Part 1

If Only Love is Easy to Forget

“Mom! I really don’t want to do this! Why do I have to become best man? And why do I have to be partnered with the bridesmaid from noona’s family? Why can’t I take my girlfriend instead? You know she isn’t happy with this!” Jackson kept complaining to his mom multiple times.

“Stop it, Jackson! It’s a request from your cousin. Why can’t you just accept it? It’s just a best man, not the real wedding. What’s so big about it? She will only link her arm with you. That’s all!”

“That’s the problem, mom! What if I don’t like the girl? Maybe she is annoying or even ugly!”

“Jackson! Don’t be so childish. I’m so done with you! No more complaining and you still have to do it!” Her mom left him alone in his room.

Jackson couldn’t stop grumbling. He could hear his mom told her brother about his complain just now and his brother only laughed at it.

Laugh as much as you want. You’re lucky it’s not you who got picked. Jackson cursed his brother in his mind.

Jackson unlocked his phone and saw his photo and his girlfriend.

“Mianhe. I think I really have to do this.” He brushed his girlfriend photo.

He loves her so much that he doesn’t want to hurt or make her feel insecure. That’s why he really begged his mom to help him but it seems like his mom didn’t really care about it. She doesn’t really approve his relationship anyway.



Jackson was sitting in a table where the family gathered. He was all ready with black suit and purple tie. He didn’t care if it didn’t match with the suppose to be his partner.

“Wah! Look at you! My son actually looks so handsome today. But what’s with that expression?” Jackson’s mom came to check on him.

Jackson rolled his eyes and glared at his mom.

“Happy now?”

“Yes, I’m so happy that my son is so handsome.” His mom smiled warmly but that didn’t have any effect on Jackson.

“Oh, come on! I saw the bridesmaid already and she looked dazzling. You won’t regret this.” Her mom tried to cheer him up.

Jackson rolled his eyes again.

“Please mom. I already have a girlfriend.”

“We’ll see.” His mom gave a mischievous grin before left.


Minutes later Jackson got called to get ready. He would walk with the bridesmaid beside him and lead the way before the bride walk in. Again, he couldn’t stop grumbling but he followed anyway. He saw a girl with long wavy brown hair wearing simple purple dress. She held a rose bouquet in her hand.  Her back was facing him but somehow he felt the girl was familiar.

We actually matched. Jackson thought.

Jackson decided to approach her since they have to get ready on their position.

“Hey.” Jackson tried to get her attention.

The girl turned around and Jackson surprised to see who she was.

“Suzy?!” Jackson pointed his finger to her.

Suzy widened her eyes in response.


“So it was you. Why they didn’t just tell me that you’re the one who will become the bridesmaid?”

“They didn’t tell me either.”

The two burst into laughter.

“I was so worried about who will be the best man. I’m glad that it was you.” Suzy smiled.

“Yeah. I was worried too. I’m afraid the girl would be ugly or annoying.”

“What kind of reason is that?” Suzy laughed at him.

 “Jackson and Suzy?” An older woman called their attention.

“Yes?” Jackson first to answer.

“Please be ready and stand right here. When I give you a sign, you two can start walking to the front. Don’t forget to link your arms. Just walk slowly and smile okay.”

Both of them nodded. The bride was standing behind them, waiting for them to walk in first.

Suddenly the music started to play and the woman earlier gave them sign to walk in.

“Shall we?” Jackson offered his hand. Suzy smiled in return. She linked her arm on Jackson’s and held the bouquet in her other hand.

The two walk in and all people looked at them in awe. Many people gave them compliment. Well, not out loud of course. Somehow Jackson found himself happy walking with Suzy. He saw how people admire them. It’s not like he didn’t know that he was handsome but definitely because of her too. She was known to be a goddess in their university and he proud to be her friend. He sneak glance at Suzy and unconsciously fell for her charm. He quickly looked to the front again. They almost there and the bride started to follow them from behind.

Get a hold on yourself, Jackson! She is beautiful. That’s all! You have a girlfriend and you love her! Jackson did mental slap.

He could saw his mom grinning with eyes telling him that she won. Jackson really wanted to roll his eyes but he couldn’t, not when he’s the center of the attention. Jackson and Suzy were already at the front and they moved to the side.  They watched as the bride met the groom.


Jackson was sitting on his family’s table and staring at the two tables beside him. There were Suzy and her family. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw how playful she was with her younger brother. He remembered how they met last time on the annual party. She was so quiet and he wondered why. Last thing he knew was she already broke up with Jaebeom.

“She is lovely, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is.” Jackson unconsciously answered, still staring at her. But then he realized what he just said and looked up to find the groom, who is his cousin, laughing at him.

“It’s not funny! You caught me off guard!”

“Yes, I did. So, your mother told me that you don’t want to do it. But it was worth it, right?” His cousin gestured to Suzy.

Jackson gave him poker face.

“She is my friend and I already have a girlfriend.”

“Really? But you two look great together.”

“Thanks. I know I’m handsome.”

“Yeah right. Oh, I have to go now. I still have to greet my guests.”

“Okay. Oh by the way, congrats hyung with your wedding.”

“Thanks.” His cousin tapped his shoulder and went away.

Jackson looked back to where he left but got no sign of Suzy. She was no longer with her family so he began to look around and found her standing in front of big window that show night view of Seoul.


“Got a little bored?”

Suzy turned her head to the source of the voice. She smiled and nodded her head. They were now standing right next to each other, admiring the view. Their arm would brush sometimes and Suzy could feel her body tense up but luckily Jackson wasn’t aware of that. They were both in silence so Suzy gathered up her courage to speak.

“Are you still waiting for someone?” Suzy asked. She immediately regret for asking such a personal question.

