~ One ~

Life's Nothing Without A Little Bit Of Zelo

Dear diary, 

So today is the day! We are finally going to the BAP concert here in Sydney. I'm kind of excited, but at the same time not... I just can't explain probably. It's like a rollorcoaster it's messing with my emotions. Anyway right now I can hear Lala screaming my name from downstairs. I really don't want to listen to that for long so I'm going now! 

Peace xoxo~ Neisha.

I sighed closing my diary, I knew my peace and quiet was now over. I groaned heaving myself off of my bed. With heavy thuds I ran downstairs to where the girls were waiting. 

"About time! We are gonna be late!" Seihyun exclaimed as I jumped off of the last step. I smiled at her cheekily. You see I'm the youngest in the group so I'm known to always be late or too early. I'm not good with time.  "Yah! No time for that we have to go!" Minso said whilst pulling me by my wrist to the front door. She was walking at a fast pace, I grunted annoyed at the fact that I was being forced to something that doesn't even start till 5:30 at night! I pulled my phone out of my jean pocket and checked the time. 9:54 in the morning. I clicked my phone off and sighed. With Minso's grip on my wrist I could feel my hand going numb.

Minso dropped her grip on my arm once we reached the elevator. "Cheers Minso! I've always wanted not to be able to not feel my hand!" I said sarcastically whilst rubbing my wrist. I looked down at my wrist. A bruise was forming. Ouch! I made a quick reminder to put ice on it when I got home. "Alex-ah please be ready earlier." Myunsoo sighed pressing the button to the lobby floor. The doors closed almost instantly. 

The elevator ride was silent, I looked around at all the girls. Each one of them was doing something different. Myunsoo was busily clicking around on her phone, as was Lala. Sengguk was munching on a piece of Vegemite toast. Both Minso and Seihyun were playing an intense game of scissor, paper, rock and lastly Narjae was slightly dozing off, leaning against the elevator wall. I giggled to myself, each one of the girls were doing something odd or just being lazy.

Once the elevator reached the lobby floor, the girls sprinted out and ran all the way to the entrance doors. I sighed and starting to run after them!  It was easy to catch up because they were all wearing a pair of heels! But I was being a smart child and wore my converse. As we were running many people were looking at us in bewilderment. I guess I would have done the same, seeing six young girls running down a road in a crazy matter was very odd.  

"C'mon the train is going to leave soon!" Sengguk exclaimed, running faster. I could feel my legs start to burn after a while, but I pushed through the pain, not wanting the girls to miss their big day. 

Once we reached the train station, we all collapsed onto a park bench. Our breathing was heavy. Nobody spoke, we were just trying to regain our breath. Eventually I regained my breath. I looked at the other girls and they all still looked puffed out. 

"Guys! The trains almost here! Get up!" I said, standing up and dusting invisible dust off my backside. They all nodded and slowly started to get up. With great effort they got up.

"Train to Sydney Harbour is now in the station. It is situated in Platform 5 and will be leaving in 2 minutes." The intercom screeched through the station. 

The girls and I quickly walked over to platform 5 and jumped onto the train. 

Throughout the train ride I kept on getting stared at by a young boy. He looked to be about 3. He was quite short and had short brown shaggy hair. His eyes were absolutely gorgeous. They were a light hazel colour that anyone would fall for. 

The little boy was very cute and reminded me of my little brothers! Who were back in my hometown. 

Time went by and eventually the train stopped at Sydney Harbour Station. We jumped off the train and made our way towards Luna Park.... 

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