Captivating Chaerin

Why Do You Like Me? [ONE SHOT]



Why the heck does he keep on asking?

"Chae do you like oppa?" Jiyong asked on one sunny Saturday afternoon. They were sitting on the bench of the practice room, their backs rested on the wall and their shoulders almost brushing past each other as he came closer when he asked that.

"Huh? O-of Course I do." Chaerin plainly answered looking at another direction trying to hide her face that was probably painted by a deeper shade of red by now.

"If that's so.... what do you think of oppa?" He asked once more.

"Wha-.... yah oppa are you having your insecurity days again?" she replied, trying to dodge his question and change the whole thing to teasing instead.

However he was persistent, "No I'm not I just want to know. In your point of view as a woman... what do you think of me.... as a man?" and that left her wondering, why is he asking me this?

"Y-you're a cool and kind guy." She answered back with a short 'always-said' statement.

"And?" he probed in further.

"And... you're friendly..."


"A-and... you are caring..."


" are ha-handsome..." she trailed off a bit as she bit her lip. 'God he should really stop asking me what I think about him because I can't stop but slip with words I shouldn't say.'

"So you think I'm handsome?" he looked at her and smiled that billion dollar smile of his.

"W-w-well that's like public knowledge. E-everyone thinks you are..." she replied back with the first excuse she thought of and looked away from him once again.

She didn't notice his sudden change of expression. Her answer wiped the smile off his face.

"And?" he asked once again as her eyes widened.

"And you're a ladies guy!" she answered then regretting it after a few seconds. She didn't sound jealous right? Or did she? She has been keeping that since she learned that he was friends with a lot of girls from different girl groups. And yeah it probably made her a bit jealous but she always kept it in however his constant pestering made her say what was on her mind.

"What?!" he replied back somehow not liking the answer.

"Why is it nor true? You easily get along with girls..." she defended her answer however she wasn't exactly fond of the fact that she just keeps on spurting stuff in her mind that she shouldn't.

"Does that make you think I'm a player?" he sullenly asked.

"I am not answering that, how am I supposed to know? Well EVERYONE likes you anyway." she said as she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep trying to put her jealousy back in place, kept hidden under wherever her heart could hide it.

"I am not a player. It's just everyone's huge misconception about me but I'm not. I love only one person with all my heart you know..." his answer made her heart skip a beat. 'Lucky girl then...' she sadly thought.



"So... and?"

"What and? I'm too tired to think!" she tried to laugh it off to completely avoid the topic when once again she was left stumped by his reply.

"That's all you think of me? You said you liked me right? Then...why do you like me then? Aside from the reasons you gave awhile ago." he told her standing up and sitting on the other side where she was facing.

'Shoot! he's smart!' she thought as she was about to reply the things she said awhile ago.

"Why do you like me?" he asked for the umpteenth time.

That cut her train of thought as she scrambled with what words to say.

"Cause your you!" she exclaimed trying to find an appropriate answer.

"So what if I'm me?" he asked leaning in closer, his face a breath away from hers.

"Aish why do you keep on asking me?!" she burst out trying to control herself from saying things she shouldn't say.

"Cause I want to know!" he burst back out but contradicting her embarrassed situation his reply was playful as he smiled even more.

"Why do you want to know?!" she burst out once more as she felt so light headed with his breath grazing hers.

"Cause.... I want to know if I'm allowed to do this..." With that he quickly brought his face closer to her and didn't even give her time to think as he captured her lips in a light passionate kiss.

His kiss was sweet, slow, a bit playful, and a bit sensual as he waited for her to respond and she did. His hand s around her waist as he brought her closer. His other hand held hers and led her arms to land on his shoulders, wrapping them around his neck.

He pulled her body flush against him as he deepened the kiss. As he finally let go of her lips he rested his forehead on hers as he continued with giving her light butterfly kisses.

Her body was still pressed against his as he held her tightly.

"So is that the answer you wanted as to why I like you?" she asked as she breathed heavily and as her blushing cheeks surfaced.

"Definitely." he replied as he kissed her once again.

He parted a bit and smiled, "I guess we should practice alone together more often. I like it like this, more privacy." He smirked as he tightened his hold on her even more leaving no space in between them.

"You're not playing with me are you?" she asked him as she pouted.

He bit his lip seeing that, "No, I told you I only love one person right? And that person is you." His eyes glimmered as he nuzzled his face on her shoulder.

A few minutes later...

"Jiyong oppa..."


"Can you let go of me now?" she asked as they still stayed in the same position with him hugging her body tightly against his and with his head buried on her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her skin on the crook of her neck.


"B-b-but I have to go back to my dorm and rest."

"No just sleep in mine."


"I can definitely sleep like this."

"No don't sleep on me! Oppa this position is so tiring. My arms are gonna get sore."

With that he quickly carried her up, brought her to his dorm, and indeed hugged her once again in bed.






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ciciangger #1
Chapter 1: its so cute ,, :* blushing :D <3 <3
GOD i feel like i am stalking you...(i am)..>O<
Kiwa8D #3
This is what makes me a hardcore skydragon fan :3
nomnomchae #4
Kyaaaaaaa! This fic absolutely made me blush. >\\< omg. Skydragon jjang! <3 please write more!! :3
Huwaaaaaaaaa that was so cute! Aigooooo. Why couldn't he just tell her right away? Making her feel awkward. Tskk tskk. Bad Jingyo! Ehehee. Thank you for this cute story :D
ohmyyoungbae #6
ahhhhhh~ this was way too adorableee! i just died of sweetness! :D sequel? or maybe a two shot? :p
This was so adorable!! I love the ending ^_^ can you possibly make a sequel?o.o skydragon ftw! :)