spilled secrets

Brothers after Death

I kept to myself a lot and I would have liked if it had stayed like that.

Minding my own business and being as little of a pest I could everywhere was my main goal in school other than sort of studying, to beat someone that I knew I could never overtake.

"Hey kid!" a voice rang through the crowded classroom corridors. I didn't think to respond as I opened my locker door. A few moments later, I felt a rough tap on my shoulder. Alarmed, I turned around. Few people spoke to me out of class and I couldn't remember this person from anywhere. A boy just slightly shorter than me stood before me as he held out a book to me. I looked down at my ped backpack and instantly snatched the book from his hand as I flipped through the dog earred pages furiously checking for missing pages. When I had assured myself that everything had been untouched I looked back up at the boy with wary eyes.

Just then someone beckoned for him to join him and I froze on the spot. All this while I had done well in avoiding him and I had no wish to meet him now. I turned slowly to move away but the boy in front of me grabbed me before I could make my quick escape. Frustrated, I flung his hand away and burst out, "What do you want? Let me go!" The boy looked a little taken aback at my slight outburst as the late realisation of what I had just did slowly settled in. Cringing, I tried to stutter a quick apology but his expression was turning slightly bad. What had I done?

Squeezing his way through the throngs of students, zico finally made it over to us and slung his shoulder casually over the boy before me. I waited in silence, hoping he would ignore me and leave me alone but he just had to do the opposite.

"Hey Mino! Who's this guy that, "Zico stopped short when he realized who it was that Mino had been talking to. He widened his eyes in recognition, "oh hey, Junhong what are you doing here?"

Honestly, I was confused and I was left squirming uncomfortably on the spot. What the hell was he doing? I glared hard at the sneakers he was wearing, willing for him to just walk away.

Mino was the first to break the silence, asking the simple but dreaded question of who I was. I prayed that Zico would just keep his mouth shut for this time but he just gave me a glance and replied with little hesitation, "oh you didn't know? He's my younger brother, Junhong." With that he pulled Mino away for lunch as if nothing had just happened.

I stood for a moment infront of my locker as I listened to the buzz around me. It was apparent that the whole load of students around me had heard what he had said. Loud and clear. I laughed. I didn't know why I was laughing. And up till now I still haven't figured out.

I guess I laughed to get rid of the embarrassment of having my secret revealed so suddenly. I might have laughed because of the ridiculousness of the situation. I had tried so hard to avoid him, but even then I failed at such a simple task. I could have laughed because I didn't want my hatred for him to overflow and show. But why I laughed didn't matter because even though I was laughing, on the inside I was crying, like a lost child separated from his mom.

I slammed my locker shut and with my head bowed down, I pushed my way through the long narrow corridors, the seed of hatred within me sprouting and blooming well and fast.

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SaranghaeMuffin #1
This is so well written, I don't understand why this story hasn't got more readers?? Well done, love it!
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 18: I'm crying...seriously i love your story...i really need more stories like this.. and maybe more from you, author-nim :D
This is amazing, continue writing i really like it :) update soon
Chapter 3: I like the way you're writing it and the fact that love is not the center of the story at least for now. I really want to know what will be happening to Junhong, so please update soon :D
Chapter 2: Yay!! waiting for more updates! I like how it goes♡♡ ;D