RIOT #TotalOpposites

It's such a bright fine day in the university. Everyone is busy with something. Except Suho and Xiumin

"Is there something big coming up?" -Xiumin

"Am I supposed to know? I thought you are always up to date?" -Suho

"I thought too. But whatever it is, its weird." -Xiumin

"What's weird?" -Suho

"I just feel weird. I don't know" -Xiumin


Everything is different. Even the food served in the canteen. Even the school staffs. 

"Hey. Uhm.. Why is the food so special today?" Xiumin asked to the cook

"Because it's a special day. Today is another History"

"I didn't get the point there.. But thanks :)"

Then he went straight to Suho's table. Now, even Suho is acting weird.

"Uhm... Is there a virus in this school? Why are you like the others now?" Xiumin to Suho

"No. Xiu, whatever happens follow your heartDon't think about what others thinks. Ok?"

"Actually, that was not the answer I expected. Tell me now."

"Go to room 4-A"


Xiumin went straight there and saw Chen standing with something on his hand.

"Hey Chen, whats u----"

"No need to talk go straight to the music room"


When Xiumin got there, he saw Tao with a paper piece that looks like the thing Chen gave to him before going to the music room

"Hey there Xiumin. Uhm. Here, take this. I just wanted to say that you are such a nice person. Go to Art department ASAP."

"Ok. I'll go ahead then. Thanks for here by the way. Bye"


"Professor Lay. What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to give this paper to you. You are one great student Minseok."

"Thanks Prof. Thanks a lot"

"Go to the Choir Practice Room now. Smile, dear"

Xiumin smiled and head there



"Baekhyun. How are you. How is this whole singing thing goin on?"

"Fine. It's great actually" Baek said

"What's that? A music sheet?"

"Nope. This is actually for you my friend. Now, how many papers do you have?"


"Good. Head to the dance studio."


He went there as soon as Baek finished talking. There he found Kai

"Kai! Now drop it already. What's this all about?"

"Ssh. You're almost done. Here is the fifth paper. Go to Room 3-C"


Xiumin went there fast. He wants to stop these things.

"Yo yo yo man~"

"Lu-ge~ Don't tell me you have a paper too?"

"Ooh~ Smart guess. Sixth paper here.. Head to the Science lab now. Someone is there. Be Happy, ok?"


"Xiu!" It was his best friend this time.

"Suho. I should have known that you are part of this."

"Stop talking and just listen to what we say. Now, head to room 2-A with these seventh paper."


There he found Kris who has the eight paper.

"I didn't know that they keep a galaxy here in the second floor." He said to the tall guy

"Haha. I didn't know a squirrel can talk."

"Really? Stop teasing and just hand me those papers"

"Its cards. Here it is. Go straight to the first floor. At the staircase you'll find someone"



"Hyung~ here is the nineth paper. Take care ok."

"Where should I go next?" Xiumin asked to his dongsaeng

"To the lobby" Sehun directed Xiumin.


Xiumin found D.O standing in the front desk. 

"Finally. You reached me. I have the tenth paper."

"So can you tell me what is all this now?" Xiumin asked D.O

"Nope. But you'll find the answer in the fountain. Go there"

"Thanks Kyungsoo. I'll head now."


There he found the last paper, it belonged to Chanyeol

"Hey there monster. Is that the last piece?" Xiumin pointed to the paper Chanyeol is holding

"Yes. Here you go."

"Wooh~ That was rough. By the way. Sorry for last time."

"Don't be. You can decide now."

"What do you mean?" Xiumin asked to Chanyeol. He was surprised to see every student slowly forming a heart shape while holding roses.

"Combine the papers and answer the question"

'C-A-N  I  H-A-V-E Y-O-U?'  was written on those 11 papers.

Xiumin panicked again. He ran fast until he was in the school's front gate. He felt sorry for what he did to Chanyeol. He love him too but he is scared. Then he remembered what Suho said 'Follow your heart'


The day went by lonely for Chanyeol. He was disappointed. It was time for him to go home now. When he passed the fornt gate, some one kissed him on his cheeks.

"Xiumin?!" He was shocked to see the figure in front of him

"Hi Monster ~"

"I thought you dumped me?"

"Who said so? I did run but I did not say no."

"Then why did you run?" Chanyeol asked to Xiumin

"Because I need air. Because everytime you're near me, my heart beats so fast that I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack"

"Here you go again with your sweet words." -Chanyeol

"Do you want to know my answer to your question?" -Xiumin

"Of course I do" -Chanyeol

"I feel like Belle now. I fell for a beast monster"

"Is that a yes?"

Then Xiumin kissed Chanyeol on his lips for at least three seconds long

"Yes Chanyeol. I love you too . I love you" -Xiumin.

Chanyeol was so happy, he didn't know what to do. He ran around the school shouting and went back to Xiumin then hugged him

"No words can be used to say how much I love you"


After what happened Chanyeol graduated first. After three years, Xiumin graduated. They are still storng and loyal to each other. Their story became another history in the university called "The Riot Couple"

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Chapter 3: Wow..taoris' history is sooooo long the tao and kris now is some reincarnation? Hahaha..juz kidding..btw..I love the fluff here~♡
Chapter 3: Uuaahh~~ All that fluff~~ >_<
minmin17 #3
Chapter 3: nyaaah~~that was so cute~~ it's kiling me><
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 3: hoho. so cute ^w^
Chapter 3: So cute ahhh it killed me hihihihi!!!
jantih #6
Chapter 3: Wow... Nice story authornim
ImaiYagami2107 #7
Chapter 2: friendzoned! lol :v
nonono~ -w-
trishplusmama #8
Chapter 1: "you have me"

Chapter 1: hnggg
literally squealing

this is cute:<:<
yes go go minseok! ;w;
aah fighting authornim! update soon~
ImaiYagami2107 #10
Chapter 1: Finally someone make xiuyeol fic and I love this!!!! *w*) *drool
I'll be wait for the next chapter~