby’s stuffed hello kitty doll and proceeded to throw it straight into their faces.

“Yah will you guys settle down already? If you wanted to wake us up you could’ve at least had the courtesy of making a humane attempt first rather than cackling in here like bunch of hyenas.”

“Ahhh sorry,” Hanbin and Bobby replied automatically though they didn’t look the least bit apologetic.

Yunhyeong threw his hands up in the air in surrender. “Forget it, is there food?”

Hanbin slowly got up off the floor before leaning down to help Bobby. “Oh yea that’s why I was getting everyone up. We only have a little bit of time before we need to leave. Jinhwan should be finishing up cooking breakfast right about now.”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Bobby complained.

For that he received a playful punch to his shoulder by the leader. “Yea right. You only moved once I mentioned CL-noona.”

Bobby’s eyes widened comically before he made a mad dash to grab his phone remembering Hanbin’s earlier statement.

“Hey I was kidding ok?!!” Hanbin yelled after him, while trying to hold in his laughter. Honestly Bobby always made him smile. He had such a carefree and sincere personality it was hard not to like the guy.

It took a few seconds for the message to sink in before Bobby slid to a halt on the wood floors and made a 180 degree turn heading straight for Hanbin.

“You little rascal!” He shouted while slinging an arm around the leader’s neck in a strong chokehold. “How dare you mess with my feelings like that!”

Hanbin quickly dropped to the floor successfully breaking free from Bobby’s grip and then the chase was on. Absolute chaos reigned until the eldest of the group stepped in.

“Lets eat!”

Those two words had an instantaneous effect, turning the chase for revenge into a race for the spread of food that was laid out across the coffee table instead.

Not wasting any time the hungry boys dug in, making small talk while fighting over the bits of ham and egg in the fried rice Jinhwan made. Once the plates were devoid of any leftovers, the dishes were quickly cleared and then the boys finished gathering their things before once again meeting in the living room.

“Hey Mino wants to know if we would like to grab a bite to eat with them after the assessment. He mentioned something about that food stand we like with the really tasty fishcakes. Who’s in?” Hanbin asked.

A shout of triumph went up as everyone tried to talk at once. It was one the trainee’s favorite places to eat. The ahjumma that ran it always gave large servings for really cheap and had a big heart.

“I figured as much, so I already replied yes.” Hanbin said. “Besides that is everyone prepared?”

There was no need to ask what for. Today was the last day of the month which meant only one thing, monthly assessments. It was the one time a month where they had to show President Yang Hyun-Suk what they’d been working on. He judged not only on the quality of the performances, but personal growth as well.

“If we aren’t it certainly isn’t from lack of practice.” Bobby replied. “You seriously worked us to the bone this month Hanbin.”

“Sorry, I only did what I thought I had to.” Hanbin said quietly. “I know I push you hard, but it’s only because I see the potential to be better.”

Bobby nudged his good friend to get him to look into his eyes. “I was kidding Hanbinnie, we wouldn’t have made it this far if it wasn’t for you. I’ve always thought that and I know the others feel the same way.”

Hanbin gave a slight smile in thanks, acknowledging the compliment.

“Man, I was trying to lighten up the mood and all I did was make it turn serious, sorry guys.” Bobby stretched his arms casually above his head. “We’ve already put in the work. Our sleepless nights and buckets of sweat have proved that. All we have left to do now is enjoy it!”

The others all nodded in agreement.

A shrill beeping broke the silence announcing the arrival of the company car and all too soon it seemed that it was time to head to out.

As they made their way down to the van Hanbin couldn’t help but fidget with the friendship ring on his right hand. It was identical to the one he shared with his 5 other members. Upon reaching the vehicle it was with an uneasy heart that he slid home the door. He couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something big was about to happen.

Little did he know how right he was…In less than 12 hours their whole world would be flipped upside down.




A/N: Well there you go the first chapter. I hope this serves as a taste of what is to come. Let me know what you think...good or bad I don't care. All feedback is appreciated. Regardless I hope you enjoyed. :)

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Chapter 1: waaaa . . . .update soon authornim >.<
Chapter 1: I just finished watching and 'Saddest moment of Team B WIN'. Now this is getting on my feels........ Update soon!
Fallingsideways #3
Chapter 1: Omg I like it! The way you portrayed the members was perfect! :)
Cant wait for another update ~
Kpop_arraso #4
This is a really good story you write very well and I hope you update soon! Fighting author-nim!1 ^_^