In the other hand, Jackson was quite taken aback from her sudden question.

He turned to look at her and gave her shy smile while rubbed behind his neck. That action made Suzy’s heart sank.

“No, I found someone already and we’re dating now. How about you? I heard you just broke up with Jaebeom.”

Suzy gave sad smile but didn’t look at Jackson.

“What happened? Did something happen before the annual party? You were so quiet back then.”

She shook her head and answered, “Because I simply love someone else.” She turned to look at him right in his eyes. He could say there’s something behind the stare. His heart suddenly beat faster as he began to ask, “Who?”

Both of them stared at each other for awhile before Suzy finally broke the stare.

“Can’t tell you.”

“Why? Maybe I can help you.”

No, you can’t because it is you, stupid. Suzy thought.

Suzy gave him apologetic smile and shook her head. Jackson was so disappointed that she didn’t want to tell him. He was so curious who it is and wonder why his heart beat faster. Did he expect something? The atmosphere between them became heavy and no one dared to speak.

Suddenly the MC announced that the bride was going to throw the bouquet. Both of them looked at the stage and saw women and some of the men gathered in front of the stage where the groom and the bride stood. Jackson turned to look at Suzy.

“Wait here.” He said before dashed to join the crowd in front of the stage.

Suzy was surprised and too late to react. She watched Jackson as he pushed within the crowd to get better position.  Everyone was counting from one to three and the bride threw the bouquet. Jackson quickly jumped as high as he could and grabbed the bouquet before anyone else did. Jackson smiled widely and did little ceremony while raising his fist.

He came to approach Suzy. But before Suzy could congratulate him, Jackson handed the bouquet to her. Suzy widened her eyes and froze in her spot.

“This is for you. I don’t care whom you have crush on but I wish you can be happy with him.” Jackson gave her his warm smile.

She received the bouquet and smiled genuinely from her heart.

“Thank you. This means a lot to me.” Jackson didn’t know how Suzy was extremely happy. Just imagine your crush tried so hard to get the flower for you. If she was alone, she might had jumped up and down and screamed her lung out.

“You’re welcome!” Jackson grinned at her.

Suddenly they heard people clapped their hands. They looked around and found people were staring at them. Jackson then realized what he just did.

“People must think I proposed you or something.”

“Wha.. What? But you already have a girlfriend.” Suzy blushed madly.

“It’s fine. Just this time. I did it as friend anyway.” Jackson winked.

Suzy felt a stab in her heart hearing word ‘friend’. Jackson was about to realize her sudden change of emotion if his mom didn’t called him.

“Jack, I was looking for you.” His mom called. She then smiled at Suzy.

“So, both of you know each other or something?” His mom asked.

“Um, yeah. Mom, this is Suzy, my friend. And Suzy, this is my mom. We actually attend same school and university.”

“Oh, really? Nice to meet you, Suzy.”

Suzy bowed and smiled. “Nice to meet you too, Auntie.”

“Well, I don’t want to interrupt you guys but Jackson and I have to go home. I hope you don’t mind, Suzy.”

“Oh, of course not.” Suzy answered quickly.

“Maybe you can come to our house if you have free time.” His mom smiled at her.

Suzy took glance at Jackson before smiled back and answered.

“I would love to.”

“Okay then, we really have to go now. I’ll see you soon.”

“Yes. It’s really nice to meet you, Auntie.”

“Me too.” His mom smiled warmly at her before taking her leave.

“I’m sorry about my mom and I have to go too. So..”

“No, it’s fine. Your mom is warm and lovely.” Suzy smiled.

Unusualywarm. Jackson thought while smiling.

They waved to each other before Jackson went away to reach her mom.

“Do I have to remind you that I already have a girlfriend?” Jackson said to his mom.

“What? I just like her.”

“Yeah. But we’re not that close to invite her home.”

“Then you have to tell me first before actually gave her the bouquet. You two were so sweet!” Said her mom rather too excited. Jackson didn’t answer and just rolled his eyes.


Suzy watched as Jackson left. She looked at the bouquet in her hands and couldn’t help but grinned widely and blushed little.

“Don’t tell me he’s Jackson whom you have crushed on?” Her brother appeared from her back.

Suzy was surprise and stuttering. “Ho.. How do you know?”

“Well, I read your diary because I’m so curious about what you wrote. And let me tell you, noona. Diary only belongs to girls. It doesn’t suit you, you know.” Her brother shook his head.

“Yah! Bae Sang Moon!” Suzy was going to hit her brother but her brother already ran away.

“I’m going to get you later.” Suzy said as she glared to her brother.





What do you think? Do you think Jackson had crossed the line? XD

I decided not to use title so I hope it didn’t bother you.. Tell me what you think on the commets okay!! And I’m so happy that some of you subscribed my story again after I post the author note <333

As always, I’ll see you uys again!! Annyeong~~~




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kjasmin #1
It's reallly great i love jackzy and i would like you to continue writing thé rest waiting update when you have time
Ynahissueweetie #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please!~
CrazyMaknae94 #3
This could be made to a great Kdrama F&Mleads: Jackzy
Chapter 5: everytume you addres jackson as jack, i cant help but to think of my cousin hahahahaha
i want more fluffy moments XD
purpleblack #5
Chapter 5: did jackson really doesn't has a feeling 2wards suzy???x(im sad:+(
Chapter 5: Looks like Jackson really dont have feelings for Suzy.... now im getting worried for her...
Chapter 4: I LOVE IT!!! It's like Jackson's real personality *O* JACKZY <3 please update soon
KawaiiCookie #8
Jackzy fighting!! I really like this fanfic!!
themelodyofinspirit #9
Chapter 4: is this story still going to be an angst?? T^T
just make them become together already!! lol
update soon. fighting!!~~