

People talk a lot about destiny. They say one's destiny is already written even before that person was born. It's creepy, isnt it? Come to think of this. Everything you do... and everything that happens to you, is all out of your control. No matter what you do, it happens because it is all part of the script. But who directs the script? Who wrote it? Ourselves? How can that be possible? When something bad happens because of us, can we just shrug off and say "Hey, it's not my fault. Maybe it was meant to happen. Blame it on the one who wrote my destiny"

We're all locked up in our own destiny. We're not as free as we thought we are. Stupid destiny.

That is why, I don't believe in it. It throws away the thrill of living our own lives. Dreaming... what's the sense of dreaming when you know that things are gonna happen out of your hands? Dreams are supposed to be achieved, and not just remain forever as dreams.


Two young ladies were walking hand in hand along the windy side of the seashore. No words were coming out of their mouths, not because they were in a cold war or something, but they just mentally had a mutual agreement of keeping mute while enjoying the sea breeze until they both get satisfied with the amount of fresh air they inhaled. Occasionally, they close their eyes when huge waves of comforting breeze approach them.

After a few minutes of fresh air inhaling and walking to somewhere their feet made them reach, one girl decided to get back to her senses. She opened her eyes wide and smiled when she saw the girl next to her, the girl that gives her the love she has always been dreaming of.


"Jessi..." she called the girl, her voice gentle.

The girl smiled as she turned to her, and replied with the most loving eyes, "Yes, Tiffany?"

Tiffany can't help but to fall in love with the girl next to her all over again. Those eyes, nose, and lips are so perfectly put together.

"Aren't you hungry yet? Let's eat. There’s a restaurant there that serves amazing seafood dishes" Tiffany offered.

"Just by seeing you, I'm already full," Jessica replied with a sweet smile painted on her face.

Tiffany blushed. She wanted to give Jessica a cheesier reply, but her hunger won the fight.

"Aigoo, this girl... Come on, let's eat now. I'm sure you'll love the food."

Tiffany dragged Jessica to the restaurant she was talking about. They ordered lobsters and various seafood dishes. 'Tiffany must be really hungry,' Jessica thought.

"Jessi, don’t forget our date on Sunday," Tiffany reminded her girlfriend.

"Of course, I never forget our dates."

Tiffany smiled in satisfaction.




Jessica has been fidgeting over her phone for five minutes now. Her last text to Tiffany was a goodnight message, as the latter said that she would already be off to dreamland. She and her girlfriend had been in a cheesy converstation for only God knows how long. As 21-year olds, they were considered too corny. But they never cared much. Each time they go out on a date, they seem not to notice the people around them. It's as if they are in a deserted island.

She loves Tiffany so much. Much more than how she expected. When she thinks of the reason why, she can’t really name a specific answer. All she knows is that she can never love anyone except for Tiffany Hwang. Tiffany is where she finds comfort and happiness. She learned how to be friendlier, how to appreciate little things, how to prolong her temper, and how to smile genuinely. All thanks to Tiffany.

However, there is one thing that both of them cannot ever learn. And that is the art of cooking.

Suddenly, a train of memories began to explore Jessica's mind.


It was the first session of their baking class and the students were all hyped up at the thought of making cupcakes with yummy frostings using their own hands. Well, except for Jessica who would rather sleep than eat, or cook. She was sitting in a stool with a very bored expression in her face as she was trying hard to listen to her ugly teacher who was thoroughly explaining the process. She shrugged and decided to just take a power nap while resting her head on her arms. Her mom and her sister Krystal always bake at home. She watches them sometimes, so she already knows how. That's what she thought.








Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Po-


"Uggghhhh!!!! What. The. Hell???!!!??" Jessica shouted in frustration. She can't believe that someone just dared to interrupt her deep slumber.

She turned to face the newly added entry to her Death Note, already plotting the ways on how she can get the nearest knife and stab that person's face. But she only did it mentally. She's not a psycho..........yet.

"What do you want?! Can't you see I'm taking a nap?"

"Uhmmm... B-but we're going to b-bake....."

"Bake all you want! Why do you have to wake me up?! It's not like I have the spatula and measuring cups in my hands!" Jessica almost shouted while waving her hands in the air, showing that she really doesn’t have the materials.

