Just Say Yes

Just Say Yes

Kibum doesn't really get worked up over much. There was his high school graduation, his first date, the talent show in the sixth grade; but all of that seemed to pale in comparison to how he felt right then.

His heart was pounding in his chest, his brow sweating, and his hands shook as he held onto the little red box in his right jacket pocket.

His original plan was to just pop the question and be all "hey, marry me" whenever the urge hit him because really, there was no way Jonghyun would say no to him, no matter how crude or tactless the method he chose; the elder was an incredibly simple and easy to please man.

And it wasn't like they could actually get married because this wasn’t America; he wasn’t even sure where Jonghyun even got this terribly cheesy idea from in the first place. Too much internet, he was willing to bet.

But he remembered Jonghyun gushing on about how gay couples have little ceremonies to just "commemorate their love" or something like that and how much he thought they deserved one as well.

Honestly, Kibum felt it unnecessary to partake in something like this if it didn't actually mean anything other than sentiment; but it seemed to make his sappy boyfriend more than happy and that in itself made it worth all the fuss as far as he was concerned.

He made such a huge show out of not caring about all of this and yet here he was (after quite a bit of pondering, mind you) pacing and losing his mind over some idiot he couldn't stand, who in the end was just going to say yes, and he knew he was going to say yes.

Then Jonghyun came around the corner, trotting about like a twelve-year-old girl he was and he instantly panicked, taking back all the he’d just said; this was all wrong. Maybe he should've taken him out for a nice French dinner and put a ring in his champagne or on one of the breadsticks (just so he could choke on all three karats, excellent).

Maybe it would've been better to go to the place they'd first met—because Minho’s loft was definitely the most romantic place on earth.

The entire situation just seemed all wrong and he was thinking over it so hard, he hadn't even realized Jonghyun had already made it to the bench he was seated on, standing right in front of him and trying to get his attention.

"Hey, Kibum wake up." He said with a smile, his palm waving in front of the younger boy's eyes. Snapping out of it, Kibum rolled his eyes, lightly swatting his hand away in annoyance. Jonghyun pouted and pulled him up from his seat, forcing the stubborn boy into a hug which was a very difficult task, and gave him a chaste kiss. Kibum looked away, clearing his throat and feigning disinterest.

"Hi." He muttered, face flustered, pecking Jonghyun's cheek quickly before backing away and straightening out his shirt, obviously embarrassed.

He sat down and Jonghyun immediately followed suit, smiling and scooting as close as possible to his boyfriend. He was never one to respect personal space, especially not Kibum’s.

"What's the occasion?" Jonghyun asked, scooting closer and wrapping an arm around the younger boy's shoulders; Kibum quirked an eyebrow, not really understanding the question.

"You never willingly do anything that involves the great outdoors, and you randomly tell me to meet you in a park,” Jonghyun clarified, “what’s going on?”

Kibum sighed, not mentally prepared at all, “Do I need a special reason to take you out for a walk?” He shrugged the arm off and stood up, gesturing for the older male to do the same.

“You don’t honestly expect me to believe that, do you?” The elder replied, taking Kibum’s hand and beginning to make his way to the city park’s entrance nonetheless.

Before they could get too far, though, Kibum pulled on his hand, stopping the other with his gaze cast down to the pathway.

“Wai—wait,” He hesitated, “I need to get this out now or I’m not going to do it at all.” Jonghyun frowned, dropping the younger man’s hand in confusion. Kibum scratched the back of his head at the nape thinking over what he could possibly say in his head before he spit everything out all at once and ruined the moment.

He found himself panicking for a moment, but when he looked back up to the other man, he somehow felt his worries melt away; from his strong jawline to his plush lips, his brown hair and the piercings that dawned his ears—Kibum was in love with it all.

He wasn’t even sure why he had been nervous to begin with when he already knew very well that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jonghyun, and there was absolutely nothing that could change that.

So slowly, as he sank down to the ground on one knee as he stared into the elder man’s eyes; he knew there was nothing to worry about, no reason to be nervous. Jonghyun’s expression morphed as he began to understand the multitude of the situation at hand, legs freezing where he stood as Kibum dug his hand in his pocket, playing with the little box again as he began to speak.

“I don’t have anything prepared to say because I already knew I was going to forget it all if I actually got this far.” He sighed, taking a moment to gather himself, “and to be honest, I didn’t really take this seriously in the first place because we still can’t technically get married.”

At this, Jonghyun scoffed, remembering the century long conversation they had over that exact topic a month or so ago. Their opinions had been polar opposites but it was clear to them both who’d won in the end as Kibum pulled out the ring box from his pocket, hands shaking a bit no matter how “not nervous” he was.

“Just…” His rant was cut short as he hesitated, a labored sigh escaping him, “I want to marry you.” He saved himself the embarrassment that would ensue from extending that speech of which he was clearly destined to up and snapped open the little velvet box, revealing a thick banned silver ring.

Jonghyun’s jaw dropped and an incredulous, breathy laugh escaped his gaped mouth. He stood there, unmoving and completely in shock at the sudden proposal, even though he was already preparing for it and Kibum found himself getting more and more anxious by the second.

“Can you answer me? I’m nervous enough as is and my knee is starting to hurt—like a lot.” He grimaced. Jonghyun laughed and kneeled down in front of him, wrapping his arms around the younger boys neck and laughing.

He buried his face into Kibum neck, lips moving against the skin as he whispered his reply: “Of course.”





a/n: i wrote this for my dear friend's birthday a month or so ago but i'm just now posting it on the internet. so yeah here it is. i'm not sure if i like this or not, but i posted something so that's always an accomplishment for me otl


thanks for reading c:

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