the other side of the story

Brothers after Death

31 February 2010

I'm really happy today. We got back our report books and mom and dad were really happy too when they saw my grades. They said they would get me something as my reward and I'm really looking forward to it. But Junhong looked kind of upset and I guess it's because of mom and dad's reaction towards his grades. I honestly think he's improved a lot this time round but mom and dad didn't seem very happy about it and I think Junhong kind of noticed it too. I hope he's okay?

9 April 2010

Soccer practice at school today was really tough and coach got really mad at some of us. I was lucky and didn't get scolded. I guess we weren't really focused though hmm kind of our fault I guess? Better buck up. Junhong's also been really quiet at home nowadays. I mean he hasn't been a loud kid since the start but it's a little too silent if you get what you mean. I want to ask him what's wrong but he doesn't seem to be comfortable talking about it. Maybe he'll get over what he's going through soon.

25 July 2010

Went out with the gang today and had a go at composing random raps with them. We've just realised our common interest after so long. I feel kind of dumb haha. Rapping with them makes me realise how much I enjoy it again. I haven't been doing it for along time really but I guess I'm going to start it again now that all of them enjoy it so much too.

13 August 2010

I saw Junhong in school today by the lockers with Mino. I was really surprised because come to think of it I haven't seen Junhong in school much all this while even though we study in the same school. Now I'm starting to wonder how he's doing in school. He looked really surprised too when he saw me. I was going to ask him to go to the cafetaria together but he looked kind of uncomfortable so I dragged Mino away with me first. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to watch after him more. He looked kind of lost.

15 August 2010

People in school have been asking me questions like "Since when did you have a younger brother?" and I'm kind of surprised because I sort of assumed that they knew that Junhong was my brother. Oh well I guess I can start introducing Junhong to my friends and stuff from now on? I kind of feel bad now that I realise I am really clueless about how things are in school with Junhong.

29 August 2010

I saw Junhong in the cafetaria today and I was planning to invite him to eat with me and stuff but it kind of turned out not so well because his response was really cold. I'm still wondering till now if I did something wrong. I don't remember any particular event that would have offended him but I have noticed that he seems to be trying to avoid me in school nowadays. There were a few times where I tried calling out to him but he either didn't hear or pretended not to hear. I'm really confused and honestly I'm really hurt by what happened today.

3 November 2010

Things have gotten worse. I haven't talked to Junhong at all ever since that day. We've never been the kind to have heart to heart conversations but nowadays he just looks upset whenever he sees me and I don't know what's wrong. I'm really worried about what's going to happen if this continues. I don't know what to do and it's really upsetting.

17 December 2010

I've finally decided to tell mom and dad about how I want to join an entertainment company and train as a rapper. I know this won't be easy but after these few months I've realised how much I love music and rap. Mino is also going to join me and I really hope we will succeed together because I'm going to put in lots of effort and try my best. I'm still worried about Junhong though... He's still the same and now that I might be leaving, I fear things will get worse.

29 December 2010

I'm leaving tomorrow and yet I still haven't solved my problems with Junhong. He's been pretty moody the past two weeks or so and every time I try to approach him he shuts his door in my face. I really hope that I can say a proper goodbye before I leave. I still can't figure out what's wrong so for now I would like to believe that he is just going through some hard times. 

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SaranghaeMuffin #1
This is so well written, I don't understand why this story hasn't got more readers?? Well done, love it!
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 18: I'm crying...seriously i love your story...i really need more stories like this.. and maybe more from you, author-nim :D
This is amazing, continue writing i really like it :) update soon
Chapter 3: I like the way you're writing it and the fact that love is not the center of the story at least for now. I really want to know what will be happening to Junhong, so please update soon :D
Chapter 2: Yay!! waiting for more updates! I like how it goes♡♡ ;D