Idiot's Decisions are the Worst -

Growl like a Wolf

Hyomin already had the pathetic vampire pinned down on her bed. Her hands were wrapped around Qri's thin wrists and held above her head. Hot breaths leaked into eachother's mouths, as their fangs grinded softly at their tongues. Qri nibbled at Hyomin's bottom lip, giving the girl small bites along the delicate pink skin. Hyomin flinched for a moment, feeling Qri's sharp canine tooth prick at her lip. "Ah. . " She instinctively whimpered at the tiny cut.

"Oh, sorry. . " Qri mumbled, using the tip of her tongue to trace the small wound.

Hyomin's mouth curled into a smile and tried to peck those soft lips one more time, only to hear the dorm's door violently shake back and forth.

"What the hell ? HEY ! PARK HYOMIN !" Eunjung's voice erupted from the wooden door.

"Oh . . !" Hyomin's wolf ears stood straight up and twitched at every knock. "G-get off of me !" The frustrated Qri pushed away the younger girl, with no problem. "Ah. . okay ! Okay ! Hold on !" Hyomin yelled back, looking at her vanity mirror to comb her fingers through her disheveled hair.

"H-hey. . ! What about me . . ?!" Qri whispered at her.

"What do you mean . . ?! Just look at the mirro- Oh, that's right. . " Hyomin smacked the bottom of her palm against her forehead, just remembering that vampires can't see their own damn reflections. Hyomin quickly patted down at Qri's ruffled up hair locks, trying to keep them from looking as non-juvenile as possible.

"What's the hold up ? Is someone in there ?!" Eunjung howled back out, sniffing at the air and trying to pick up anything new. "I smell someone else in there too, Hyomin ! Don't make me break open the door, again !"

"What's going on ?" Soyeon peered from behind Eunjung. "I don't know, but I think there's another one of you bloodsuckers in there I can smell that unholy scent that you guys carry." Eunjung raised her eyebrows and as she turned around to give another hard knock, the door flung open. Hyomin stood leaning against the door frame, as casually as she can.

"Sup ?" Hyomin nodded her chin at the two, trying to give the most neutral expression ever.

"So. . no one was in here ?" Eunjung looked behind Hyomin to just see their room as it was in the morning. "Nope, no one." Hyomin nervously laughed. Soyeon watched the two converse for a moment and turned her head to see all the other wolf student's gawking at her. Some freshmans fled off in fear and the upperclassmen just looked at her as if she were the plague.

Eunjung smugly smiled at Hyomin and walked in the room, making sure every corner of the room was visible to her. "Hmm. . I swear I thought somebody was in here. . . " Eunjung's golden irises swiftly darted back and forth, as she walked towards her desk. "What was the hold up then ?" Soyeon asked, poking her head in from the door.

"Oh, I was just uhm. . cleaning. Yeah, cleaning !" Hyomin nodded her head up and down from her own reply. Eunjung suddenly rose up in front of Hyomin and grabbed her chin, lifting it and carefully observing the small wound left by Qri.

"What's that ?" Eunjung squinted her eyes, tilting her hand so that Hyomin's head moved side to side. She chuckled awkwardly and released Eunjung's strong grip. "I fell down and bit my lip with my fang by accident."

"Oh. . really ?" She looked at the girl suspiciously, but pushed it aside. She grabbed her wallet from her desk and slipped it into her back pocket, "You should be more careful then." Eunjung assured the girl and gave her a goofy smile. "I'll see you in class then, Park Hyomin ~" Her tone went back to it's cheery state, as she left the room. "Hey ! Stop pushing me !" Soyeon's annoyed voice was heard through the whole hall.

Hyomin closed the dorm door and leaned against it in relief. "Whew. . You can get out now." Hyomin sighed, her tail loosened up all the tension it had.

"Gah, what do you keep in here . . ?!" Qri scolded her, crawling out of under Hyomin's bed with those pale arms of hers. As she stood up and dusted herself off from whatever the hell was under Hyomin's bed, the school's clock tower rung it's bell. They could hear all the female werewolves open doors and mumble about what classes they have, from beyond the door.

"Oh, class is about to start ! I better get going ! Sorry, Hyominnie. . !" Qri gave the girl a tiny peck on the lips and went to leave the room. Hyomin quickly grabbed her wrist, a frantic expression was all over her face.

"Wha ? What's wrong ?" Qri looked back at Hyomin, who gave her a apologetic smile. "I don't think you should get out from the door. . " Qri raised an eyebrow, looking at her stupidly. "Why ?"

"Be-because ! If they see you coming out from here, they'll start weird rumors ! You know how some people are in this school. . ."

Qri sighed at the girl's childish complaint, but grudingly agreed "Okay. . fine. But how else am I supposed to leave ?"

"Uh. . " Hyomin gave an unsure grin and pointed at the window. "You're telling me to jump out from the window ??"

"Well, yeah ! I mean, can't you land safetly. . because you vampires have like strong limbs or something ?" Hyomin intercepted the question. "I mean yeah, we CAN land safetly, but I'm not the most strongest vampire in this school." A playful grin creeped on Hyomin's face, as she circled around Qri. "Hmm. . what's that smell ? Is that fear ?" Hyomin's tail wagged and lightly touched Qri's thighs.

"Y-you think I'm scared ??" Qri stuttered, fumed at how Hyomin can pick up emotions by just a small sniff. "I never knew that my girlfriend was scared of heights !" Hyomin cooed, trying to get her aggravated. "N-no ! Stay quiet !" Qri puffed a cheek, trying to make a final decision. "Fine ! I'll prove you wrong then !" She stomped her way to the window and pulled it open with all her might. Hyomin giggled, "Good ! You'll be fine, don't worry !" She watched the frail girl step onto the ledge with wobbly legs. The dorm room was on the 4th floor and beneath her were these flower bushes that were neatly trimmed by the school's personal gardener.

"I'll see you during lunch hour, Qri unnie !" Hyomin chuckled and gave the girl a hard push on the back, sending her down.

"Ah ! ! !" Qri faceplanted onto the bushes, getting entagled by the loose branches. "I'll kill you, Park Hyomin !" She yelled out and looked at where she fell from. She saw Hyomin's head poke out with a stupid smile.

*From several meters away*

Eunjung's ears perked up and her head scanned the whole area. as she walked. She looked at Soyeon "Did you hear that ?"

Soyeon shook her head and bluntly said "Yeah. Maybe it was a bird."

"I don't think birds sound like that, Soyeon. . "

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Ibie62 #1
Chapter 2: Really great story. Please update! :)
Chapter 1: I like it, I like it!!!! This has minkyul and mythical creatures, is just so perfect!