Surprises & Kisses

Surprises & Kisses

"How much longer?"

"Another two hours"

"But Sehunnnnnn" Baekhyun whined "I wanna go home, I dont even like football"

"Babe, please bear it for me. Just this once, I really wanna watch this match" Sehun pleaded

"Can we at least stop to eat? Im hungryy" he whined again "Fine, lets eat at Mr.Burger, its nearby here somewhere" Sehun replied, taking Baekhyun's hand in his and intertwining their fingers together He brought their hands up and kissed Baekhyun's knuckle one by one tenderly, Baekhyun by then, had stop whining and was blushing like mad



"Ahh, we're here" Sehun said, gently nudging the sleeping Baekhyun

Baekhyun cracked his right eye open and whined again, reaching his hands out like a baby "Carry me?"

Sehun stared into Baekhyun's brown eyes and sighed when Baekhyun pouted, knowing that he had lost.

"Baekhyun, Im tired" Sehun said as he gave Baekhyun an apologetic smile

Baekhyun huffed and got out of the car, he entered the restaurant without even waiting for Sehun. Sehun sighed 'What a baby, tsk' Sehun entered the shop that has 'Mr.Burger' written in bright lights above it and saw Baekhyun sitting at the back of the shop, his head on the table on top of his folded arms

"Baekhyun, stop being such a baby, Im tired too you know? Its not that I dont want to carry you but Im tired and you're heavy" Sehun blurted out once he reached the sad puppy Its really like Sehun, whenever he's tired he'll start being all grumpy and saying things that he dont mean. Baekhyun understands that but Baekhyun is insecure and never once has Sehun ever complained about how heavy he was... Until now. Which explains why Baekhyun snapped his head up and suddenly began sobbing, Yup, Baekhyun is just that sensitive.

When Sehun heard the love of his life crying he immediately realised his mistake and mentally facepalmed "Baek, Baek, Baek Baby, Im so sorry. I-I didnt mean it, I swear---" he was immediately quiet when Baekhyun threw him his phone and Sehun immediately caught it. He unlocked the screen and saw Baekhyun's conversation with his ex girlfriend... . He quickly read it from the top and he realised why Baekhyun suddenly whined too much today was because he felt insecure

"She said that you love her more than me because she's skinny and I'm fat, she also said that you hate me cause I whine a lot and I'm such a baby." Baekhyun's voice cracked and Sehun felt a pang of guilt hit him square in the face He sat beside Baekhyun and pulled him inside his arms. He kissed the top of his head tenderly and secretly thanked god that the two of them are the only ones in the shop. He ran a hand through Baekhyun's hair and whispered sweet apologies After a while, Baekhyun's sobs intensify and turned into light snores. Sehun gently shifted Baekhyun's position so that he was on his lap, his head on his chest. He wrapped Baekhyun's legs around his waist and hoisted him up

He walked towards the counter and the girl smiled "You guys are so cute"

"Thanks" he flashed the girl a warm smile,"Anyways, can I have two special cheese burger and two large soda?"

"That'll be 10 dollars, five dollars discount for being such a responsible boyfriend. You will be served in a minute"

"Baek, wake up" he heard Sehun's voice and snuggled closer to his chest, Sehun chuckled and Baekhyun could feel his chest vibrating "Baek, come on. Seat properly on 'your' seat" Baekhyun opened his eyes and grinned when he saw Sehun's breathtaking smile

. Sehun brushed his bangs to the side and placed a kiss on his forehead "Wake up and eat babe" Baekhyun sleepily blinks until he was fully awake and aware that he was on Sehun's lap... And Sehun was driving

"How can you drive while I sleep on you?!" Baekhyun shrieked and scrambled out of his lap and onto the seat beside him. He looked in front 'red light'. His mouth turned into an 'O' shape 'aah, explains'

"Love makes everything possible" Sehun smiled,"Here eat this" he handed something large that was wrapped in a wrapper that has 'Mr.Burger' written all over it

