Chapter 16

Anyone But You


Why, WHY of all time did she have to come here? Couldn’t she get any better in her timings? Never mind that. KIKO IS HERE. What do I do? Why is she staring at us and not saying anything? Is she planning on slapping me? Because that is what normally happens, isn’t it? So how do I block her slap? And what do I say after coolly blocking the slap? ‘You are not the only who can fertile well?’

Nope. NOPE. Crappy idea. You think?

Okay calm down, Lee Chaerin. You can do this. You can think this through. I took a silent secretive deep breathe.

So what I do?

Simple; RUN FOR IT.

Nope. Nope. You are not running away from this. You are going to face her; WOMAN TO WOMAN! YES! Um…isn’t it ‘Man to Man’ OH Shut up inner Chaerin. I am in deep deep deep deep deep deep deep- now that’s vocabulary cheating. I CAN’T FIND ANY OTHER WORD THAT CAN EXPRESS THIS CRISIS.  Anyways I’m in deep trouble here and I am just debating with myself? Now that I can think about it…I might not be normal…at all.

BACK TO KIKO FINDING OUT! Okay. Calm down. Maybe she is just shocked because it’s a little surprising. LITTLE surprising? Of course I mean who wouldn’t be surprised when they find out the person who they ‘brother zoned’ to their lover is pregnant with…their lover. Is that even legit?

Oh well. So do I talk to her and calm her down? Or should I just stand confidently like; He is my man too. Except that he is actually not. But still hey, a girl could dream.

“Kiko…” Jiyong FINALLY broke the silence. Oh thank goodness!! “Kiko…this-“ Jiyong moved forward to her but she took a step back. She is feeling betrayed, isn’t she? OH YOU DON’T SAY CHAERIN.

“I-“, She interrupted him. “I…need to go” She said turning around and walking away; leaving us dumbstruck.

“That was it?” I accidentally spoke out. I watched Jiyong sigh as he kept looking at route she just left. “No but really. That was it? She wasn’t going to slap me? She wasn’t going to slap you? She didn’t even scold me?” This is SO not what I expected. I was worrying FOR NOTHING?

“You want her to do all that?” Jiyong arched an eyebrow as he faced towards me. Well… “No-not really…but I think that would have given some sense of seriousness into this whole incident and to the same incident that I had been picturing in my head all this time which is like 100 times worse and more serious than it actually is” I blabbered in a single breathe. 

“Are you okay?” He asked concerned; moving forward towards me. Okay? “I AM NOT OKAY. I am going to lose that tiny little bond we had!” I cried. “Why do you even care about forming bonds with her?” Jiyong asked. Why?..Because… “Because she is…any way going to be my kid’s step mother. So GO! Go after her. Explain this!” I begged.

“Chaerin! She is jus-“ He was about to shake me when I stopped him. “GO! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT SHE MIGHT DO. SHE IS CARRYING YOUR BABY!” I screamed at him. “I-“ Jiyong sighed. “Just go” I told him for the last time.

“Why did he have to gooooo?” I cried rolling back and forth on Bom unnie’s bed. “Um... weren’t you the one who asked him to go?” Xin pointed out. Not that I didn’t know that myself. I shot a glare at him. “This is girl talk. Why are you even here?” “I was here first; eating corn with her. And then you just happened to suddenly burst into the room and ruin our corn evening” He snapped back. Corn evening? Is he serious? “Bom unnie even got corn eating partner now” My cries were back. Wait…why am I crying over that? “Why am I so emotional now?” I wept. I used to be so strong! And never cried over useless stuff. Well I won’t consider this crying because this is just…pregnancy. 

“Aigoo. Seeing you like this makes me wants to reconsider getting pregnant” Bom unnie shook her head sympathetically. “Oh that makes two of us” Xin’s reply made us both look back at him in shock. WHAT? Did he just say that- “I- I meant, that makes me want to reconsider getting my wife or whoever pregnant” He cleared it up making me and Bom unnie nod, getting it. Am I really setting a bad example for pregnant ladies?  But I’m pretty sure none of them would act like this because…THIS is all Jiyong’s fault.