"Be-because you are.... my partner."

"What?? Since when did you become my partner??"

"Since I announced," someone cut in. It's their ugly teacher.

"Ohh, I get it now, teacher," Jessica said, playing a good student. But she was already laughing at the back of her mind at how bloated her teacher's face is.

"Alright. Tiffany, work well with her," Tiffany nodded and the teacher left.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany."

"I know," Jessica said with a cold expression on her face.

"You know??"

"Duh, our teacher just said your name."

"Ahh.." Tiffany wanted to ask her name, but the cold expression was enough for her to get the virtual 'shut up' message.

So instead, she tried to peek at her partner's name plate carefully, not wanting to receive another shout. But being the worst at things like that, she has just yet again received another wave of shouting and deathly glaring. But she didn't mind it all. At least she was able to register the name 'Jessica' in her mind.

The easy and peaceful cupcake making that Jessica expected never came into reality. It has been 45 minutes since they started but a hint of a cupcake getting made is nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was flour scattered all over their counter, half-cracked egg shells with egg whites dripping out, sugar in one cup, vanilla extract in another. And most especially, a machine that's about to get broken if no one stops Tiffany from pressing all of the buttons.

Jessica knows how bad she is at the kitchen, but she never thought that there's someone way worse than her.

"My gosh, are you a 70's kid?? How come you don't know how to use that?? You just have to press this button."

And that made the machine stop.

"I mean, this one," Jessica pressed another button.

Still, it didn't move.

"You broke it," said Tiffany.

"Arghhhhhh!!" Jessica shouted in frustration mixed with embarrassment. She stormed out of the room after grabbing an egg and threw it to the wall as if she was doing a baseball pitch.


But to everyone's surprise, it landed on Tiffany's shoes.

Both of them were called in the principal's office. Jessica took all the blame for the broken machine. Not just that, she took off her shoes and gave it to Tiffany. She has an extra in her locker.


Jessica chuckled at the memory.



It was Sunday morning but Tiffany was already as hyper as a 5-year old in a playground. She was so excited for that day that she wasn't able to sleep well. But she doesn't look like someone who had a hard time sleeping. Instead, she looked brighter than gems with the smile plastered on her face. She just can't wait to see Jessica.

Suddenly, she pulled a nicely wrapped pink box from under her bed. She put it on her lap and traced the ribbons tied around the box. Her smile got wider.


Meanwhile, Jessica was still in her bed. But she wasn't sleeping. She was rather rolling in her bed for the nth time already. She can't wait for this day either. She kept her ears alert.

Then their door bell rang.

'There it is!' thought Jessica.


It was 7:30pm when Tiffany and Jessica both finished their dinner in a fancy restaurant in Apgujeong. Tiffany insisted in parting their bills, but Jessica was fast. She already paid the whole meal with her credit card.

They decided to continue their date in the nearby park, next to the Han River. Jessica was busy driving her car, while Tiffany in the passenger seat was so excited and enthusiastic. She was awed by the beauty of the road scenery, which shines brighter at night. Jessica was constantly smiling while occasionally glancing at her girlfriend. She really wanted to pinch both of Tiffany's cheeks right now.

But she's afraid they might end up in the hospital. Reckless driving is not so healthy, she thought.

They reached the park safe and sound. Tiffany laid down a blanket for them to sit and Jessica had no idea where and when Tiffany got it.

Jessica, the sleepyhead, laid her head on Tiffany's lap while the other girl was her girlfriend's soft hair gently. Suddenly, the silence was broken when Jessica giggled.

"Eh? Why are you laughing?" Tiffany asked her.

Jessica chuckled. "No, I just remembered something."

"What is it?" Tiffany was curious.

"I'm not telling you."

Tiffany pouted. "Jessiiiiiiiiiii"

Jessica chuckled even more. "Haha, fine. You're so cute!"

Tiffany smiled.

"Remember our Physics teacher in high school? The one you hated a lot," Jessica started.