"Wahh, thank you 'Hunnie~'" Baekhyun leaned up and placed a peck on Sehun's jaw Sehun wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer. He watched as Baekhyun unwrapped the wrapper and munched on it cutely Baekhyun looked up at Sehun and Sehun had to fight the urge to hug him to death when Baekhyun showed him a toothy grin "You want some 'baby~'" Baekhyun asked with his sweet voice

Sehun always liked the way Baekhyun calls him Baby or Hunnie or Honey or even just his name, Sehun. Everytime he calls Sehun, he would always emphasis on the name like ''Sehun~' do you want to watch a movie?' and he emphasis it using his cute voice that he didnt mean to come out so ing cute but just naturally so

"Feed me ahhh" Sehun opens his mouth wide and Baekhyun carefully holds the burger in front of Sehun's mouth. Sehun takes a bite and smile sweetly to Baekhyun who blushed in return. Baekhyun continued eating while staring at Sehun. The lights turns green and Sehun pecks his nose before starting to drive again Baekhyun likes the way how Sehun can make him feel all giddy and flustered just by doing a simple gesture. He admits that sometimes he's just being a whiny baby but its only with Sehun. Everything Sehun does is handsome and amazingly awesome to him, be it even when Sehun yawns, Baekhyun would still call him handsome

"Babe why are you staring?" Sehun asks as he leaves a wet kiss on Baekhyun's cheek, he couldnt help it, Baekhyun is just 'too' kissable

"Im staring because you're just so handsome I cant help it" Baekhyun admits, a shy smile on his lips

"Well your burger is already finished" Sehun chuckled and took the wrapper out of his small hands before throwing it out the window and wrapping his arms around Baekhyun again

"Sehun-ah" Baekhyun suddenly calls

$Yes babe" Sehun replies, eyes focusing on the road Baekhyun moves Sehun's hand from his shoulder to his waist and starts to stare at Sehun again. He stares for another second before he begins to play with Sehun's fingers. He brings Sehun's hand up and kissed his knuckles one by one, repeating what Sehun did earlier Sehun looked down and leaned in for a chaste kiss before focusing on the road again

"Finally" Sehun cheers as he got out the car, he ran to Baekhyun's side and opened the door for him

"Urmm... This isnt the football stadium" Baekhyun says slowly, looking at his surroundings Sehun hugs him from behind and places a kiss on his shoulder

"I know, its Kyungsoo's house"

"Why are we here?" Baekhyun turns around in Sehun's arms and wrapped his own arm around his neck

"Everyone from my school decided to do a highschool reunion and so... Since he said he'll be taking care of everything, I thought of surprising you"

"But I dont even know them" Baekhyun said against Sehun's chest

"Thats why Im gonna introduce you to them" Sehun lifted Baekhyun up in a bridal style and placed a kiss on his lips "Because I want them to meet my gorgeous husband"

"I love you Sehun-ah" Baekhyun says as he places a kiss on Sehun's soft lips

"I love you too baby~"

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Chapter 1: omg i'm drowning to sebaek fluffiness
so much love in the air /sobbing/
loolarunner #2
Chapter 1: /curls up in a ball/ thiS IS TOO CUTE I CAN'T EVEN dnsndkidhdisks i dont even read sebaek this is just—
pyc_th5k #3
Chapter 1: oh my god~~~ this can't be happening *scratch non-itchy head*
oh gosh~ i kennot >////<
Lulyhan #4
Chapter 1: Ok, i'm dying
Omg. Im gonna faint. Seriously sehun why are u so cheesy. Too much. Overdosed cute cute cute cute cute
GDragon24 #6
my feels D; i would like to read more from you in a future
Chapter 1: Awwwww...too much cuteness n fluffiness coated with sugar n sprinkle n all..can't take it...Sebaek.. <3<3
theperfnerd #8
Chapter 1: Overloaded fluff is not healthy and I might get diabetes from sugary goodness. BAEK WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE.
Chapter 1: waaaahhhh this is so cute im gonna die (▰˘◡˘▰)