The Redheads

The Love Triangle

A/N: Thanks so much you guys for commenting and subscribing!!! It really means a lot to us!!!

Ok, I've decided I will try to update once a week on Friday afternoons (Pacific Time). I know today isn't Friday, so let's just say that I'm updating earlier this week. :P The next chapter is aaalmooostt done, and I will post it next week!! No promises, sorry. It's just that my co-author hasn't been updating this fic because she's.....busy? So it's only me for now, but I'm sure she'll come back!!!  >.< I'll try my best, though!! FIGHTING!!!!

-avelric ;)

Yoon's POV

"C'mon, let's walk home, Yoon," Seohyun called to me.

Seohyun had just gotten out of class, and met up with me where I was waiting for her. I smiled at her, but then said, "But Hoya promised us a ride today, remember?"

"What?!" she replied, looking shocked and a bit nervous.

"Yeah, I told you at lunch, right?"


"Yeah, I did, don't you--" I said, before realizing I really didn't tell her. I had been fuming at L.joe for being a total reputation ruiner, and cursing him in my head.

"Oh," I said again.

"Aish, Yoon, really, you should  have told me," she huffed.

"Sorry," I told her, giving her a sheepish smile, as I noticed Hoya's car pulled up to the curb. I nudged Seohyun to walk over.

"Get in," he said simply, through the rolled down window.

We both got in the backseat, and Seohyun clunkily closed the door. Hoya pressed the gas, and started driving home, before we even managed to put on our seatbelts. I looked over a Seohyun, noticing that she looked extremely uncomfortable, and that her hands kept clenching at her jean covered knees.

To get rid of the stifling awkward atmosphere in the car, I started up a conversation with my brother by saying, "Yah, I thought you took out your motorcycle to hang out with your gang? What's the name again? Infi-night?"

"I did. Then, I had to get my car to pick you up. And, it's called Infinite." Hoya said, zooming through the streets.

"Yeah, I thought I saw you hanging out near school." 

I glanced back at Seohyun, she kept her face away from me, and was staring out the window, her long red hair covering her face. The car ride was completely quiet. And I seriously couldn't breathe in this thick, suffocating silence. So I talked again.



"How's Infinite?"


60 seconds passed. No one talked.

"Are you sure?"


"Nothing special happened?"

It was silent for a couple more seconds, and I was seriously going to start singing random songs to get rid of this awful silence. But then Hoya spoke.

"We have this guy who joined a couple months ago. It wasn't recent, but that's the only new thing that has happened so far."

"Oh. What's he like?"

"A flower boy. Lean, tall, a good nose."

"Um, good nose?" I questioned, "Seriously?"

"Well, it IS a good nose." Hoya said defensively, as he hit the brakes to stop at an intersection. He hummed for a while, deep in thought. The lights turned green, and he drove again. Then he replied, "He's like Sungyeol." he said simply.

"Sungyeol oppa? Really?"

"Yeah." And then he turned into our driveway. I noticed Seohyun sighed, and her fingers curled around the strap of her bag. Hoya parked the car into the garage, and everyone got out.

"Thanks," I said, as Seohyun whispered, "Thank you," without making eye contact. 

"Welcome," Hoya replied stiffly, and also looked away from the both of us.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

And Seohyun and I went into my house, and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

Only when I had shut my door firmly, and locked it, did I turn around and announce, "You guys are such dorks."

"What?" Seohyun said, frowning.

"Both of you couldn't be anymore obvious." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"So I'm a little awkward with him. What does it matter?" she said, her frown getting deeper.

"Seohyun-ah, if you like him, then talk to him,"

"Whatever," she huffed, "And plus it's weird, cause you're his sister, and my best friend."

"It is weird," I acknowledged, "but I'm making an exception for you. And Seohyun, you're a member of the Redheads. You don't go all shy over a moron like him, got it?" I lectured, as I shrugged off my bag.

Seohyun made a face, and sat on the floor, opening her bag to take out her binder. "Let's just get our homework done, and then go to The Alley to meet up with our unnies,"

I smiled. "Yeah, don't want to disappoint them," I replied, excited to meet up with the rest of the Redheads.

Who were the Redheads? Well, they are a girl gang, commiting themselves to protect their territory, and uphold justice. 

Honestly, when I had first heard of it, I laughed. What kind of gang was righteous? Gangs were supposed to do drugs, steal, and do lecherous things. Basically, they broke the law right?

Well, they didn't. And they were the only ones, besides Infinite. 

But in the big city of Hankuk, these two gangs were definitely the only gangs that were good.

There were about a dozen other gangs who did so illegal things.

And so the Redheads and Infinite were there to stop them. And were the police grateful to their voluntary service? Yes, right?


The police thought that all gangs were just filled with drunk, hormonal teens/adults. And who could blame them? Out of all the gangs that exsisted, I knew that our two gangs were definitely rare. 

So we're treated as normal criminals, having to hide out in dark alleys, duck in shadowy corners, and shroud ourselves in mystery. While fighting crime.

Our lives are hard, yeah, but it's bearable. Because with our unnies, and yes, even Infinite, we work together, even though we are separate.

And although I don't ever want to be publicly associated with Infinite, seeing all of them are just total losers (yes, including my brother. Actually, I would say he's the dorkiest loser of them all, but I haven't met everyone yet, so I can't say for sure) but I have to say....

I'm grateful we're together. I'm grateful to know that there are others like us. I'm grateful that we have good teamwork with each other.

I'm grateful that they exist.

Because in this lonely world that we live in, this large city with corruption and terrible people, this place which we call home, we aren't alone.

I'm proud to be working with Infinite.

But most of all, I'm proud to be a Redhead.

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Chapter 4: I read it, IT WAS GOOD. Update, Author-nim~ hahahahaha, but seriously update? WHen do you plan to update? Every week? Every twice a week?
Chapter 1: I did not read it yet, but it seems really interesting. Please update, more and more. PLEASE. I like long stories. I rarely read stories that are ongoing, but since the plot is good and the people are more biases,
kijjjj #3
Awesome story, hope you update soon
uisuhal #4
Omg I wanna read this story so badly update plz