✎LESSON 3: The List

✎♥The Dating Subject♥✎
I smiled and grabbed the six pack kitkat, opened it, took one and placed the rest in my bag. I munched into it and smiled, remembering the moments I had with my dad. Onew was right. Chocolates did brought me happiness because I remembered dad and all his sweetness.

Mika approached me and grabbed my arm, walking fast.
"We're gonna be late." she hissed.
"Good morning to you too." I said while trying to keep up with my arm.
"No time for that." she said breathlessly.

We went inside the auditorium and sat at the back,there were only a few seats left. It seems like all the juniors are here.

"Good morning!" Mika chirped and smiled at me once we had settled in our chairs comfortably.
I smirked.
"Hey, what's going on?"

"Maki, Maki, Maki." Mika sighed and shook her head.

"What?" I asked while finishing the remains of my kitkat.
"Can you at least take an interest in our school activities at least once in your life? School isn't just for academics you know."
"It's the main reason why we're here." I said
"School just gets in the way of having a good time." She scoffed.
"Whatever. So, what's up?"

"Ms.I-Think-School-Is-Just-For-Studying-And-Not-For-Fun-And-I'm-Basically-Clueless, today's the junior assembly. It's almost a free day." Mika stared at me looking a little bit exasperated.

"Oh." I sighed. Boring.
"Hey!" Mika said, suddenly grabbing my arm.
"What?! What is it??" I asked, panicking.
"Did you just eat chocolate?" she asked me, her eyes round.
"...Uhm...I'm not sure." I lied guiltily.
You see, I had always repeatedly told her that I had sworn off chocolates forever.

She gasped. "Since when did you start eating chocolates again Ms.I-Won't-Eat-Chocolates-'Til-The-Day-Of-My-Death?"

"Since yesterday Ms.I-Like-To-Give-People-Long-Inappropriate-Names."

"Touchy, aren't we?" she arched an eyebrow.
I was about to retort back when the lights dimmed and the professor told us to quiet down.

"Want one?" I asked and slipped her one of my kitkats. She took it gratefully and ate it while the professor gave her welcoming remarks.

"And now, to formally start your assembly, here's your class president, Lee Jinki!" Everyone clapped. I couldn't help it, I clapped too. Mika looked at me in surprised.
This was the first time I actually took an interest in these kind of things.
I avoided her stare and focused on Onew. He was wearing his trademark grin again. He began to give his speech on his agenda for the juniors.
It turns out that he will be the overall supervisor for each club.
Everyone else started to murmur as he presented all the leaders for each of the club.

Math club: Lee Donghae
Science club: Choi Sooyoung
Glee club: Kim Jonghyun
Sports club: Choi Minho
Dance club: Lee Taemin
Prom committee: Kim Kibum (Key)
Arts club: Lee Teuk
Drama club: Kim Taeyeon.
Poetry Club: Jung Yonghwa
Newspaper Staff Director: Kim Heechul.

"I so want to join the glee club." Mika sighed dreamily. I suspected it's not because of her love for singing, she dances well, but her singing is mediocre. She's probably just in love with Kim Jonghyun.

"Can you even get in?" I laughed.

"Watch it Ms. I'm-In-The-Math-And-Science-Club."
I stuck out my tongue at her and ate another kitkat. The assembly ended after a long talk of Onew (and him giving flyers) and the leaders who encouraged us to join the clubs we like. I listened halfheartedly while Mika jotted down notes when Jonghyun's turn came.
She got it bad.
I shook my head.

Finally, Onew finished his speech. "That's all guys. Thanks for coming to the assembly and not falling asleep." He kidded.
"It's lunch time!" He whooped. We all looked at him in surprise. So did the professors.
"Er, I mean, the assembly is over. You can go guys."
I unknowingly smiled. That dude is so crazy.
Mika caught my smile and stared at me suspiciously.
I blinked. "Ah! I'm hungry! Let's go eat?" I linked my arms with her and skipped.

"What the hell is wrong with you Maki Teppei?" she said once we settled on our table and put down our trays.

"What do you mean?" I asked, while taking a big bite of my lasagna.

"First, you started eating chocolate again, Second, you clapped for Onew and laughed at his weird sangtae." Her eyes narrowed at that point.
"Third, you actually skipped a while ago!"
"And fourth," her chinky eyes narrowing even more. "You're actually eating cafeteria food!" She said, pointing to my almost finished lasagna.

"Is that a crime?" I shrugged,while finishing the last of my food.

"Why are you so happy today, anyway? Did anything happened to you yesterday? You were just at the library right? Gosh! You can't even trust the library these days! And I thought that was the safest place." she shook her head and held my hands, "Whatever happened to you, I want to know all about it. Don't worry, I'll listen."

I smiled at her guiltily. "Uhm, nothing happened..."