“And also why didn’t you call me to pick you up? You know how dangerous it can be for you to be wandering around!” Xin scolded. Oh right. I was so immersed with Mr. Lee Soo Man’s incident that I rushed to Jiyong’s and then Kiko happened which made me forget again. I heaved a sigh. This is so tiring. “I forgot” I pouted.

“How did it go with Jiyong’s dad?” Bom unnie asked taking a bite from the corn. Oh right. I haven’t told them. “Ah. Before that…” I said getting up from the bed and walking towards her working table. I then grabbed a black tape and cut a piece from it. “What are you doing?” Bom unnie asked; worried. “Nothing. Nothing” I said putting the tape down and walking towards them with the piece of tape. They both gave me a creepy look. “Let me just…” I said before quickly moving towards Xin and smashing the tape on his mouth. He tried to take it off only to be stopped by me. “Just bear with it till I tell the whole story and then I’ll let you lecture me okay” I begged holding both his hands so he can’t tear off. “Ywo spwoke bwack wo him dwint you?!” Xin managed to speak in an angry tone with the tape on. I nodded slowly with an innocent smile.

I cannot believe I have to spend my whole afternoon babysitting these kids. “Unnie, Haru took my cooking knife” Hara complained pulling my shirt. “Hara, Haru is just a kid. Let her be” I sighed. I am honestly tired. This is the 6th time Haru has crawled over and taken some toys to play. And then there’s Hara who have to whine about it every single time. “I am kid too! I want to play!” She cried. AND I THOUGHT AUNT SAID THEY GET ALONG WELL?

“FINE!” I said before crawling towards Haru and taking her into my arms. “Hara unnie wants this. I’ll buy you something like this later, okay?” I asked her though I know she probably won’t understand half of what I’m saying. “Andwae! Haru can’t get any more toys. She has lots already!” Hara cried. AISH! SOMEONE HELP ME! “I’ll get you one too then!”  “Still Haru can’t get it!” OH LORD.

Minzy just had to volunteer in helping mom and aunt prepare lunch. And I just had to say yes to babysit them thinking I’d have a good time. How the hell am I supposed to survive with a baby alone?! Not that I will but who knows, there might be a time I have to look after it, all by myself.

“ISN’T LUNCH PREPARED ALREADY?” I screamed loudly enough for them to hear all the way from the room. “Just a few more minutes!” Aunt called back. Aish.

“They have troubled you a lot, haven’t they?” Tablo oppa smiled entering the room. “Anyo” I quickly responded trying to show him how much I actually love them. I do. They are adorable. But… it’s just tiring. “He laughed as he crossed his legs on the floor; joining us. As you can see, we are quite awkward with each other. Well we haven’t gotten the time to bond. Plus it hasn’t been that many days sine Aunt introduced him to us.

“You just came back?” I asked passing Haru to him. “Yeap” He answered taking her into his arms. “Appa, Rinnie unnie is going to buy Haru toys” Hara complained. REALLY HARA? “Really? Don’t worry, appa will buy you more toys then” Tablo oppa ruffled Hara’s hair. It’s fascinating how Tablo oppa and Hara interact like real dad and daughter. And it’s good to know that she doesn’t feel left out.

“How was shopping with dad?” I asked as Hara went back to her cooking. “Quite terrifying at first” He joked. “But he seems like a fun person to hang out with” “He is” I agreed; laughing.

“Talking behind my back?” Dad cleared his throat from the door. And with that Tablo oppa froze up with Haru in his hands. I nearly burst out laughing at his reaction. Seems like he needs more time with dad. “Yes” I put on a proud smile as I replied to him. “Aish this kid” He slowly raised to his hands, mock hitting me; from all the way there.

“By the way Chaerin. I need to talk to you” He said before walking past the room and towards his room. Talk to me? About? “It’s alright. Go. I’ll take care of them now. You have done a lot” Tablo oppa gave a go. Phew.  

