





KM was brought to a hospital and had her wounds cleaned. She was accompanied by EXO's manager. EXO, on the other hand, went back to SM Building and was warned not to go outof the company unless going back to the dorm or going to a scheduled appearance on shows. Everything went fine after that.


Few days have passed, SM Building received a special invitation from a channel network stating EXO was chosen as the first ever group to be in a reality show. Soo Man immediately called EXO for a meeting.


"The tv network will send a cheque of six billion won if you accept the one-week challenge. You have to live in an island for a whole week and they cover how you use natural resources to survive." Soo Man explained.


"What about our gadgets?" Suho asked.


"We are going to confiscate any gadgets you have and will give it back right after the one week shooting."


"Are they going to give us canned goods, distilled water and anything that will help us on the challenge?" Kris was next to asked.




"How about first aid kits?" Lay asked for he was in charge of healing anybody who is wounded.


"Yes. They will also teach you how to make fire, catch fish and build a cottage for you to sleep. They will also provide medicines if someone catch cold." Soo Man stated.


"How about our clothes?" Kai asked for he was really concerned with which clothes are they going to bring.


"You are only allowed to bring three pieces of any kind of clothing. For example, three briefs or underwears, three sandos, three shorts etc."


EXO looked at each other and all of them was excited about it. 


"Mr. Soo Man, what if we do not want to accept it?" Xiumin interrupted.


"Well it is up to you. But to tell you honestly, our company needed the money. Two billion won can cover the three-quarters of our debt."


"Two billion? I thought they offered six billion?" Lay started to be confused.


"Yes six billion won was the offer. Two billion for the company and 4 billion to all of you." With what Soo Man said, EXO's eyes widened and they all cheered, considered as a yes.





Early morning and EXO was ready to travel. The staffs made sure that there were no fans and paparazzis around the SM Building's area. They also set up an special exit way for EXO. 


This shooting of their first reality show is not yet known by media and fans. The SM Entertainment CEO and staffs, and the TV network are the only one who know about this so they are very careful.


EXO's van was transported at HAN River where some rubber boats were waiting. They went on the boats one by one with the TV network's staffs. SMEnt staffs were not allowed to join because the only people needed for the shoot were the idols. 


It is still dark and the sun was not yet rising. Some members are sleeping while the others are just quiet waiting for their arrival. An hour and a half have passed and the have arrived at their destination.


Lay, who was one of the awake members, patted everyone's shoulder and told them that they have reached the shooting place. Thoough tired, other members woke up. 


After the tv network's staff inflated the rubber boats, they showed the way to the main camp of the shooting. They were on an island where there is also forest part.


The staffs went into the woods and entered a very big cabin. EXO followed them. They saw some cameras and videocams that are getting ready by other staffs.


Lay, being a keen observer, sensed that something is not right. Yes, there were cameras and other stuffs for shooting but he really felt something odd. He was so curious that he walked around the cabin and found boxes from other countries. He took a peek and saw  different kinds of guns. Hence, he immediately gasped and covered his mouth. From that move, tv network's staffs noticed him and quickly look at every staff around the cabin. Everybody moved and took out guns from their sides and pointed it to all EXO members.


"DON'T MOVE!!" The head staff shouted. EXO did not move and were taken by the other staffs. They were tied up and their mouths were sealed.


"HAHAHA! Your agency was so dumb that they believed about the shooting of a reality show." Said the head staff with a grin. "Giving them fake cheques made them so blind that they chose to push you to accept this so-called challenge. Or maybe this is your fault too. You agreed to this. It is like, you agreed to be killed. HAHAHA!" The staffs wasn't really a tv network staff but they were bad people who aims to kill EXO.


"Let me tell you something before we do this killing..." The head sat on a chair and took out a big cigarette. "We are not going to kill you very fast. Instead, we wanted to hear your screams of pain so we decided to set this cabin on fire and record it. Then, we are going to stay in this island for few days until we complete the whole week. After burning you, of course, we are going to get your bodies and bury them in this island. Some of my men are already digging your grave."


EXO's eyes widened as they cry for the end of their lives. They are thinking that this will be the last time they will see each other. They are thinking of their families and they did not even had to say their proper goodbye.


"If ever any of you got out while the cabin is still burning, you still can't get out of the island. I have a hundred men today and they will shoot to kill. Another twenty men will fetch us after doing our work. Then after that, we are having our celebration on the other country. We will not going back to Korea. HAHAHA. So... goodbye EXO!!" The head walked out of the cabin followed by his men. 


EXO could hear people from the outside shouting. And they smelled kerosene and other kinds of gases. They could hear their heart beats and the ignition of fire.


They heard laughter of the men outside of the cabin. They just closed their eyes as the fire started to spread inside the cabin. Few more seconds then they are all going to be suffocated the the killer smoke then fried by the monstrous fire.


One by one..... is getting unconscious. And Lay was the last one to lose his consciousness. But before that, he saw somebody opened the cabin's door and everything went black.




*cough cough cough*


As Lay opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the fully burnt cabin. Realizing that he was out of the cabin, he hurriedly stood up and looked around him. He saw the fake tv network staffs with head shots. About fourteen of the staffs were dead. The view made him vomit.