"No! No! No!" She almost shouted. The people at the next table glanced at us.

"Keep it down!" I shushed her. "Nothing happened, okay?! We did nothing!" I sounded a little guilty.

She smiled in an evil way.
"What?"I asked nervously. What if she saw us? I gulped.

"We?" She asked, smirking now.

Oh damn.

"I meant me. Me and myself, okay?!" I hastily replied.

"Uh-huh." She nodded slowly and knowingly.
"Who is he? What's his name?" She interrogated me.

"What are you talking about? Cut it out!"
I said quickly and guiltily.

"Not until you tell me who--"
Suddenly Onew and the other club leaders entered the cafeteria. He seemed to be most cheerful of them all. He even nearly slipped even though there was no water on the floor.
"Hyung!" Taemin caught his arm before he fell completely.
"You're such a klutz." Key said, shaking his head.
Onew just grinned and I turned my back quickly, no need for Mika to know who I was really with yesterday.

I decided to focus on my next dish: my plate of fries.

"Hey!" Mika said, her attention now focused on Onew. Thank God for short-attention spans!
"Did you know that Onew just prepared everything for the agenda just this morning?"

"Really?" I glanced up from my fries. I remembered his long speeches and the fliers he gave away for the clubs.
"He just prepared all those today?" I asked again in disbelief.

Mika nodded and munched on her muffin.
"Well of course, the planning was done a long time ago and some preparations were already made, but there were still a lot to be done. I heard he was up all night and he came to school early to organize everything. Seems like he was busy about something that's why he only got to do the preparations when he got home and this morning." She gossiped.

"Is that true?" I felt guilty. I was keeping him busy? But he said he wasn't going to do anything important!

A flashback came to me:
"Are you sure you don't have anything important to do?"
He shook his head. "Not as important as this."

Why didn't he tell me the truth last night?

"Yes. It's so true. I heard he was teaching someone something. He's really dedicated!" She praised him.
I bit my lip. What a guilt-tripper! I was about to ask some more questions when Mika started to chat about something else, which I tried to tune out.
"...and you wouldn't believe what I saw at the mall last friday! She was--" Mika suddenly stopped talking.
"She what?" I asked, eating my fries. Still, she didn't answer, and that's when I noticed, once I glanced up, Mika was looking surprised about something.
Or rather, someone.

"Well if it isn't my park buddy!" A figure suddenly slipped on the seat across from me and beside Mika.
"Hey, you gonna eat that?" Onew asked while grabbing some fries from my plate.
"Uhm, Actually..." The whole time this was happening, Mika just stared at us in shock.
"Hey Mika!" Onew said while trying to get more fries from my plate.
"Hey!" I tried to keep the fries away from him when I saw that my fries were almost gone.
I was starving!

He just grinned at me. "Did you see the--"
"Yes!" I semi shouted and sent him a look that says, no need to talk about it.

He seemed surprise but then he didn't say anything else.
"Hey, is that chocolate stain in your cheek?" He suddenly asked.

"What? Where?" My hands automatically flew to my cheeks.

He smiled. "You ate it then?" He seemed pleased.

"How did you..." I glanced at Mika who was still in shock and quickly changed my sentence.
"Uhm, no." I tried to be huffy.
He grinned that grin again and pinched my cheek and then quickly grabbed the last few fries from my plate and quickly stood up.

"Yah!" I said "Give that back!"

He just laughed and moved away.
"I'll see you later, okay?" He shouted, walking away.
"Bye Mika!" He winked at her. I rolled my eyes. What a charmer.

I looked at my empty plate of fries and frowned. Great. Just great.

"Park buddy??! I'll see you later?? Chocolate stain? FRIES?!" Mika, who was slowly coming to her senses, snapped, zeroing her beady eyes on me.

"Ah, haha...uhm..." I tried to buy more time.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?! Have you and Onew been hanging out?! Tell me everything!" She demanded.

"Well..." I started off, looking to the side.

"Maki Teppei! Aren't I your bestfriend since kindergarten?"

"Yes." I beamed at her sweetly and she rolled her eyes.

"And haven't I been there for you when you had your first C?!" she continued, hurt.

"I know, I know. I get what you mean, okay?" I patted her hand. "But, really nothing's up." I lied.

I would tell her the truth about my dating tutor. Just not this time.
I don't know why I want to keep it to myself, but maybe it's because i'm still not comfortable with the whole thing?
Or maybe it's because Onew's my tutor? If I had a female tutor, I would've told Mika right away.

And if it wasn't dating subject.

But right now, I just want to keep this thing to myself. Maybe because I've opened up to Onew so quickly. I don't have a lot of friends. I'm not sociable at all. So if she finds out that I already told Onew about my dad, she would think I liked Onew or something.