“What is it?” I asked jumping on to mom and dad’s bed. “Don’t you have to something to tell me?” He asked putting hanging his cap on his cap shelf. Yes. He got a cap shelf. A new cap, each day. “I do?” I asked confused. “You met up with Mr.Lee Soo Man?” He turned towards me and rested himself next to the shelf. OH. “Oh” I straightened myself and faced him. “So?” He wanted me to go on. “Oh you know the whole don’t you” I rolled my eyes at him pretending to not know.

“I know but I just wanted you to say it” He nodded. But I’m too tired to repeat! “Fine.” He sighed and sat on the bed. “Why didn’t you tell me the minute he said all that?” Why? Because I rushed to Jiyong’s place. “I went to Jiyong’s place so I forgot” I smiled guiltily asking for forgiveness. “Forgot? For one week?!” He glared at me. It hasn’t been a week! Just 2 days!  “Hey, it’s not my fault that I forgot. And also Jiyong said he would take care of it” I defended. “Aigoo” he flicked my head away lightly. “What am I even going to with that head of yours?” To be very honest I never wanted him to find out and stress over it. “Isn’t it great that there has been no news about it?” I mean it’s already a week… ugh, I mean 2 days and there’s no news about it. Seems like Jiyong did take care of it.

Speaking of Jiyong, he hasn’t been able to contact Kiko since that day. And I haven’t seen him since then but he does text once in a while.

“He called me today asking to apologize to you” He chuckled. Apologize to me? “And…I said that he should call you by himself and say that” He smiled at me. I stared back at him; wanting him to continue. “What?” He asked. “That wasn’t it, was it?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well...I might have told him that he won’t get away that easily.” He finished. I sighed. Just when I thought these two oldies would get along for the sake of the bay at least as grandpas. I know for sure that he won’t get along with me…well since what happened with him. But at least as grandpas, can’t they figure out a way to get along.

“Isn’t it time for both of you to get along? It’s been like…what? More than 10 years?” I brushed off a dust on his shirt. “No way is that ever happening” He shook his head firmly. Well I tried.

“Lunch’s ready!” Mom called.

OH FINALLY! “Coming!” I called back as I jumped up and dragged dad out.

“Take a seat” Aunt welcomed us all. Tablo oppa came out with Hara. “Haru fell asleep” He said seating down. She fell asleep? Couldn’t she know how to do that when I was with her? That way I think it would have been a bit easier since she won’t have taken away Hara’s toys. “Ah I haven’t even fed her!” Aunt frowned. “Mianhe” Tablo oppa rubbed his hands together. So cute. Why didn’t she meet Tablo oppa first?

“Why are you laying down 8 plates? Only seven are here. Don’t you know how to count?” I scolded Minzy lightly as I took the extra plate away. “Oh we’ve got a guest coming” Mom took back the plate and placed it back. “Guest? I thought this was just family lunch?” I raised an eyebrow. “Oh he is family now” aunt dismissed me.

He?...Don’t tell me…

Ding Dong

“He’s here!” Aunt exclaimed happily and rushed towards the door. “My…aren’t you handsome?” I heard her say. Oh god no.

As expected aunt showed up with Jiyong who was carrying a bag with him. “This is for you all” He smiled innocently as he passed the bag to aunt with a bow.

He can do that?

I couldn’t help but grin. He looked so disciplined. SO not like him.

“Well…let’s start then” dad clapped his head after sitting down.

“Jiyong oppa loves Hara more!”


“No Hara gets Jiyong oppa!”


NO I GET JIYONG OPPA! I almost screamed at them. A peaceful lunch was all I ever got this afternnon. Haru learned to wake up and aunt had to give her to Jiyong oppa. Wait why did I just say oppa? Oh god. I cringed at the thought. I know I should call him that but it’s just so weird.  And then as expected there is Hara complaining. And to make it worse Haru is actually making sounds refusing what Hara is saying. I sighed rubbing my forehead.

