Should I? Should I not?

In Control

Daehyuns arms flailed around, trying to break free from Yongguk's hold.


"HYUUUNG!" Daehyun cried, almost out of breath. Yongguk wasn't going to stop. This was too much fun for him.  




Both of them were laughing uncontrollably. Daehyun started waving his body crazily around in hopes to get the elder off of him. Being tickled was one of Daehyun's ultimate weaknesses and he knew that Yongguk liked to take advantage of it every chance he could get. They were messing around in the dorms for over half an hour, Daehyun was trying to tire him out so he could plot some sort of evil revenge (it would consist of tickling him back until he almost passes out from laughing too much).


Before Daehyun had any chance to even think of revenge, Himchan walked in.


The tickles stopped.


Yongguk was no longer smiling nor laughing.


This was what Daehyun, and the rest of the B.A.P members liked to call 'Himchan Mode', it was where Yongguk turned into a totally different person around Himchan and no one knew why.


"Get out." Himchan ordered.


Daehyun bowed slightly and hesitantly left Yongguk's room.




"What's Himchans problem recently?" Daehyun pursed his lips.


Youngjae shrugged.


"It's not recently, he's always been like this."


Daehyun frowned.


It wasn't acceptable to have Himchan ordering everyone about, acting like he owned Bang Yongguk. Even if everyone knew they had an agreement of some sort together, it still wasn't fair.


"I think we should rebel against him, don't you?" Daehyun talked in such a hushed tone, he wasn't sure if he was really speaking these words.


Youngjae eyes widened, "What?"


Daehyun drew his best friend in closer and whispered, "We have to rebel. It's the only way."


Shaking his head in disagreement, Youngjae placed his hand on s shoulder.

"Hyung, if we do that our image as B.A.P will be ruined, we need to keep at least some tolerance of the people we're in a group with."


Daehyun rubbed his eyes thoroughly. They needed to make a plan. First to find out why Yongguk acted like that around Himchan. Secondly, to stop it.

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 1: Please update soon! !
mamizu #2
Chapter 1: this is very short. update soon