Which I don't.
Well, okay. I do.
BUT not in that way of course. By that way, I meant, you know, romantically.
I like him just in a...friendly way. Yup. Just that way.
But seriously, I like Onew, who doesn't? He's smart, friendly, funny, and cute.

But I'm not going to fall in love with him.

Not at all.

I kept on thinking about this as I sat in my English class. I forgot that it was reading day so we had the whole period to read our favorite book (which has to be in English) or to write our own (Also in English). I usually read while my classmates gossip or flirt or study for the test or whatever it is they do.

But this time, I found myself taking out a piece of paper and writing on the top:

1. Girls don't need flowers. Well, we need flowers. But we don't need GUYS to give us flowers. We are very much capable of buying or picking them from our garden, thank you very much.

2. Going dutch is for LOSERS! Guys should ALWAYS pay for the dates. It's the only reason we girls allow them to take us out.

3. We don't need boys. Girls can do anything. ANYTHING. Plus, we've got our girlfriends. What could go wrong?
Another pt: boys change once you guys become a couple. They stop being sweet and cute and whatever. They . [Well, at least, that's what Mika and the gossips around me always say.]

4. Dating is not fun. It's a waste of time. People probably lose valuable time over dating when they could've already discovered the cure for cancer or something.

5. Falling in love is not real. I actually found a scientific explanation for this. It's all in the brain, trust me.
PS. Also, love is stupid, You'll get hurt and depressed, and who needs that? Love will only bring pain! Love pain!

Once I finished my list, I read it again and nodded approvingly.
This list is so true in every way.

I kept it in my notebook securely, no need for anyone to see this list.
I mean, really. They'll probably think--
Okay, sod it. I really need to pee!
I stood up quickly and almost ran into Onew.
"Hey! Where are you going park buddy?" He asked, smiling goofily.

"Later." I said, trying to hurry.
Need. To. Go. To. The.Restroom. NOW!
I pushed past him and hurried out.
"What's up with her?" I shrugged and went to Maki's desk, shaking my head at the books and the pens and papers scattered.
"Doesn't she ever take a break?"
I sighed and took a random notebook from her messy desk.
"Studying...studying...She's worse than me!"
I muttered and flipped open the pages, when suddenly, a paper suddenly flew out.
"Oops!" I tried to catch it as it flew in the air and almost tripped over my own feet.
"Oof!" I grunted.

"You okay back there, Jinki?" Professor Jay asked.

"Yes sir." I said giving him a bright,, I'm-not-in-pain-at-all smile.
He went back to reading and I sat on Maki's chair to compose myself and arrange Maki's things.
When suddenly, the paper that almost tripped me caught my eye. It was in my hands after all.
"WHY THE OBNOXIOUSLY HEAVY DATING BOOK IS WRONG:"  it read, it was even underlined twice.

I raised an eyebrow as I skimmed it, laughing a little at some of her theories and squinting my eyes in wonder at the others.
Love pain? I grinned.
She's so cute. I shook my head, still smiling.

"Sir, here's the hall pass." I heard a familiar voice titter, and I glanced up, seeing Maki return to the classroom, oblivious to what I now know.

I hurriedly put back the list in her notebook, stood up and walked back to my desk, smiling,
This, I thought while staring at her as she conversed with the professor, is going to be one heck of a fun and interesting lesson.


class notes
Finally! I've posted Chapter 3! Schoolwork is killing me! :( This is basically the turning point of the story, because this is where it all STARTS! :>
Tell me what you think! ^^



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[The Dating Subject] OMG! You guys are still subbing even though it's finished?! CAN I GIVE YOU ALL A HUG? I love you! :)


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Chapter 71: This fic is surprisingly good to be a fic, it feels like a cute drama ?
Draculorda #2
Chapter 5: Just start reading this story and this chapter made me laughed so hard. So in love with your story ~<3
taetae29 #3
Am I hallucinating? Because I see my name in the forward and idk how to feel abt it (0-0) lol but anyway. I have never been more ready to learn about dating my entire life lmao
diana05 #4
Chapter 2: just started reading it and i think I already fell in love with the story ^^
Chapter 3: Rereading it ONCE AGAIN (I wonder how many times I have told you that...)
Chapter 71: This story is really amazing. srsly onew is so sweet.
Abandonedlion29115yr #9
Chapter 71: I've just finished reading your fic,and honestly idk what to say!!your fic was soooo nice and amazing,and you really did a good job on it!!^^I really likeeee it,wait no,i mean I LOVE IT <3 hahaha.Tbh can't really choose which chapter that i like T.T but i think,i like the chapter when they go to the amusement park!!(can't really remember which chapter was it,sorry :(( ) btw,thank you for always making my day/night for your great reply on my comment!!^^not just that i like your fic,but i also like you for being soo nice and very very friendly !!love youuu!!<3 i seriously hope we can know each other more in the future hehe :D that's all i guess,bye^^