“Is that how you are going to be when we get a kid?” Jiyong asked taking Hara next to his side. “You seem to be doing good” I smiled resting my arms on the arm of the chair. He narrowed his eyes at me. “I can manage one so yeah” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Who knows? We might have more in the future” Jiyong grinned. WHAT? I instantly straightened up. “You are kidding right? Have you seen the way I am living now?” I can’t bear another child like this. Who knows how much more emotional I would get. I AM NOT A BABY MAKING MACHINE!

Hold on why am I even agreeing to have another kid with him?! He has…Kiko…Well HAD I guess.

“It’s just a possibility” Jiyong smirked.

“Oh shut up” I threw my cushion at him despite knowing that it would hit Hara as well. Oops.

“Did my dad call you?” He asked dodging the cushion with a sly smile. “No. but apparently he called my dad”  “Oh don’t worry. He won’t spread the news” He assured. What makes him so sure? “Just what did you do you to your dad?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Secret” He winked.

“Guess you all enjoyed your holidays?” Teddy hyung asked as we started with our work. Not really. But yes it feels good to be back in the studio. “Bom has been getting quite a lot of fame right? Along with Sandara?” Kush smiled. “Yeah, Bom is at an interview and Dara is busy with filming.” Lydia unnie sat back on her chair. Seems like everything is working out just fine for them.

“We are hopefully going to get a project soon” Teddy hyung explained. “What kind of project this time?” Tabi asked. “Solo debut”

“AGAIN?” We all asked.


“But who’s?” I asked. I mean we’ve already done with Bom. And we have Daesung oppa’s debut lined up as well. Though we haven’t started on it yet.

“A new girl. Her names Lee Hi”

Oh. One more coming to the family huh?

“Guys guys!” Jiyong grabbed everyone’s attention. What does he want now?

“Two more kids with Chaerin. What do you say?” He chuckled. AISH THIS LITTLE- “YES!” Lydia unnie and Tabi screamed. “Two more…?” Taeyang oppa seemed to have mixed up thoughts about it. Yes. Taeyang oppa feels me! And are we really having this conversation? I thought I ended it that day with a huge fat ‘NO’ on his face.

“Yah! For how many more days are you expecting me to call her mom?” Seungri whined. “You’ve already got two Jiyong-ah” Kush smacked Jiyong’s head. YES TWO FROM TWO DIFFERENT WOMEN! Aaaish. He just completely ruined my mood to work.

“Whaaat? I just thought-“ Jiyong was about to continue when the studio door slammed open. My heart nearly stopped beating as the figure standing near the door got clearer. Kiko.

“Kiko” Jiyong stood up immediately. As so did everyone.

“You think it is funny keeping secrets?” She fired. WOW. She is mad. “None of you bothered to tell me” She pointed at the rest. “And what? She is just the mother of my unborn child?” She scoffed and walked to Jiyong. “Kiko can we go outside talk?” Jiyong grabbed her hand.

“No!” She threw her hands up in the air.

“Is that what you had to say about me after all these years we spent together?” Kiko glared at him. “It’s been only like 2-3 months and you’ve already got a girl pregnant?” She looked at him in disappointment. “Kiko..” Jiyong tried to stop her.  “You are that desperate for a kid to knock up a girl as soon as you come back here?” “KIKO!” Jiyong raised his voice; furious.

“We are leaving” Jiyong grabbed her hand once again but she shook it off. “You must be really charitable to carry someone’s baby in you huh, Chaerin?” She turned to me. What the actual ? You think I want this? And what the is she talking about?!

“Or are you desperate like him?” Kiko shot with a smirk. I KNEW SHE HAD A DIFFERENT SIDE.

“That’s it… we are leaving…NOW!” Jiyong forcefully grabbed her and dragged her out.

“What?” was all I could say when they left. That desperate for a kid to knock up a girl as soon as you come back here. What did she mean? “What was that about?” I asked the rest knowing that they clearly know the answer to my question.

