We Never Forget

We Never Forget



The rays of sunshine were what woke up the couple that autumn morning. Kyungsoo and Jongin had been together for over seven years, in which they’ve been married for exactly five years as today it’s the couple’s anniversary.

Even at the age of twenty-seven and having known each other all their lives, Kyungsoo still loved his husband beyond compare. He was his lover, his confider, his best friend, and he was sure that Jongin himself felt the same about him. They were a match made in Heaven and Kyungsoo couldn’t imagine life without Jongin.


They got up that morning and Kyungsoo started to make his husband’s usual breakfast – oats and a glass of orange juice – while Jongin went outside to get the paper. Kyungsoo counted up to thirty seconds and that’s when his husband came back in the kitchen accusing the paper boy of hiding the newspaper in the bushes. He smiled; it was always the same routine with them. The usual and stable routine that kept them together for nearly ten years.

They ate their breakfast in a comfortable silence, Jongin eating his oats while Kyungsoo spread the jam over his toast.

After breakfast, Kyungsoo went on to make his daily chorus of cleaning the house. He had only started to clean the living room floor that Jongin called for him from the kitchen. Once Kyungsoo got there he was surprised to see Jongin with a picnic basket in his hands, smiling at him.


“It’s our anniversary;” he smiled at Kyungsoo “we should do something special”


Kyungsoo blushed. Her husband always did things like those to surprise him on their anniversary, and after all those years Kyungsoo still couldn’t get used to it all. Jongin still had him in the palm of his hand as he did when they first started dating.



Kyungsoo did not find weird when his husband decided they’d walk to their destination. It was very normal for them as Jongin loved walking and both of them loved the fresh air. The walk was the usual snarls of Jongin about how people around them were sending ‘lustful looks’ towards Kyungsoo to which the latter just laughed at. All the same, Jongin put his arm possessively around Kyungsoo and would shoot deathly glares at anyone that looked their way. Kyungsoo wasn’t surprised when he saw the beach come to view. It was where their first date had occurred, as well as when Jongin had proposed .

They got their usual spot under their usual tree only to realise that neither of them remembered to bring the basket. They laughed – more like Kyungsoo laughed while Jongin huffed about how he wasted his efforts.


They decided to get food at a nearby stall which only sold hotdogs. While in the cue the two laughed and giggled together, and Kyungsoo could see other people staring at them in an emotion in which he could not identify. Maybe they were jealous of how close him and Jongin were or maybe they were grossed out by their PDA. Kyungsoo didn’t really know but all he could do was smile at the people staring, trying to hold back the laughs of his witty husband’s remarks about the starers. Maybe the reason why they stared was that they could hear the insults.


Kyungsoo got his hotdog while Jongin decided that he will save the space for the basket which is so eagerly waiting for them at home.

While Kyungsoo munched on his hotdog happily, his husband gently entwined his fingers with his and went back to their place under the shaded tree where Kyungsoo finished his hotdog and then they started singing together old songs which earned them death and confused  stares from the people passing by.

The couple started to stroll around the beach until they came up to a bench overlooking the ocean. The couple sat there in the tranquillity of their surroundings. The sun was beginning to set which resulted in the sky making pretty pink and orange colours which reflected on the clear still water of the ocean. There weren’t many people around anymore as it was starting to late and all the young people started to relocate themselves in the populated side of the beach, leaving the Jongin and Kyungsoo alone with surfers trying to catch the last wave before it became too dark and the office workers either passing the beach walking their dogs or jogging. Kyungsoo laid his head on his husband’s shoulder as Jongin softly hummed their song while tenderly Kyungsoo’s dark hair.

They had been together since they were twenty and had been in love with each other since they were seventeen, but their love was still strong.



When it was around six-thirty they made their way to the house in which they’ve lived in for five years. It was the first apartment that they bought together after their marriage, and even if now they had much more money, they could never bring themselves to sale it. There were too many memories,

Once they got there, Jongin went to do a shower while Kyungsoo started to prepare dinner (the picnic basket had mysteriously disappeared and was nowhere to be found). They ate over candle light and soft music player from the radio. Everything at that moment was perfect for Kyungsoo, he just couldn’t have asked for more. His all soul was fully happy and content with want he had in that exact moment. Too bad a knock took them both out of their trance.

