Not So Blind Date; Kenbin

wasithothakyeon's VIXX OTP Request Shop [closed]

Title: Not So Blind Date

Pairing: KenBin


A/N: This is something I wrrote a while back when I was only talking about KenBin. I don't really know how to put it in a summary, since it's really short, but oh well. Enjoy!


 Hongbin always hated the cold. Oh god, how he hated it. It was chilling and made him feel like he was going to start somewhere and never finish. Partly due to the fact that he would have froze to death. And that was because, quite frankly, he never wore anything more than a light jacket, even when it was snowing outside.


Wonshik would try and get him to buy new, heavier jackets, but it was always the same: “I don't need any more,” which was pretty stupid considering the fact that Lee Hongbin only had one jacket. It wasn't that he couldn't afford it, it was just that he decided that he wasn't going to be spending much time outside anyway. He'd rather bunk with his dorm mate and watch horror movies (Wonshik was the one who made him watch those things).


Then there was his other friend, Taekwoon, who, although was the silent but strong type, would always drag the two '93 liners out to do something, since Taekwoon wasn't the type to sit around. Surprise. Yeah, sure, some of the outings were fun, but Hongbin had had enough of these—it's been going on for years now.


When Hakyeon stormed into his life three years ago, things took a slight, but hardly noticeable turn. This boy was the opposite of Taekwoon on so many levels except for the outing part. Hongbin would constantly find himself being pulled from his dirty, but very comfortable, blue couch in his dorm and rammed onto a bus to head to some new adventure.


This time around, it was snowing and Wonshik and Hakyeon decided it would be a fun topic of conversation to talk about Hongbin's non-existent life, which, surprised them both.


“Girls always chase you, though!” Wonshik yelled, talking more to Hakyeon than to Hongbin. Hakyeon shook his head, his lips pressed into a thin line.


“So?” Hongbin responded anyway. Wonshik knew Hongbin wasn't into the ladies. This was ignored mostly because Wonshik was into the ladies too much. And when I say too much, I mean too much. This boy was always talking about a new girl in his class who he “hadn't noticed before” but who had always, very obviously, been there. Hongbin, Taekwoon and Hakyeon were used to this by now and always just told him to go after the girl, which, on most occasions, didn't end too well.


“So, go talk to one of them!” Wonshik said, way too loudly, as the other people in the small, crowded, cafe looked directly at him. Hongbin rolled his eyes a bit. Though amused at his friend's obliviousness, he had told him a thousand times he wasn't interested.


“I don't want to. If you find a cute guy, tell me. Maybe I'll find that courage that I lost somewhere when I entered university and speak with him.” Hongbin said, mildly sarcastic. The other two knew very well how confident their friend could be. Hongbin, more than once, had gone up to someone and blatantly asked them on a date. It was a while ago, though. He wanted to focus on his studies, since he was in year three of university and he sure as hell wanted to get out of there with good grades. He knew a few people who honestly didn't care. Cue coughing and not very discreet murmurs of Wonshik.


“What about him?” Hakyeon smirked and pointed to a tall blonde waiting in line to order coffee. His outfit described one of the study-holics who just woke up after a long night of worksheets and formulas. Not at all saying he looked bad. In complete honesty, this blond boy looked quite cute with his glasses and long jeans, along with his ruffled hair and plaid shirt. Hongbin blinked. Man, Hakyeon was good.


Hongbin sat watching the boy as he moved up in the line. He didn't seem to notice anyone staring at him.


“He's not your type, though, is he, Hongbin?” Wonshik asked. Although Wonshik was Hongbin's closest friend, his taste was the opposite of Hongbin's so, no the boy wasn't Wonshik's type, but Hongbin thought he was cute. No... cuter than cute.


“Shut up, Wonshik. Do you see the look in his eyes? That's the look of true love.” Hakyeon said, his voiced laced with dreaminess, almost sounding like an animated side character. Hongbin shook his head, turning back to his buddies. Hakyeon looked at him expectantly, almost as if to say, “Yes, am I right, or am I right?” Hongbin returned the gaze, answering silently, “You're right.” Hakyeon, of course, got cocky then.


“I'm too good,” he started talking. Wonshik nodded to Hongbin.