“She is just really mad at the moment so she is not speaking her right mind” Taeyang oppa patted my head. “No tell me!” I refused to believe him. “He is right Chaerin” Lydia unnie joined.

The door flew open and Xin stood there this time. “I just missed some huge- drama, didn’t I?”

“Jiyong might have wanted kids but he would definitely never go to that extent” Xin explained passing me the apple juice from the cafeteria stand. So he loves kids? If…if that’s the case I might consider getting two more. I JUST PITY HIM.

“The rest…he should be the one telling you” Xin poked me. “You have a thing where you always pass the responsibility onto others, don’t you?” I narrowed my eyes at him. Last time he tried to calm me down after the finding out that Kiko is pregnant, he started but then ended up with,’ I really don’t think it’s my place to explain all of this’

“I’m just helping them carry their own responsibility” He shrugged his shoulders with a proud smile. “Aigoo” I poked him back.

“Hey” Jiyong greeted me as he entered the studio. It was break and everyone had gone to take their lunch. I looked at him and turned my chair facing back towards him. Not that I am mad but I just wanted to see how he reacts. “I am really sorry about what just happened” He turned the chair around; making me face him. “I didn’t even know that she would come at you. I am really sorry” He begged squatting down to my level. What kind of a person wouldn’t come at the person who is carrying their ex-boyfriend’s child?

“Really. I am sorry” He took my hand and squeezed it. I felt awed by his reaction; trying his best to make me okay. “I know” I smiled and hugged him. Why did I just do that…

“I know you want kids” was the only thing I knew to say at him while hugging. Really Chaerin. You need lessons in comforting people and stuff. “And it’s okay” There you go.

“Huh?” I heard him say. “Xin told me…how you wanted kids and stuff” I said. “Why is that important now?” He asked. “I don’t even know” I responded quickly; still hugging him. Oh poor Chaerin.

“You are not mad at me, are you?” he finally pulled away from the hug. “What? No” I shook my head. “She is obviously hurt so she blabbered stuff” I his cheek. So soft... NO CHAERIN NO!

He smiled and gently tucked a hair strand behind my ear.

“NOOOO! That house was mine!” I cried. “But you didn’t pay for it! So I can buy it Haha!” Seungri laughed giving his pa of money to the banker, Teddy hyung. Yeap. We are playing Monopoly in the studio at night. “Not fair!” I pouted. “Here you go” Teddy hyung passed the change to Seungri. “My turn” Taeyang exclaimed and quickly rolled the dice.

“WAIT!” Seungri screamed. What now? “Why am I getting just 1000?  I just paid 30 000. It’s for 25000!!” Seungri complained. “Have you been giving me wrong amount all this time?”

“This is why you should have been good at math” Teddy hyung laughed.

“Shall we stop for tonight?” Kush stretched himself. “YES! And then we should play a FAIR game later” Seungri answered quickly. “Yea a game where you are actually focusing on the game and not texting random girls” Lydia unnie smacked his head.

“Chaerin-ah. Bom said she would be coming late tonight.” Tabi informed. Late? “Why is she telling you that?” I narrowed my eyes at him. Can’t she just call me and tell me? “Anyways I need to go” Tabi got up. “Go where exactly?” I smirked. “To Bom. She needs help with something” Tabi waved a bye and left the studio. “Help her with what? Taking off clothes?” Seungri called back making us all burst in laughter.

“We should leave too” I signaled Xin. “Home?” Jiyong asked. “Yes” Xin got up following me. “This soon? What are you even going to do? Bom is not even there!” Jiyong whined. Oh he is such a baby. Is he perhaps jealous of me because I am going to spend time with his boyfriend? I rolled my eyes. “We got a lot of things to do” I locked arms with Xin. It’s nice to see him get a little jealous.


“Oh I don’t know…watch movies…and then” I made up. I know for a fact that we won’t anyways. I would just go home and fall flat on the bed and he would probably be in his room the entire night.

