The Stupid One Pt.2

The Stupid One
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I decided from that day on, to give up on Jung Hoseok. I didn't want to continue to be the "stupid one" anymore.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Following Day: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   "Minah ah, I'm sorry about yesterday. Because of my period, I was completely out of it. I'm sorry I took it out on you. Stupid mood swings! I hope you aren't mad at me?" I had decided last night to give up on my stupid love for Jung Hoseok and after clearing my head and thinking things through, I had realized that I shouldn't have said those things to Minah yesterday.   *HUG* "No, I'm sorry too Chanmi ah~~" Minah clung herself onto me tightly, while apologizing herself.    "You're way too nice Minah~! If that ever happens again, I give you permission to slap me and remind me to control myself, okay~?! If you ever hate me, I won't be able to forgive myself." Minah is a friend that I never want to loose and I should never let a guy come between our friendship.   *CHUCKLE* "Don't be ridiculous Chanmi ah~ I would never hate you, you're so  silly~!!!"  Giving up on him was for the best.   ~Lunch Break~   "Oh my god~ With Bangtan High!?!!!"    "Yep, we got invited to a sogaeting (blind date) meeting by some of the boys there~ We need 2 or 3 more girls! Who wants to go~?"     *CLATTER* "ME~~"    "Yay~ AWESOME~!!! Now we just need one more person! hmmm~?"   *STEP* Me and Minah entered the classroom, over hearing our other classmates chit chatting about this "sogaeting" with some of the boys from Bangtan High.    *GLANCE* "Oh Minah! You wouldn't be able to go to a sogaeting right, since you already have a boyfriend? But hey, what about you Chanmi~ would you like to go with us? It'll be a lot of fun~"   *NUDGE* "You should go, I heard that the boys from Bangtan High were all pretty good looking and extremely intellectual on top of that~!" Minah teasingly stated, eyeing me with a sheepish grin.   "Yeah sure, why not~! I'll go~!!!" To give up, is to move on.   "YAY~!!! We'll surely find someone for you,  Chanmi~!"   *SMILE* No matter how hard it was going to be, I have to move on. I can't keep loving you, Jung Hoseok.   *CHATTER*     ~After School~   "Chanmi ah, we'll see you at 5~ Make sure to dress cute~!!"   *SMILE* "Sounds good and don't worry, I will be cute as a button~" I was feeling a bit better about the sogaeting thing as I packed my things, getting ready to leave.   "You're overly excited about this blind date thingy~" That voice..that familiar voice, that I was trying so hard to forget. Why? Why would you do this to me, when I am trying so hard to get over you?  And how did did he find out?   "I heard from Minah." Minah, it's always Minah.   *IGNORE*    *SILENCE*   "Why do I have a feeling that you're acting impulsively, without thinking things through. What about your crush?" Jung Hoseok, you have no right to say such do you even know what I would or wouldn't do, you don't even notice me most of the time.   *LOOKS OVER* I turned to look at him, a bit annoyed at his assumptions of me and my behavior.   *STARE* "Oh. That? I found it to be too troublesome~" Loving you was troublesome and stupid, that's what I kept telling myself. My stupid love for you was just too  troublesome.   "Eo."   *LOOKS DOWN* "Even if I kept on having those feelings for him, there wouldn't be anything in return." I can't be like you, Jung Hoseok....I can't love someone,unselfishly.   *STARE*   *LOOKS UP* "For that reason, I decided to find a new love~!" I forced myself to smile, whether he could tell it was fake or not. I didn't really care anymore.   *SILENCE*   "I feel that this isn't like you, Chanmi. Are you really that type of person to give up so easily??" You don't know anything, Jung Hoseok! You don't know anything about me!   "Well, I'd hate to break it to you but I guess I am that type of person after all." Walking away like that was painful. There were so many things that I could have said but maybe this is how I should end it. A painful bittersweet love that was never even mine.   ~After the Sogaeting~   "This was so much fun, we should definitely get together again~!" "Namjoon shi, can I get you're number. so we can do another get together~" *NOD* "Of course, of course~" "Ahahaha those two seem to be hitting it off quite nicely, don't you think Yoongi oppa~?" "They're so cute together~" "Not as cute as us, Yoongi hyung~" "Quit playing around Taehyung~~
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Chapter 2: Awwwwwww......Sorry Jimin. She's taken. XD
syaheerah #2
Chapter 3: Sequel.please
U should make a longer ver of this story xD
Chapter 2: It could've been funny if Hoseok knew that he was the one being given up on hahahahaha
Chapter 1: this story has good potential, but maybe you can make it better by getting rid of the "~" and instead of writing things like "TURN" and "STEP," you can describe the movements ^_^
elliptical #6
congrats x
AnniieLuo #7
congrats on ad!
Chapter 2: just finished this,lol xD
its pretty good, was a bit confusin @ first ^^
Ilikecabbages #10
Chapter 1: ITS NICE!!