✴Chapter 3

An Embarrassment To The Human Race
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 The image above is kind of what their village looks like, I guess. Also, I'm back to updating, just not very frequently, since I still want to get my other story done as fast as possible. Enjoy the chapter!


 Chapter 3


In EXO’s place

        “So is it confirmed?”

       “Yes, Master Kang. He agrees.” Joonmyun handed Master Kang the file.

       “That is great. I shall hand the files to the Head League.” Turning around, Master Kang marched away. Joonmyun groaned. Yesterday, he and Minseok secretly signed the form, being the only ones who didn’t oppose against the Masters. It was a tradition, actually, to have the eldest in the grove get married to the eldest of a female grove after they both turn twenty. Which, in their case was Xiumin.  Walking back to their home, a tattered and slightly worn four- story building that EXO has been living in since they were about ten, Joonmyun cringed at the thought of what the members’ reactions would be. It would most likely to be that the marriage would be broadcast on T.V., and the members would be watching it…no. He didn’t want to think about getting beaten again by Kris. Gulping, he pressed his ear to the door, and unexpectedly, the house was pretty quiet, ignoring the clanging of pots and pans which indicated that Kyungsoo was making dinner.

         “I’m back!” Joonmyun barged through the door, seeing the unenthusiastic aura that surrounded the first floor. Kai was on his old computer, scrolling nonstop, Sehun beside him looking equally bored.

       “Sehun,” He heard Kai mutter, “Cover your eyes, you don’t want to see this.”

Looking towards the right, Lay was shuffling around on the mattress, with music pumping through a speaker behind him, while to the left, Chen and Chanyeol were playing video games while Tao read poetry. (Don’t ask what got into that kid.) Heaving a sigh, Suho trudged up the two flights of stairs to his shared room with Lay, and plopped down into his chair.

     “Ugh, what am I going to do?” He said to himself, obviously stressed.

   “Dinner is ready! Now get your asses down here!” Kyungsoo shouted from the kitchen. Joonmyun immediately rushed downstairs. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen were already sitting at the table.

   “So,” Chanyeol said, “I’m bored.”

   “Then turn on the T.V.! Nobody is stopping you.” Baekhyun suggested.

   “Sure, whatever.” He reached for the remote when Joonmyun cringed. The news was on, and broadcasting.

“Yes, they seemed to wholeheartedly accept the contract, as if they had settled this beforehand.” The reporter said, chuckling. By now, the whole of EXO, excluding Luhan, were seated at the table.

“What is this?” Kai frowned. The reporter continued.

“Youngsters these days, always accepting everything.” A picture of Minseok and Aerie appeared on the screen. “Ayways, these two will be officially married in three days, followed by a move-in to Minseok’s household, which is the tradition.” Immediately, someone turned off the T.V., and everyone was left gaping, except Xiumin and Suho.

“What the hell…WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!?” Chanyeol roared. Immediately, the household went wild.

“Xiumin hyung! What has gotten into you!?” Chen rushed over to Xiumin, grabbing his shoulders, and shaking him wildly.

“Oh, just imagine living with a spineless ! What are we going to do!?” Baekhyun dramatically sighed.

“Yeah, you haven’t even met her yet.” Suho muttered under his breath.

It wasn’t until an hour later before the majority of EXO had pretty much calmed down. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were still weeping their eyes out at the fact that everything was going to change, but despite that, EXO could pass off as a regular household. A really introverted and cranky one, if you were to jud

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