“You are not doing that” Jiyong warned.

“We so are” Xin joined in.

“No you can’t” He folded his arms with a smirk.

“Oh really? Watch us!” I snapped before dragging Xin out from the studio. What can he do about it? Show up at our house? He needs to chill. I am not taking his boyfriend away.

“Speak” Xin said picking up the phone. “I just came home!” Xin continued his talking as he pulled over to our house. Xin can drive better now. Thank god for that. “No, Jiyong. Just get a cab!” He frowned. What’s happening? “Fine fine. I am going!” and Xin hung up. “What is it?” I asked as soon as he put down the phone. “Jiyong wants me to go and drop him to his house. Apparently his car is broken and he forgot his wallet so he needs to go home” Xin explained to me pointing out how ridiculous it sounds. “Go. Your boyfriend is probably waiting for you” I teased before getting out. “I’ll be back soon!” He raised a hand and drove off.

I sighed as I watched him drive away. No Bom unnie tonight. Xin and I might have to make crappy ramen and then eat. I turned around to walk towards the gate when I heard the familiar voice that froze up everything. It felt like the whole world stopped rotating. My breathing got uneven.

“It’s been a while. He is still around?”

I could literally hear my heart beat. Xin left for just a second and he appeared. Calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out. “Yah. Can you not hear me?” He asked rather in a calm tone. It’s okay. Just talk to him. Maybe he changed. His tone changed so he probably did as well.

“D-dean” I turned around and greeted him. “Now you greet me? I had been talking all this time and you didn’t utter a single word” he scoffed; his tone slowly changing. Okay he did not, I guess. “Is he your new boss now?” He folded his arms.

“He is my friend” I replied. “Friend…friend my ” He chuckled. “Dean. What are you even doing here?” “Here? I came to see how you were doing.” He took a step forward and with which I took a step back. “I did want to see how you were doing before but” he started walking towards me. I wanted to walk back but the locked gate become my barrier. “But…” he leaned towards my ear and whispered, “someone called the security” I gulped.

“Ma-aybe because you weren’t invited?” I tried to give him positive excuses. “Then she should have invited me in. Don’t you think so?” He whispered again. I nodded; scared. “Um…well then good night” I smiled trying to keep it friendly. I turned around to quickly open the gate when he grabbed me by my hair. “And where do you think you are going?”

“S-s-sleep” I stuttered. “But we just started” I felt his grip on my hair tighten. “We could take this inside if you are shy” he raised my chin to make eye contact with him. Xin…come soon. PLEASE. PLEASE.

“Or we could just” He planted a kiss on my neck. NO NO. NOT AGAIN. Unknowingly, I slapped him. CRAP CRAP. WHAT DID I JUST DO? I shouldn’t have done that. XIN!

He took a while to realize what happened and then looked at me. “Did you just slap me?” He gritted his teeth. The grip on my hair loosened and was now tightened on my shoulders. Yes I did! Somebody…help me.

“DID You JUST SLAP ME YOU ?” He shook me furiously. Help. Me. What do I- With all my might I pushed him away. “YES. YES I DID!” I cried and turned around to quickly open the gate. If I go in and lock from the inside quickly, I’ll make it. Luckily I was about to open the gate but the unlucky part was when I was too slow at closing the gate. He smashed the steel door open which came and straight up hit my forehead real hard for as I was behind it to close it.

I felt blood run down my face. “You dare slap me?” He punched me in my face. “D-dean It was a mista-“

“Mistake? Go yourself” He took me by the collars and smashed me to the wall. The exact pain I had before in my backbone came back. I felt my legs shiver; frightened. PLEASE SOMEONE.

“I tried talking to you nicely. You pushed me away” He brought me closer to him and slammed me back to the wall. I felt like my backbone could break any minute. “DEAN PLEASE! DON’T!” I cried. “What? What are you saying? I can’t hear you !” He growled before throwing me into the shoe rack outside which splattered into parts along with the shoes everywhere. “PLEASE! STOP!!” I screamed trying to get up. He grabbed my shoulder so tight that I felt his nail go in. XIN! JIYONG! MOM! DAD!