Once Kyungsoo went to open the door, he found his best friend Baekhyun at the door.


“Hi Soo,” he said with a quick hug, “how are you?”


Kyungsoo smiled kindly at his friend. “I passed the loveliest day with Jongin today, so sweet for you to come here and wish us a happy anniversary”


“Really?” Baekhyun eyebrows raised, “what did you and Jongin do today?”


“You know,” Kyungsoo and Baekhyun started making their way back to near the dining room. “we went to the beach, ate hotdogs, stared into the sunset – the usual for us, really”

Baekhyun listened attentively to his closest friend speak about his day and he couldn’t contain the blank look in her eyes. “Are you alright, Baek?” asked Kyungsoo concerned, “you don’t look so well”


“I’m fine.” Baekhyun quickly shut his eyes, “it was a busy day at work, that’s all”


“Okay then,” smiled Kyungsoo, they both passed the small arc to get in the dining room. Baekhyun stopped in his tracks when he noticed the room lit by candle light and the sensual music playing in the background. “There we are,” Kyungsoo made his way back to her seat “Jongin and I are just having dinner, but I’m more than certain that there would be enough for you to join us”


Baekhyun stared blankly at the table.


“Baek,” Kyungsoo voiced his concern, “are you alright? You don’t look so well”


“No, I’m fine.” Baekhyun shook her head, “and no thanks, I have to get back home. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Soo, bye…Jongin”


And with that he was out of the door.



After dinner Jongin and Kyungsoo started to slow dance around their living room, occasionally laughing when one of the two took a wrong step.

When it was over ten, they made their way to their bedroom and decided to cuddle up under the convers in that cold night.

There they laid. Under the covers tangled in each other’s arms like nothing could ever come and break them apart. They belong to each other forever and always.


“I love you,” said Kyungsoo before closing his eyes. He just managed to hear the “I love you, too” his husband said to him before he went into deep slumber.



When Baekhyun got home to his own husband and children he still had that shocked and blanked expression he had at his best friend’s. He put down his keys and proceeded to make her way to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.


“Hey,” Chanyeol, his husband, came into view, “why are you so late?”


“I went to meet Soo,” Baekhyun said after he gulped up her drink, water wasn’t strong enough for what he needed in that moment. “Today was his and Jongin’s anniversary”


“Really?” Chanyeol’s eyebrows rose, “how is he?”


“He said he passed all day with Jongin. Down at the beach.” Baekhyun sat down on a seat around the table and put his head in his hands.


“Maybe you should visit that doctor again” his husband sat down next to Baekhyun and slowly patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.


“No,” Baekhyun looked up at his husband with a fierce look in his eyes “he said it last time; this is just Kyungsoo’s way of dealing with the issue. Him dealing with his grief”


 “Baekhyun, Jongin died over three years ago.” Chnayeol looked firmly in his eyes, “Kyungsoo has all the right to be sad but he also has to be able to move on with his life, holding such feelings for all this time isn’t healthy and is causing him nothing but harm”


“But it makes him happy”


“Only in the moment and in his mind, but inside we all know he’s hurting and he’s lost. We all do, especially him.”



This was actually one of my old assessments LOL with a bit of editing it became a fanfic....i know its not the best but meh just want to post it  ~ ehehe leave comments with feedback so i can improve ;3; xoxo love you all

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Chapter 1: It's kinda make me guessed a lot of possibly.
That could be Jongin will Break up his relationship
Or Baekhyun pregnant *lol
Because y'know that angst word at the first palace. Ugh!
kyung! With his imagination...
Chapter 1: oh my god O.o i was like ohh they're so sweet~ and then I saw the last part then I was like . T^T why do this to meeeeeeeeee?!!!! I can't even..... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... T^T
Chapter 1: I knew you were taking it there.... Damn you!!!
Chapter 1: Poor Kyungsoo. It is so sad.