How we met


chapter one: How we met

posted on; august 10

This is going to sound crazy, but... from the moment I first set eyes on you I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.


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Her eyes kept staring at me with this fierce look that I felt like I was about to get mauled by her then. Despite having a calm personality she had really serious eyes, not to mention the change of personality once we were both together in private. She cleared once more before speaking. "Kyuhyun you like Siwon oppa?" Oh . 

I'm going to be honest, I have no idea how to explain this situation clearly and all that crap.I guess it's just I feel like an object, fake, unlovable, not capable of having the love and attention a human has for another human. I guess you can say I'm like a barbie doll. Before you start thinkings thing like "Wow, this person must have big s and a plastic face." I would like to point out that I am one, a man so it's physically impossible to have s and second, I only had one surgery and it was eyelid surgery and its completely normal okay? So now that you stalker know my gender and secret, which is not much of a secret thanks to a certain someone, I guess I should reveal my name and all of that information stalkers like to know. The name's Cho Kyuhyun, age 22 but my story here dates back to my high school years, even elementary school years but we won't go that into detail with my geeky kid life. So I'll give you a brief overview of what I came to accomplish during those years and yada yada before I got into the most important parts of my story. 

When I was a child, I was not, well really, social as to say because well, I prefered playing video games on my ds than running around like an idiot trying to touch other idiots in what people would call "tag". At some point my mom believed that video games were frying my poor five year old brain and decided to make me hit the books before I began to harvest an addiction (It was too late by then.) Somehow I became too smart for my grade and had to skip kindergarden (I was devastated because I really wanted naptime.) so I had to meet all the other losers stuck in Mrs. Park's first grade class. I can name all of them, sad to say, they also followed me to high school but by then if you even revealed a slight detail about their first grade years to them you'd be punched. Anyways, that's how I met him, my best friend and also the person who would later result in most of my problems whether intentionally or not. Choi Siwon, he used to like to read the bible in his spare time and even pretended to be a priest and lectured some of the poor ers in our class about god. Most of the time it was girl who willingly listened thinking they could score a date or something with Siwon, unfortunate for them, Siwon believed himself to be too young to lose his "dating ity" at that age. Of course, I laughed in his face when he first told me that, and I also might have been ignored for a week or so but that's getting off topic.  

Anyways, the point is I might of had a crush on him, I swear, it was tiny though, as tiny as spec of dust is. Obviously I played the whole "It's just my silly self" trick thinking "Wow, how can I the coolest guy in this class be in love with Choi Siwon? The other coolest guy in the class the stupidest guy in the class?" I might as well call myself an idiot for even having that thought cross my mind because I did, I don't really recall how it happened honestly, I guess we can say it started at our first meeting? Right, you don't know how we met...Okay let's make this short and brief since I hate wasting time recalling the past.

It was winter time in Mrs. Park's class and let me just say, winter is pretty tough here, it snows so much that you can barely step foot outside, or it's so cold you have to wear at least four or more layers of clothing to be warm enough to battle the cold weather. Now imagine a bunch of first graders piled up into this classroom like a pack of sardines because they're too chicken to withstand a little cold. Sadly, I was one of those chickens too. Since I was anti-social these little things (Might I say they weren't so little, or human for that matter.) thought they could pick on me. Oh how wrong they could be. So when one of those things tried to steal my psp (I always carried it with me like it was Siwon and I's my love child.) so I ended up punching him in the face, which also resulted in coming home to my mom with a goofy grin and a black eye. The point is, during our punches and kicks, the idiot decided that it was cool to squirt paint on my face and steal my juice box. That's when Siwon came in, he managed to sweep in like an eagle and skillfully take that juice box from the boy's grasp and bring it back to me in one piece. At first I was annoyed because there was paint on my perfect face so I ended up slapping the juice box out of Siwon's hand, then when I realized it was Siwon and not the brat, I repented.

You should have seen Siwon's face at that time when I slapped his juice box away it was so...stupid. When I got a really good look at the guy I started to think that there was nothing special for girl's to swoon over, especially when my face was around. He had these ugly thick brows and he was so tan as compared to my god like white skin. He reminded me of that e in the pokemon logo with the accent, yep, he was the Pokemon e in my eyes. When Angry Birds came out, he had evolved from the Pokemon e to an angry bird, I might have gotten a glare or two for that from almost the entire female population at the time., but it was worth it! When he looked at me I guess that was the time I for his stupid face? Not sure. Anyways, I saw his onyx colored hair dissappear and then come back again with a towel in hand as he started wiping the paint off my face.  

"Lucky it didn't get in your eyes, mommy told me that your eyes are precious so they have to be protected." He said, giving me a small gentle smile as he wiped more of the paint off my lips. Those dimples, they were too deep to be natural and I just wanted to poke them, so I did. He smiled more and as he wiped off more of the paint. I tried to smile back, I really did, but it came out awkward and just as stupid as Siwon's face. Holding my hand in place, I saw him lean in a bit more. "You're cute, are you the princess that my sister likes to read in those fairy tales." Yes, he called me a princess. I suppose it was a compliment but it was creepy and an insult back then so I ended up pushing him away and stopping outside furiously.  

After that day, he began to cling to me, especially when he found out we shared the same religion, he even started calling me "church buddy" and I met his family and he met mine, I finally had a friend that I could play games with and play soccer with, Siwon creamed me at that game but it was a game either way. I was happy for once, not that I wasn't before but now I had people to interact with that weren't family and it was really great. We instantly became best friends, sometimes I would go to his house (Or mansion as I liked to call it because it was huge! Not to mention hisparents were rich.) where his mother would cook me a meal and we'd hang out in Siwon's room or in the backyard just playing games. Sometimes it would be the same, except I'd steal some of his food when he came over and he wouldn't try to sneak in food from my me. I guess I slowly started to fall for him as the days went on by, I was child back then though so of course I wouldn't think it was much, it all changed once we got to junior high (or middle school as some call it).  

I remember that I was at the cafeteria that day, I was just poking my food with the plastic mutation of what was a spoon and a fork, yeah, our junior high was a big cheap school that Siwon only attended because of me. As I was eating, I hear footsteps coming close and suddenly Siwon's voice comes to my ears. "Kyuhyunnie!" He yelled, I looked up with a smile but was immediately replaced with a frown as I noticed his female companion. I scrunched my nose up slightly, not giving a damn if it was rude or if she had seen me. I was pretty pissed, this was supposed to be our table, just Siwon and I, not Siwon, some woman and I. If I could, I would shove my meatballs down if only they weren't so delicious. For some reason, I had picked up this habit of thinking violent thoughts when it came to Siwon and other people. Anyways, this girl had something about her that just didn't settle well within me, I didn't know what but I knew it was not going to turn out pretty. 

"Kyuhyun, I would like you to meet Seohyun." This is where it all began.


author's notes

Hope you enjoyed it! Please subscribe, comment and upvote if you want to. I'll try to update on a weekly basis but no promises about that yet. Check out the teaser section in this chapter for more. Also, should I keep using the layout or not? By the way, sorry for any typos you may find. 

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a happy ending?????
missnnb #2
This sounds promising and angsty but i love angst XD

Can't wait to read more :)))