Infinite's Part : Hers

Secret Love
'Mine?' She asked me. 'Yes yours' I say. 'What of mine?' She already forget why I was saying that ? 'The coke' I give a hint for her. 'Ah yes, the coke' she say and lowered her head, staring at the floor. 'Wanna talk about it?' I asked, not sure. 'I've promised you' she say holding her tears. 'Let's start the sory' she gulped.

'Well, before I met you, I have a boyfriend. He's my first actually. But I ruined all the date. First, I have some brothers, more like my oppa, just my oppa, in my apartment the first day we will go to a date. But I ended up going out with his hyung, I think, and he find it out. Second day I was going to have a date with him again because he cancelled the past one telling me that he's busy with his part time job and I don't know he find it out that day. Second time, I did the same mistake again.' She sighed...

'I waited for him. Waiting and waiting, suddenly one of my oppa which was there in my house the past day came and we talked. Suddenly he say that he's busy again and I don't know again for the second time that he found out that. So I end up with him at the end with the reason that he feels like I cheated him which actually not.' She say and smile. 'Why don't you explain that to him ?' I asked her. 'Like I won't do it' 'you do?' She nodded. 'Then why you break up?' I asked her again.

'We won't if he wanted to hear me' she say and I nodded. 'So you break up too with that girl?' I nodded. I really hate him. 'Hey, is your fever gone?' I asked and touched her head. 'Yes' she say and nodded. 'I will go?' I say and she nodded again. I walked out and took a deep breath. I don't want to remember it again. But somehow it feel good when I tell it to someone. One of my friend that I could believe. Could I believe her ? I could, right ?

I went to our dorm and everybody was busy with their life. Woohyun isn't there, maybe he's in bedroom. Sungjong and sungyeol keep yelling each other in their bedroom and dongwoo, where's dongwoo? Maybe go rapp in the club again, myungsoo.. Sigh... Maybe somewhere in this earth with his girlfriend, cuddling or watching some moives. 'Hyung..' Hoya called me make me look at him. I ordered him to get into my room like I could see what's in his mind. He might ask something about eunji or say something about myungsoo.

I was right, woohyun's there, in our bedroom, looking at his phone. 'Could you go out for a while ? Hyung want to talk' I say and patted him. He was like a little brother for me. Since he's the only son and he really hope to have a real hyung in his life. He nodded and go out. I locked the door and went to the balcony again. 'What to talk?' I asked him and put off my glasses.

'Hyung, I want to apologise. Gwesonghamnida.' He say and bow 90 degree. I patted his shoulder. Nothing to say anymore. Nothing to apologise. It's all over. 'I've moved on howon-ah' I say and he walk to me. 'Eunji?' He asked. 'How did you know her?' I asked coldly while looking far away. Almost forget to ask him. 'She is working in the book store that my sibling own' he say and I nodded. 'And you?' He asked again. 'She worked in the cafe' 'what?' I thought that everybody would be shock if they hear about a girl works in two places.

'Morning in your book store and evening in the cafe' I explained and he nodded. 'Hyung look, I really want to-' 'no need to explain anymore howon-ah. No more apologise no more explanation. I've forget it, please don't talk about it anymore' I interrupted him. 'Okay' he say. 'But one thing' I said again. 'Yes?' He asked. 'I don't really think I could just talk to myungsoo like we used to.' I say hopelessly. I don't think I could talk to him this several days. He nodded and go out.

I think I like her. 'Hyung!' Woohyun shouted and jumped to the bed joined me after I went there. 'Ne?' I asked and ruffled his hair. 'What did he say?' He asked me and his face turned serious. 'You mean hoya?' I asked again and he nodded. 'Just apologise and I kinda shrugged it off. I wanna forget it somehow, it's not good for sungjong to look at his brothers always fight and don't talk to each other.' I say and he nodded. 'Ah yes, almost forget, why don't you went to cafe just now?' I asked pretending to be angry with him. Sometime teasing people would be fun. 'Mianhae' he say and pouted. 'Gwechana' I ruffled his hair. 'Let's choose what to sing tomorrow' I say.

-hoya's pov-
I went out from hyung's room and went straight to my room. Dongwoo hyung isn't here. Maybe go to club then being rapper again. He said that he had moved on ? With who ? Eunji ? Hyung I really don't want to have any problem with you. I don't hope that you have the same feeling as me hyung. I'm weak. I'm not as strong as what I look like. 'Hyung, wanna practise with me and sungyeol hyung?' Sungjong shouted through the door. 'Ne! Wait a moment!' I shouted back.

-eunji's pov-
I don't know that sunggyu have a bad past. I don't want to know them well like I know shinee the previous time. I don't want to have another relationship again. It hurts me a lot while I was telling sunggyu about key. Why doesn't he just drink all the coke that I could forget about key. I don't hear about him this far. But I don't missed him like I missed ryeowook right now. I wonder what is he doing right now. Is he healthy ? I don't hope he is sick right now, like me. The next morning I went to the book store and sulli keep yelling at me. 'Ya! Why don't you come yesterday?! Are you sick?' She touched my head. 'You got stomach-ache?' She touched my belly. 'Or tooth-ache?! Open your mouth! Say aaaaaa' she yell again. 'I was just get a fever sulli' I say and she touched my head again. 'You don't have it right now.' She yelled louder. 'I say yesterday' I say calmly and she was about to yell again when hyuna yelled at us, 'Ya! You two! I don't pay you to yell at there! Go work!' Then she slammed the door.

I'm back \(^o^)/ I was thinking about how many chapters would it be ? 100? 150? Because this was just the beginning of infinite's part, like I say, this will be eunji's longest summer *laugh like devil* mwahahahahahahahahahaha *ekhem* btw, I was going to make a boygroup again after infinite and it's all done :DD
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ryeong0621 #1
Thank you. But I'm new here. Just critic as much as you want if I done something wrong. :) keep reading
ChiNoNeko #2
Chapter 20: This is really good~ ^^