After cleaning himself, he then noticed his other EXO co-members lying on the grassy ground and each of them has oxygen mask. He went to them and checked if they were safe. He released a big sigh of relief when he saw that his co-members are just peacefully sleeping.


"If you are already fine, you can wake them up. It's dangerous if the others will see us here." A husky voice ordered Lay. The latter saw someone sitting at the big branch of the tree near him. His jaw dropped when he saw the familiar guy. It was the mysterious person. The girl whom EXO knew as a mysterious guy.




I am not looking at him when I ordered him to wake his friends up. But I felt he was staring at me so I started to feel conscious.


"Stop staring." I said using my husky voice. But I can still feel the presence of his stare so I looked at him. Good thing he could not recognize me because I was wearing red contact lens and I have mask. "Stop staring. Wake them up."


He did not even move. I sighed then prepared to jump from this branch I am sitting on. When I got down, I walked towards him until we are few inches away from each other. I was looking up because he was taller than me. I changed my normal voice to my disguise voice which is the husky one and ordered him again.


"Wake them up." In a very deep voice. He blinked his eyes super fast when he realized that I was so near to him so he turned around and started waking up his friends. And when everybody is awake, their reactions were the same. They vomitted when they saw the fake staffs dead.


They just looked at me and I can feel that they were blaming me.


"I didn't kill them." I just said, defending myself. I am telling the truth. I did not even lay a finger on my gun when I got here so how am I supposed to kill those fake staffs? I just witnessed how those people died. 


Right after the men ignited the fire, the head or leader said that he only needs two brave men to accompany him on the vacation after the whole killing thing. Because of that, the men shoot every person they see so that they were the one to be chosen by the leader. Two fake staffs survived. They left with the leader after that. That's my cue so I kicked the door of the cabin and saved EXO. After savung them, I counted all the dead bodies and there were a total of ninety eight all in all. 


EXO just looked at me with wrinkled foreheads. I believe that they don't believe me so I decided not to talk about it anymore. "Follow me." I said and they really did follow me. 


"Where are we going?" Lay asked me after he poked my left shoulder.


"Out of here." I said in a calm voice. I feel awkward because I can feel my stomach rumbling. Or maybe it isn't rumbling but... oh no.


"How?" he asked me again.


"By rubber boats." As much as possible I do not want him to talk to me because I really feel that my cheeks are burning. Am I blushing? Oh no. This is not happening to me.


"But there were no rubber boats." He said to me. And in a snap, I realized that the rubber boats were inside the cabin and were burnt. I stopped walking and facepalmed myself. I am so stupid!


I continued walking until we reached the shore. I turned around and faced them. "We are going to swim."




Everybody yelled at me. What is wrong with them? Tss. Didn't they know that I just swam from Han River to here? Ugh!


"We travelled hours from Han River to here, and you are asking us to swim back? Are you insane?"  That panda guy complained to me. Uhm, what is his name again? Hehe, kidding I know him. He's Tao. The one who wants to kick me after saving them at Viva Polo.


"No, I am not." I said. If they do not want to swim, then the only choice left is to stay here. For the whole freaking week. Without extra clothes. Without anything but ourselves.


I sat down and I am thinking of a way on how to tell them. In my case, I can survive for a week, even a month or a year here in the island because I know how to do things. I know how to get food and drinks. I can also live with just a set of clothes. I'll just wash them and there, I'll survive. But these guys? I don't think so.


"We are going to stay here, am I right?" I lifted up my head and saw Lay. Wow. He read my mind.


I just nodded. I was expecting that they will complain again. But after I confirmed that we are staying here, they started to shout. They shouted because of happiness.


"At last!! A week of vacation in a peaceful place!!" I saw that eyeliner guy, Baekhyun, shouted while spreading his arms and he was turning round and round. Wow, they find this place peaceful even though there were dead bodies? Eew.


And few more seconds, they started to dance even though without music and strip all their clothes. Lay pulled his shirt up and took it off. 


All of them were shirtless and pantless. The only thing they were wearing was their boxers. I saw their toned abs and chiseled body. I looked at the other way. Of course, I am a girl and seeing guys in their boxers is not proper. 


I heard them shouting. And when I looked at them, they are running towards me. I know what they are thinking. THEY WANT ME TO TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF TOO.




I immediately get my gun at my side and pointed it to them. I was shivering because of nervousness but I did not let them see it.


"Awwww. Come on, join us." Lay invited me.


"Yeah, join us. We are just going to swim in the sea." Kris said.


My eyes widened. And I stood up.


"Come on man!!!" Everybody insisted.


I turned around and decided to go back to the woods.


"Hey! We are just kidding. If you don't want to join then just watch us." Even though I am not looking at him, I knew it was Suho who said that. (I know all of their voices and I can copy them. It is one of my talents.)


"No." I firmly said.


"Okay. But where are you going?" It was Lay's voice.


"Get food. If you need me just shout my name." I said. 


"Oh, then what is your name?" It was Lay again. They do not know my name yet.





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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.