I. Incipient



Incipient [inˈsipēənt/] Adj- in an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop.

Someone once told me, there are three things one can’t recover in life, The Moment, after it is missed; The Word, after it is said; and The Time, after it is wasted. That is why I did what I had to do. I let you go, because I’d rather be broken alone and suffer than be broken together with you. But if I can, if I could, I would still choose this pain again and again just to be with you.


September, 2014

The faint noise of hard soles hitting the floor resounded on his ear as he continues his pathless journey around the large building. After walking aimlessly, something triggers him to walk on that specific floor and hallway.

The nerve wrecking feeling of nervousness, that dizzying tension and stomach churning feeling of anxiety and fear yet he knew that he have to. He needed to find out what it is.

Maybe, this will end his long months of sleepless nights, of his inner self wallowing in regrets.


“How would you know if you’re in love?”

He stops eating his second serving of burger and fries. “What a question was that?” Eyes large as he stared at her incuriously.

She hummed and continued working on her pad, “Nothing, someone just asked me that question, Jeez, just answer it,”

“Hmmm, I don’t know, I don’t know how to answer that. How about you then? How would you know?”

She smirked, “I don’t know either, I answered I have no idea how to answer,“ She stopped working and glance at him as she put her pencil down, “but after thinking for quite a long time, the answer I got was:  you’ll know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 

He nodded his head as he absorbed her answer. “Wait, are you..?”

And all he got an answer was a smile.

He wished he answered that question, he wished he knew at that time the countless regrets he was going to feel in the future.


He was nearing the end of the hall, when suddenly; his phone rang breaking the ear deafening silence. He cursed the caller silently as he searched his back pocket. He continued to walk at the farthest where a large window was located.. He eyed the device in his hand. He saw the caller ID and after letting it for a few more rings until he sighed and picked it up.

Room No. 18

A slightly opened door caught his attention as he heard the sound of curtain being blown by the wind inside.

 “What do you wa—“his voice was cut off when he looked up and divert his gaze at the white room. His phone dropped in his hands falling on the cold tiled floor.

“Oh my god,” he whispered as he put his trembling hand on his mouth, his feet moving backward as his back reached the wall adjacent to the room.

His phone continued to blink indicating that the caller was still on the other line, but it was long forgotten.

He didn’t know how long he stared, his heartbeat increasingly fast, his face tear streaked.  But after minutes of contemplating, his soft eyes shifted into a different one. His hands clenches into fist, nails digging hard on his palm.

He will deal with the guilt and regrets later. After all, they are all already in this deep black hole.

This was his chance, a chance to change everything. If he can’t bring back the past, he’ll make sure the future is in his hands.

He was once an angel, yet he lost his chance and he failed. He became a fallen.


If he can’t defeat the devil, he will become one.

First chapter is up, the first one suppostedly was changed into the 2nd chapter, which was actually an introducing chapter. I acutally didn't planned to post any updates in this story until the end of the week or so, but after finishing the first chapter and 1/4 of the second chapter, I decided to give it a shot. It might seem to be slow and lack of descriptions but they will follow on the next chapters.

It is not a fic but I hope that you'll still like this one, I am trying a new writing style and I hope it isn't boring to read, because it is certainly wasn't boring to write, to add that I only started writing 3 days ago? yeah, 3 days. I hope you guys would enjoy it. I'll try my best to update this fic  as soon as I can.

As what i've said on my other fics, english is certainly not my mother toungue so please bear with grammar errors etc, since i don't really do proof reads. But if you have anything, you can leave your reactions or thoughts,questions about this fic or about me,  corrections or anything, feel free to comment or msg me.

Happy reading, enjoy.

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