“You should have been quite from the start” He growled before smashing me back to the ground making the back of my head hit hard on the floor. “You are still loud as , huh?” He got up and took a short pipe which was a part of the shoe rack. “Why do you keep pushing me away? You weren’t like that before” He hit me. I felt another cut on my shoulder. “Is it because of those news guys you are hanging out with?” He hit me one more time on the cut I got from the gate before dropping it. The blood flow increased. I felt like throwing up. Everything is just-

“HUH?” he kicked me in the stomach. NO.”PLEASE” my cries were back. “IS IT?” he kicked me again. “IS IT NOT?”

With every question he kept on kicking me in different places. And with every kick my cries kept getting louder and louder.

“YAH!” he stomped a foot on to my stomach. The pain of it made me dizzy! Please NO! “ARE YOU NOT GONNA ANSWER ME?”  My vision started to get blurry. I could already feel my face half covered in blood. He got down and raised me up a bit. “You are one ing . Aren’t you” And he slammed me back again before getting up. I cried as the pains got worsen. He shot one last furious kick before getting out; leaving me on the floor.

As soon as he closed the gate behind him, I looked for my bag. I need to call someone. I need to call Jiyong. I need to call Xin. I tried to reach out to my bag with my hand that had flown away. But it was too far. Struggling, I crawled up to it.

Need to call.

My vision started to get more and more blurry. I kept blacking out second by second. I unlocked the phone and dialed quickly. Any number would be fine for me at the moment.

“Hello?” the other line picked up.

“...X-Xin” and I out.

Something was throbbing. Painfully. The void that had engulfed me slowly being out. With it, came the aching and the memories. No, please. I was better off in the void. Without the world and all its gore intruding. I remember bits and pieces of someone calling my name. Felt someone moving me. I kept going in and out of consciousness. This time though, things were getting clearer. Voices, which were first all hushed murmurs, getting clearer. I opened my eyes. Then closed it again. The light was blinding.

I could hear someone crying. Several hushed voices and…THE SMELL! The smell of the disinfectant! I was in a hospital. I opened my eyes again, slowly. The figures were all gobbled up at first but then my dizzy head decided to settle and I could focus. There they were; everyone. Xin was sitting in a chair beside my bed, his back turned to me. Tabi was holding Bom Unnie, leaning against the wall. She had her face buried in his chest and he was whispering to her. Lydia and the rest of the girls were sitting on the other bed; worried expressions on their faces. The boys were scattered around the room. My boys. Dad and Jiyong was nowhere to be seen. Then there was Minzy. She is the one who has been crying all this time. She still is. Mom was holding her, her eyes fixed on the doctor. Doctor. He was talking to mom. Probably about me.

None of them realized that I was awake.

“…internal bleeding” I heard him say. His voice was soft and I could only hear bits and pieces. “Managed to put a stop to that. We need to keep her in observation…” Nausea hit me like crashing waves and I automatically gripped the thing that was close to me. Which just happened to be Xin’s hand. He turned his head instantly and looked down at me worriedly.

“Severely dehydrated…” Doctor continued.

“Mrs. Lee, your daughter had to go through severe stress. Both emotionally and physically. If she wakes up within the next 3 hours then she’s out of further danger” Yippee. “However…”

I gripped Xin’s hand tighter.

“We were unable to save the baby” 

/Packs bag and leaves the country/ 


To be honest, this whole story was actually planned to be this serious drama-ish one (which is why it's under the drama category ) . But some how comedic stuff got in and everything happened since you guys love the comedy. v.v  But hey don't worry I HATE tragic endings so this one won't be one. I hope you guys stay *throws hearts for all of you* 


buuuut I won't be able to update till December x.x  

I LOVE YOU <3  #Hides

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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
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Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
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Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
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Please update this..
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Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
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Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting