BETWEEN US [ChanKai Ver]


I do not palgiat.

I've got permission from my friend (sherry)  to remake her fanfic to be Chankai Ver. With same Tittle



  This is wrong. Jongin knows that something is wrong but he ignores it. There is something wrong about his relationship and he chooses to not to pay attention to it. He realizes it will be a big problem soon but before it comes, Jongin lets it slip away.
He can feel that he’s changed, so is Chanyeol. They’re both changed. There is invisible wall between them to stop them to cross further. He doesn’t even know when this wall was created. They become colder to each other. They still talk to each other, kiss and even make love. But those seem so dull. There is no firework anymore. It’s just flat.

Does he love Chanyeol? Yes, he does. He loves him with all his heart. Does Chanyeol love him back? Yes, Chanyeol does. He doesn’t need to be reminded about how big Chanyeol’s love to him. He’s Chanyeol’s everything. Then, what is it all about? Jongin still doesn’t have the answer.

There is noisy sound from the living room and Jongin knows who it is without even looking from the book he holds hours ago without reading it. He hears the steps to his direction which is in his study room. Chanyeol comes closer after tossing his coat carelessly. He walks to where Jongin is sitting and stops right in front of him. Jongin looks up and smiles to his boyfriend. Chanyeol smiles back then leans down to kiss his forehead. Jongin closes his eyes to feel the kiss. Still closing his eyes, Jongin can feel Chanyeol’s hand stokes his cheek. Jongin takes his hand and plant a kiss on the knuckles.

“Have you had your dinner?” Chanyeol asks him. Jongin shakes his head,

 “I’m waiting for you”. Chanyeol kisses his forehead again and drags him from his seat to head to the dining room. Jongin lets himself be dragged. He hasn’t had his dinner yet. He is waiting for Chanyeol to come back to their house and have dinner together.

Jongin has prepared Chanyeol’s favorite dishes . Chanyeol raises his eyebrows , throws questioning look. Jongin laughs and says that there is nothing to celebrate. He just wants to prepare it for Chanyeol. Without asking, they both sit and enjoy the dinner. In silence.

Chanyeol feels the silence starting to annoy him. He is the chatter box in their relationship while Jongin is the quite one. He looks at Jongin, wants to ask what happens but Jongin is eating without looking at him. Chanyeol decides to slips it out. Like he used to.

The room is dark. There is a dim light from the bathroom. It’s silent and the only sound is the breathing from a body that is lying beside him. Chanyeol is staring at the ceiling. It’s past midnight already but he can’t close his eyes. His thought is wandering somewhere else.

He keeps replying some scenes in his head. Starting when they met 6 years ago, the awkward introduction, and the first date. Chanyeol is smiling when he remembers those good times. Then he remembers the struggle they had when they finally came out about their relationship to their family. Both as the only son of the family were expected to get married to woman and continue their family name. Their parents were shocked but gave their support. That is the thing that Chanyeol feels he is really blessed.

Then, it happened. It’s started 6 months ago. They have grown distant to each other. He didn’t even know why, but he never had a heart to ask. Chanyeol was really busy at his work because of the merger and Jongin couldn’t be bothered because he was conducting a research about human trafficking for his book. They didn’t see each other often but Chanyeol had planned for a vacation to Thailand next month.

Chanyeol sighs and looks on Jongin’s back. He scoots closer to his boyfriend and wraps his arm around Jongin’s tiny waist. Jongin moves a little when he feels pressure on his back.

“Hyung..?” Jongin tries to turn around but Chanyeol tightens his arm.

“Go back to sleep” Chanyeol whispers on Jongin’s ear.

“Is there something wrong?” Jongin asks slowly.

“Nothing, just go back to sleep” Chanyeolo kisses his nape. Jongin just shrugs then drifts off to sleep. Chanyeol relaxes himself and closes his eyes. What is happened to us Jongin-ah?

It’s normal weekday. Jongin is sitting on the couch in their living room. His eyes are staring blankly at the LED TV in front of him. There is a variety show playing but Jongin is not paying attention. It’s still 4 PM in the afternoon. Chanyeol is working and leaving Jongin alone at their house. As a writer, Jongin doesn’t need to go to the office everyday. He just goes there if he has to hands his draft to his editor.

Today, Jongin is supposed to finish his book. The deadline is only 3 weeks ahead but Jongin can’t think anything. His editor called him two hours ago, asking the progress. Jongin just said that he was not feeling well. He didn’t lie that he was unwell. His body is in perfect health but his heart aches.

Chanyeol arrives one hour later. After exchanging greeting and kiss, they have dinner together in silence again. Now, both of them are sitting on the couch. Usually they will snuggle while watching TV. It won’t last long because they will be busy making out on the couch. Now, it’s the opposite. They are sitting at the farthest side of the couch. Their eyes are on TV but it can’t be said that they are watching the TV. Their minds are wandering around.

Chanyeol is fidgeting on his seat. He’s contemplating to start the conversation. Never in 6 years of their relationship have they acted cold to each other. But here they are. Giving cold shoulders to their beloved one. Chanyeol turns his head to his left side, where Jongin is sitting. He can see that Jongin is boring his eyes to the screen. Chanyeol leaves a sigh then turns his head back to the screen.

Jongin knows when Chanyeol stares at him. He can feel that Chanyeol is not happy with what they have now. Jongin really wants to jump on Chanyeol’s lap, but he urges himself to stay cold. He needs to put his composure because he doesn’t want Chanyeol thinks that he becomes an insolent brat. Not until he finds a way to cure his aching heart.

Finally, Jongin opens his mouth and says...

 “Hyung, let’s take a break.”

