Chapter 1

The Mission

He was out of focus. His mind was far than where we were. I tried to read him but it was just a blank written all over his oval face. I reached out for his fingers that were hanging from his loosely interlocked hands. I was surprised that he jumped at -what seemed to him- the sudden touch. He gave a bitter smile. I took his veiny cold hand in mine and interlaced it neatly.

'I'm here for you' was what I intended to say. But I guess he felt the word for he laid his head on my small framed shoulder. I could feel him shivering under my touch so I gently grazed my thumb over his evident knuckles.

"Do you want to go with us, Jay?" they politely offered.

Honestly I did not mind being in which ever group that was available but this grown man next to me, kept his hold firm. I looked over my shoulder.

"How about Jay and Tao pair up instead?" Baekhyun spoke up.

"No no. I can pair up with Suho hyung. I don't mind, Jay, you can join them," Tao shook his head lightly, still in his cozy position.

He was quite reluctant to let me go, I knew. But he had his time with me the whole day and Kris had been whining how his dear Tao was clinging onto me instead.

"Hey, Jay. Wanna come with me?" Jongin whispered next to me.

"I heard that, Kai! I thought I was going with you," Chanyeol was already pulling a long face.

Jongin a.k.a. Kai threw a glare at his direction. Without my consent, he announced that he was going to complete the mission with me. By then, the big giant Chanyeol had already threw a tantrum. Jongin took my hand abruptly, sending almost sleeping Tao banging onto my hard wooden chair. Luckily he was conscious enough to halt himself from getting another head injury which he had already obtained after practicing his wushu. 

I playfully eyed Jongin who smiled sheepishly. 

We finally made our way to the entrance of the mission's place, a haunted house. 

"Jay you alright?" 

Ironically, the shivering one was him. I gave a chuckle and said no more but to tighten my grip onto his hand. 

The first few courses of the mission was quite easy to solve. I was impressed at how Jongin could actually use his neutrons in his brain in the midst of screaming. At the end of the last course, we could picture the exit that was waiting for us. Not wanitng to stay in the eerie house longer, Jongin dashed across the corridor, practically dragging me behind him, and exited the house. 


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Chapter 1: 대박!! More please? Hahaha where did ur Kyungsoo go? Kyungsoo yah!! 어디서??