Hana (cliff hanger)

Bimil Bimil

Back when I was a kid, I had a male friend. We met at a small shop named "Bee Meal". I liked that shop a lot since their food were sweet and I met him there. It was every day that We laughed and played a lot. He hugged me like I was his one and only. His smile were never like anyone else. It's the one that makes me smile at most. Zing! My memories seemed blurry now and that was what I only remembered. He was like my first crush and I hoped he felt the same... that time. "Joha joha~" I squeaked and told him. He pat my head and just smile. It hurts a bit but I smiled back but one month had passed, he was gone. I didn't even get to know his name. Ireum. Ireum.

And now, high school and late autumn, I was the ignorant happy-go-lucky one but whenever my lips goes 'Bimil~(Secret~)' , you should be aware because I get interested with that Bimils. And yes. It was my first Bimil. I was wandering along Hongdae with my friends and I was skipping happily. Window shopping is an absolute trend for us. We walked passed the rice cake shop and bought Ddukbokki nearby. Not blocks away from us was a clothes store. Beyond the glass was a man tapping the new cleaned glass. He's kind of six-feet tall, nice face shape, white milky skin, shiny black hair with it's tips softly brushing that vibrant red scarf that is covering his neck, preparing for the incoming of winter. But his face... Why can't I see it? I can only see my reflection on the glass. I was about to tilt my head to see that face of his. BAM! My friends nudged me to my surprise. I groaned, "What's your problem, guys?" I almost caught his face. Why?! Why must it be like this?! "You were sliding down the rainbow with a colorful unicorn," they said. I rolled my eyes in disbelief. "What were you staring at anyways? Was it a guy? Oh our Jinnie is lalalalove~" and that began the teasing but I, with a playful smile, "Bimil~ Bimil~" .
And in with their 'Ooh's and 'Aah's . I guess all I saw was those nerd glasses(?) he was wearing. What am I even doing thinking about that guy?

The next day, I stepped out my classroom and went around the school. Doing the same old routine - Just skipping classes~ I thought about what happened yesterday. The red scarf of the guy ... and out of the blue, I sang. I roamed around the corridors, "RED SILKY SCARF BECAME A BUTTERFLY TROLOLOLOL-" There it goes, a piece of red cloth flying out the window of some random classroom, or was it? Oh, it wasn't. It was clipped onto something, or someone. Then I hear a low chuckle echoing across the corridors "Red silky scarf became a butterfly Trolol~" I gasped. 'Who heard me? Why must he repeat it' I jumped out of the window outside the school. 'I was nervous! Damn.' Lunch break was up and I hid in the library because of the embarrassment I made. I inhaled, " That was sooo embarrassing." I began talking to myself "It's your fault Park Sojin" I scanned those shelves which looked like an incomplete set of teeth and Guess what? There it is again. That guy with the red scarf. But... I can only see a quarter of his face. Specifically his lips! It was smiling at me. It showed his white teeth and it was gentle. His hand on top of one shelf. It must be soft and warm if I held it. Perfectnotperfect enough. I reached out for his hand and smiled at the thought that the anonymous guy was smiling at me. Back to earth, Sojin. I shook my head. It's freaking me out a little. It's as if the guy is following me. Creepy. I dashed out of the library then. I decided not to attend school for a week. The reason was that guy with the red scarf. He bothered me so much. Not physically but in my thoughts.

I was chilling on a bench, eating Hot pockets from the same shop near the school. The cold snow breeze is coming soon. I didn't bring any coat nor mittens with me. So dumb. I warmed myself up, blowing hot air on my hands so it would stay warm. 'Omona omona Omona!' My ringtone is firing up and shouting at me. I picked it up.

"Why aren't you at school?!"
"Sorry! I need... air,"
"Air what? Are you dead? You're not breathing anymore?!"
"It's not that...." I sighed and hang up.


I looked around and see everyone with thick clothes except me. "I'm cold," telling it myself can only do nothing. I wanted to stand up and go home but there's something that tells me not to.
Just suddenly, something s around my neck. "EEK! Snake" I yelped out for help and shut my eyes closed, not daring to move an inch. A laugh can be heard behind.
"It's all your fault Park Sojin," I heard someone say. 


I was confused and opened my eyes just to see a red scarf wrapped around me.

"Park Sojin, Class 2-A, 17 years old and here at this bench?"

My eyes grew wide and I turned around to see him, I stuttered

"W-who are you?"







"Bimil~ Bimil~"


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