“Go talk to him, quick!” Wonshik pushed Hongbin out of his chair, literally, making the latter fall with a loud thump. His friends chuckled to themselves, reminding Hongbin he needed to get new ones. He took a deep breathe. He didn't want to go up to this guy, but he realized if he didn't now, he'd probably never see him again. Which made him think, so what? If he screwed up, then that wouldn't matter. He'd never see the blonde angel again. Hongbin shook his head and noticed the boy had bought his drink and was about to leave. He had to make his move. He heard his annoying friends whispering words of advice, but he tuned them out. He'd be fine.


His plan consisted of crashing into his target, spilling the full cup of coffee and offering to buy another one. In this way, he'd be able to talk and get to know the other boy better. But at the same time, that could backfire as well. Blonde-y could get really mad and not even allow him to buy a new coffee. To Hongbin, the chance of this succeeding was much less than the chance of failing. Nevertheless, Hongbin took a large, maybe too large, breath of air and walked quickly toward the departing student. He heard quiet, but pretty noticeable, cheers from Wonyeon.


Hongbin made himself trip and if someone was really paying attention, anyone could tell that it was incredibly fake. Loud grunts and gasps filled the cafe while Hongbin crashed into the mysterious boy. Hongbin felt hot coffee hit him as he banged, hard, into the plaid shirt.


“Oh, my god. I'm so sorry,” he said quickly, once he had returned to his senses. The two students were covered in dark coffee and the blonde one didn't look to happy about this new style. Hongbin kept bowing and every now and then would take a look at Hakyeon and Wonshik, who were watching closely.


“I'll buy you another drink, I'm really sorry.” he kept apologizing. Blonde looked at him closely then chuckled lightly.


“It's fine, you don't have to.” and Hongbin somehow melts at the man's voice. Hongbin is stubborn, though, one of his many traits Hakyeon seems to point out when talking about how the younger never gets a date, and this blonde student is seemingly forced into having this stranger buy him coffee.


Hongbin soon finds himself having longer talks with this unknown human than with Wonshik or Hakyeon, or so it seems. Jaehwan, as Hongbin finds his name is, has quite the big mouth and a very snappy one too. Hongbin realizes this is the charm which made him even more attracted to this man who he only just met a few minutes ago. Hongbin also notices how (although he talks quite less than some others, he can be quite the jabber-mouth) he doesn't say much in the other man's presence. This doesn't stop Jaehwan, though.


Suddenly, the latter is late for an important class and Hongbin is now in possession of his number. Hongbin never realized how long the two had been talking—to him it seemed like just a few seconds and when he at last floats back to his friends, who almost fell asleep waiting, he is not the Hongbin that was there at the beginning.


Hakyeon talks on about how he can see Hongbin and Jaehwan get together (Hakyeon quickly acquired the man's name). Hongbin only nods and Wonshik suddenly gets his friend a lot more.

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KenVigivesmelife #1
Chapter 17: Oh my god this was so bitter sweet and I loved it! Its nice to see Wonsik being the pregnant one, he never normally is and made it refreshing to read~
Chapter 8: Mwaaaaahhhhh!!! This is too cute!!! Deserves to have more details!!!!!!!!! Fanboy Wonshik is always so adorable!!
Chapter 17: This is somewhat sad and sweet though. And I'm surprised, Wonshik's the pregnant one. I feel bad for his narcolepsy though. But, I love how understanding and patient Taek was.. And the last line was so sweet!! He would do it without complaint 'cause all he needs is just Wonsik... <3
Chapter 11: Aww... So adorable!!:)) Taekwoon's kindness is endearing... Catboy Wonsik must be so cute!!
Chapter 3: Waaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! My WonTaek feels!!! I love this! This is so cute!!
DeathDarkSoul #6
When will this be out of drafts? :3 >~<
more neo pls ;-;
Chapter 19: looking at my previous comment now... oh my gawd i seem drunk orz eeep! i really loved it! thank you so much o w o how many times can i request? can i request for luck next?
Hi! It's been a long time! :D
Ship: Wontaek! (yup, it's them all the way <33)
Genre: fluff
Plot Ideas (optional): Wontaek having fun in the club and realize their feelings for each other. >< (Haha, so shameless, but i can't find fics of them going to club, so thanks in advance! :))
Ship: Kenbin please! ;; aff doesn't lacks this otp and i've been craving for a good fic
Genre: Fluff jsy <3 a little bit of mild and harmless jealousy here and there but more on fluff ehe ehe