Lovely Vows


Arranged marriages are a thing of the past. Sehun's family begs to differ.



| C H A R A C T E R S |


{ Han Jooyoung }

"Love is not an arranged marriage. Therefore... Oh Sehun, I don't think I can say I love you."

Enter Han Jooyoung, daughter of a CEO who is slowly declining in both reputation and wealth after the death of Jooyoung's mother. Her family was formerly wealthy, but after death stole Jooyoung's mother, it seemed to steal their wealth too. A gentle, shy girl, Jooyoung often isolates herself except for when she's helping out her father when things get rough. Her social isolation leads her to be rather nervous around new people, and she tends to be quite nerdy since she spends so much time alone and at home. Nonetheless, Jooyoung is an innocent, polite girl who tries her best to stay in line and wouldn't dare to break a rule, even when forced into an arranged marriage with a boy she's never met.


{ Song Ireum }

"You should give up now and let me take over. Without the proper care and education, being a good wife is absolutely and utterly impossible."

Song Ireum is what others would call 'the whole package.' Smart, pretty and virtually fearless, Ireum comes from a wealthy family that used to work with Sehun's. She's known for being quite stubborn and bold, so speaking her mind is never a problem in Ireum's book. She also possesses great confidence and will stop at nothing to get what she wants, but her one and only fear is losing the people she loves and cares for. An old childhood friend of Sehun, the two were seperated once Ireum chose to study abroad in the States.


{ Oh Sehun }

"Having my family choose such a weak, fragile person like you as my wife is nothing short of a mistake."

Oh Sehun, the typical rich boy who has on a cold facade around others. His mask melts away when he's with his friends, however, revealing a bratty troublemaker who is dedicated to bubble tea and his family. He's not the best at expressing his emotions, and can come off as a jerk every now and then. Despite that, Sehun still loves his family, especially his mother who took care of him the most during his childhood. Initially, the first friend he'd made had been Song Ireum, but after she left for the States Sehun befriended eleven other guys who liked to call themselves EXO when together.


{ EXO }

"We should make a motto! I mean, if we're dorky enough to name our group, why don't we add in a motto, too?"

"Our motto should be something cool. Like... something that rhymes."

"That sounds a bit cliche. I vote we don't make it rhyme."

"Does 'We Are One' sound good?"

A group of friends composed of twelve boys including Sehun, they all named their group 'EXO' with the motto 'We Are One.' They're quite an entertaining bunch, often causing mischief and laughter wherever they go. Despite their playful exterior, though, it is without a doubt that they'd stick together through thick and thin. All of them come from wealthy families, which is one of the reasons as to how Sehun came to meet them.


"Jooyoung, come down here!" a voice exclaimed from the bottom of the stairs, his voice bouncing off the large walls of the house. "Our guests have arrived!"

"I'm coming, appa!" the female voice shouted in response before quick footsteps replaced the sound of her words. The girl scrambled to make herself look presentable, hastily running a brush down her hair several times before dashing - and almost tripping - down the stairs. "Are they inside already?"

"Not yet," her dad said, shaking his head. "They're still out by the door. Sit down at the dining table, okay? We have a lot to discuss with our visitors."

"Like what, appa? Is it something dealing with business?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what is it?"

"It concerns your marriage with their son, Oh Sehun."


Admin Ti's A/N: Hello you guys! Admin Ti here <3

Excited for our new story, 'Lovely Vows'!? I hope you'll enjoy reading it!

This story will be co-authored by the other Admin on this account, Admin Lin and I. We'll be taking turns updating with each chapter, so please anticipate it and we'll try our best not to disappoint~ <33

Comment and subscribe, yeah!? We really adore feedback from you guys and would appreciate it a ton!

Saranghaeyo~ <3 <3

Admin Lin's A/N:  Hey ya’ll Admin Lin here! ^^

Did you guys like the description and foreword? It’s quite a mysterious one ain’t it? ;)

Please anticipate Lovely Vows because it will be our first fanfic posted on AsianFanFics!!~ <3

If you guys see anything we could improve on or just want to chat with us, comment down below! :) Also, as Admin Ti said, subscribe to us yeah? We love you lovelies very dearly! <33

Thank you for checking out Lovely Vows. Now go go go~ Press that next button to read our first chapter!! ^.^

Saranghae~!! <3

We don't own anything besides the story and our OCs.
Poster made by us admins.


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Angelus101 #1
Chapter 10: I love this fic, please update soon
Chapter 10: Seriously get married already Joohun!! they're too sweet to be true! <3
hunhanBAES #3
Chapter 10: Ahh so sweetttttt >~~~<
kememeng #4
Chapter 10: kyeopta~~~ ^_^ sehunnie is so cute!
Chapter 9: Sehun's a fat . A hot fat . I love him so much that it hurts. <3 </3
BAPlover52 #6
Chapter 9: I love the teasing - and that you add the vocab at the end!!!
littlecarrots #7
Chapter 9: Aaaah!! They're so cute!! I really like their moments!!
Thanks for the fast update!! ♡
hunhanBAES #8
Chapter 8: Ahhh so cutee ~~~~