Chanyeol doesn’t say anything, but Jongin can see his body is tense. Jongin looks at Chanyeol’s face. His lips form a thin line, the sign that he is really upset.

“I think we are on the stage of getting tired about our relationship. Six years are not a short time for us to know each other. I know you very well Hyung, and vice versa. It’s not that I don’t love you anymore, the fact is I still do. But I think we love each other little less each day.” Jongin says what his heart wants to say. He puts away all his logic because his logic won’t let him say what he just said. His logic doesn’t understand, but his heart does.

Chanyeol keeps silent. He’s trying to register those words to his brain. After a while, he holds up his head and looks at Jongin. He can see the uncertainty in those beautiful eyes. He wants to say something but his throat is choked. He just sits still because he doesn’t know what to do. He is lost. He wants to comfort Jongin, but he can’t move an inch from his seat.

Jongin is a bit disappointed because Chanyeol is doing nothing. But this is what he asked for. He can’t blame Chanyeol being colder after what he has said. He wants Chanyeol to hug him and say that he was being silly and everything would be alright. Apparently not. He can’t undo those words and pretend it’s just late April’s Fool. How he wishes it was.

“I’m gonna stay at my parents’ house tonight until we sort the things out.” By then, Jongin gets up from his seat and walks towards their bedroom. He puts most of his clothes carelessly into his backpack. When he walks out from his room, he sees Chanyeol is still sitting at the same spot. He sighs and walks to the front door. He doesn’t look back when he says,

 “I’ll go Hyung, take care of yourself.” Then he walks out from their house. Leaving Chanyeol behind.

Earlier, Chanyeol couldn’t say anything to Jongin but now he can’t think. His head is empty. The thing he had feared before just happened. He feels like he’s just hit by a truck and his heart is in pain. He just sits there for hours. A smart Park Chanyeol now becomes a fool.

Jongin wishes that Chanyeol would chase after him after he left, but he didn’t. The sting of disappointment and anger burning to his heart. He can’t blame Chanyeol for not chasing him. He is the one who asked to call off their relationship. Chanyeol is not the bad person here, but he is. His house is dark already. His parents and sisters are asleep at their room. Jongin heads to his bedroom by trying not to make any sound. He collapses into his bed. His eyes are watering. He wants to cry out loud but all he can do is just sobbing to his pillow. He cries until he falls asleep.

Three weeks pass by. Neither of them contacts each other. Jongin is busying himself working on his new book. During the day he doesn’t think about Chanyeol, but when the night comes he feel the loneliness. He is angry at Chanyeol because Chanyeol never calls or sends him text. He is angrier to himself because he is not trying to call Chanyeol. Does he give up their relationship? Jongin doesn’t know either. His family gets used to his presence at his home. On the first day when his mother found out that Jongin was there, she lectured him nonstop. How he gave up easily and didn’t give Chanyeol chance. He did give Chanyeol chance, but Chanyeol never noticed it until the night he left their house.

Parting with Chanyeol also gives Jongin more time to finish his book. He focuses to work on it and it’s finally done. He will send it to his editor tomorrow. Jongin is lying on his bed. He is really tired and his eyes are getting puffy because he is staring at his laptop all day to type. Only five minutes later he’s already in his dreamland.

Jongin feels the bed dipping and a pair of arms circling his waist. Jongin is suddenly awake from his sleep. He realizes the pair of arms belong to Chanyeol who is now snuggling closer to his back.

“Chanyeol…” Jongin calls Chanyeol with his sleepy voice. He doesn’t get any answer, but the arms circling his waist are tighten.

“Chanyeol, when did you arrive?” Jongin turns to Chanyeol’s side. Now, he can see Chanyeol’s face. The moonlight is illuminating Chanyeol’s handsome feature. Jongin can see there are eyebags under Chanyeol’s eyes and he is a bit thinner. He touches Chanyeol’s cheeks. He misses his boyfriend. He really misses him.

“I’ve just arrived. I know it’s late and impolite but I can’t help to see you. I miss you Jongin-ah. I was such a mess when you’re not around. I know it’s also my fault for making you feel insecure and uncertain about us, but please believe me that I love you. I still love you like six years ago and will love you until death do us apart. Please come back to me.” Chanyeol smiles after he said those words. He has to make sure that Jongin understands his words. He doesn’t want Jongin has strange thought or a little uncertainty. He promises to himself that he will treat Jongin better than before.

Jongin can feel his heart warming by Chanyeol’s words. All his doubts about their relationship have vanished. He realizes that he loves Chanyeol too much. Their cold war is over. It’s time for them to face a new start. Jongin chuckles when he recalls Chanyeol’s words on his head. He looks at Chanyeol’s eyes and he finds hope for them. He snuggles closer to Chanyeol’s embrace then says “You’re such a sap Hyung. I don’t know how I manage to be with you.” Chanyeol laughs and snuggles back to Jongin.

“But you love me don’t you?” Chanyeol teases.

“Unfortunately yes” Jongin yawns and closes his eyes while being embraced by Chanyeol.

“I love you too Jongin-ah”





Please give Coment ^^. If your response is good. maybe my friend (sherry) will make other fanfic. And i will remake the fic to ChanKai xddd.. because our OTP (HoMin) is pretty Similiar with Chankai. ^^



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This fic is so nice and fluffy! I loved it because it focused on something a lot of people go through nowadays, just not falling in love but falling out of love. Thank you to your friend for writing this and thank you for making it into Chankai <3
Annasj #2
Chapter 1: Oh they are back to each other. I was about to cry really if you finish the story with them being like this!!

Thankyu (and also your friend) for the story^^
Chapter 1: My feels are all over the place I felt like crying over their distancing and then they fixed things and ugh I dunno what are words this fic is beautiful