Safe Haven

You're Home

There she goes again, into his arms once more.

She feels like she's living the same nightmare over and over again. Why does she do this to herself? Because she once said that no matter what she will always be by her side. 

It doesn't matter if she keeps seeing the horrible images of them smiling at each other. It doesn't matter that he's the one who gets to hold her hands when they're eating out while she's left staring at their backs. It doesn't matter that the only way she can sleep is by crying her eyes out. It doesn't matter if she keeps hearing stories from her about their oh so wonderful date. It doesn't matter how she keeps hurting inside but keeps the pretense of being the happy bestfriend because that's what she expects of her.

All of that doesn't matter.

As long as the door she exits is the one she's currently staring at.

As long as she opens that door and goes home to her and only her then none of those matter. She can keep hurting herself because as long as her arms are what she calls home then she can keep secretly loving her.

The door opens and there she is, in all her eye-smiling glory. The girl who stops her heart from beating every time she bestows upon her the world-killing smile. The girl who keeps her heart beating because she promised herself for as long as she lives no harm will come her girl's way.

"What are you doing standing there? Were you waiting for me?" And with her words she snaps out of her daily admiration for the girl asking her questions she has yet to answer.

"Nah, who would be patient enough to wait for you? I learned that patience is not enough for you when you brought me out saying you wanted to do light-shopping." I just because she would always give the best reactions.

"This coming from someone who contemplated for hours if she's going to eat ice cream and have jelly later or have jelly first then ice cream later." And there it was. Not what she said. But the shoe that conveniently landed straight to my stomach. Very hardly. And strongly. Without me experiencing any convenience at all.

"Welcome back." I said while holding my oh so chocolatey abs. Those words rolling off my tongue like it was rehearsed. It wasn't the robotic response but something I enjoyed saying everytime she opens that door. Our door.

"I'm home TaeTae." Sweetly she replied as she made her way towards me. She soothed my stomach and right afterwards s her arms around my neck while I wrapped mine around her waist. Just the usual. And just like that, all the pain was and will be worth it. 

Because at the end of the day this is her home. Right in my arms where she will always belong. Right in my heart that is her safe haven.

"You're home Fany, you're home." And as those words left my mouth I knew that I was home too.


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