


It's a four letter word. Some people believe in it; some people don't. But in the small city of Dosec, that seems to be all you can believe in.

Everything and everyone has a label. A code. A timer. Whether you can see it or not, is up to the Society.

They imprint you when you are born. After their tedious calculations, they pinpoint them. They find them all. Every. Last. One.

Every important event in your life. It's timed. Your first words. Your first love. Your first job. Your first time. Up until your very last breath.

It's all calculated. It's all predetermined. Everyone has a path they are meant to follow. Everyone has their own form of "Fate."

It's not a terrible thing. But is knowing really all it's chalked up to be? 

What if it's wrong? What if the times don't add up?

Who is to say that there are no flaws?

Why does our society live by these rules?

Why do we accept these simple numbers so graciously?

If you want an answer, you could ask a million people and they wouldn't have one for you.

But as the old saying goes, "The rhythm of living was meant to be rewritten."

And "rewritten" it has been.


Big thank you to the Enchanted Poster Shop for making me the lovely graphic!


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So cool! Keep writing, the concept is really intriguing! <3