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It's a lie right?

There's probably someone for you.

Although I knew it, please don't let go of me.

-Infinite, A person like me.

You don't have to worry about being alone. I'll be here with you, no matter what. We already went through thick and thin, so why would I mind. You know what I would like to see on you? It's your smile. Because then I'll know that you're happy. If you're happy, I don't see any reason for me to not be happy. You'll always have me, and I'll always have you. Right? I would do what I can do, to make sure of that.

"You came all the way to see me?" Sehun asked as he patted the space beside him.

"Well, I didn't come all the way to see plain grassfields right?"  I answered him while he only nodded with his mouth open like a little child. I wonder, sometimes, that he's actually a 18 year old. 

"So, what happened this time?" 

He stayed silent with his eyes staring into space in front of him. I could feel the tension rising as if I just stepped on a landmine, and I probably did. I expected this.

"Tell me when you want to." I said and stood up, headed to the door to escape the heavy atmosphere. 

I headed down to the swings outside the house that are tied on the tree branch. He just need more time to think, hopefully he doesn't do something rash. I sat down on the swing set, admiring the scene before me. Plain and calm fields with a cool breeze. Something that you only could get in the country side. I would rather stay here than go back to that piece of mess as if Sehun's problem wasn't enough. I looked at nothing in particular, grass swaying along with the wind and the sky that is dyed in yellow and red. It felt nostalgic. It has been a long time ever since I did this, which was..... some times that I rather not remember. 

I could hear footsteps nearing from a distance, and I'm pretty sure who it was. 

He can never keep secrets from me, because he tells me everything. Which I thought was great. Because it doesn't cause any drama.

"So you finally decided to talk?" I said without looking at him.

I  could hear the cracking of the wooden plank as he sat down and gazed ahead before looking at me. I could feel the burning stare on me and I turned my head to face him, only to smile to assure him that everything is fine. I will never say anything to his problems, he could figure it out him

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Chapter 4: I love this story!! No sappy dramas, you know? I also love your eriting style, tbh. So please, update this story soon!(:
omg sugoi desu story yes???!!! ^^''
FantasiesLieWithin #3
FantasiesLieWithin #4
내언니는,짱!! <3 미리보기,첳아해!! 파이딩!!