"Oh my gosh, yes. That boring yet terror teacher"



It was Physics time. The teacher was in front, discussing how an apple and a watermelon can reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the fourth floor of a building. But Tiffany in her seat could not understand a thing. All the words coming out of her teacher's mouth seemed so alien to her. The subject was boring. The teacher was boring. Tiffany was very bored.

"Class, that's how you apply physics," the teacher continued to discuss.

"Physics.... more like Physucks," Tiffany whispered. But her naturally loud voice was enough for her nearby classmates to hear what she said, even though she mumbled it only for herself.

Her classmates, including Jessica, laughed. They were bored as well. They cannot agree more to Tiffany.

"What's going on there? What's so funny?" the Physics teacher asked the group of laughing students.

Tiffany gulped. She has a very bad feeling about what's gonna happen next. Their teacher walked closer to them. The students stopped laughing and looked down.

"Mind telling us what's too funny with the lesson?" the teacher asked, with eyebrows raised and arms crossed.

Tiffany looked down. "I..... It was-"

"I told them a joke!" someone suddenly shouted. It was none other than Tiffany's seatmate, Jessica.

"Really? Well Ms. Jung, why not tell us your joke? Let the whole class laugh at your joke" the teacher demanded.

Jessica gulped. She didn't see it coming. She was mentally cursing herself for suddenly saying what she just said. 'Joke? Your face itself is a joke,' Jessica really wanted to say that. But she had to control herself, or else she will end up getting reported to her mom.

"What do you call a place that loves Math?"



That day, Jessica was called in the office, carrying the offense of 'disturbing classes'.

-end of flashback-


"Hahahahahaha!! Gosh Jessi, what has gotten into your mind that time? That was so funny!!" Tiffany said, hitting her lap as she can't control her laughter. Jessica got up from her lap a few seconds ago.

"Yah, I just did that to save you! Don't you think I deserve a thank you instead??" Jessica retorted.

"I already thanked you after the incident. I even said sorry."

But instead of words, Tiffany got a pout as a reply.

Tiffany chuckled. Her girlfriend is really cute with her effortless aegyo. Suddenly, Jessica looked at her and giggled for the second time that day.

"What now? You remembered something again?" Tiffany asked gently.

Jessica nodded and her lips formed a huge smile. "I can't forget how you expressed your hate for our physics teacher in your xanga blog. You even cursed."

Jessica was laughing, while Tiffany's eyes widen in shock.

"Think fun... think flirty... think Stepho!" Jessica continued to tease the girl next to her.

If she doesn't love Jessica, she could've punched the girl in the face until her nose is bleeding. But a sudden thought crossed her mind.

"Wait. You knew about my xanga blog? Jessi, you stalked me?" it is now Tiffany's turn to tease.

Jessica was dumbfounded. She did stalk Tiffany before. But she doesn't want to admit it now. There is no such thing as a desperate Jessica Jung.

"N-no! I heard about your blog from our classmates. You know… those morning chitchats."

"Really? But as far as I remember, they don't know about it," said Tiffany.

"They know it, I swear. The one who told me was Taeyeon," Jessica tried to defend her pride. But mentioning that name will bring no good to her, Jessica knows that. That's why she's already mentally giving herself a round of applause for being an idiot.

Tiffany stared at her, shocked with the sudden mention of that name.

"Tiffany, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

Jessica was surprised to even continue what she was saying, because Tiffany smiled at her.

"It's okay Jessi. I don't really mind now."




Tiffany was in the music room with her bestfriend, Taeyeon. Both of them were holding a sheet of paper, with music notes printed on it. They started singing with passion.

They were practicing for the upcoming musical audition in their school. They have always been dreaming of getting the lead role to their school's annual musical play. Both of them share the same passion, which is singing. That's why they became the best of friends.

"Taeyeon-ah, do you think we can do this?" Tiffany asked after her failed attempt of hitting a high note.

"Of course, we can" Taeyeon said, full of confidence.

Tiffany nodded. She believes her bestfriend. She believes in herself.

The audition day came and Tiffany's nervousness was no joke. It took her 30 minutes of trembling and walking and bumping into her fellow students to get to the school auditorium, where the audition would be held.

When she got there, Taeyeon was already sitting in one of the front row seats, with an empty seat next to her which was reserved for Tiffany.

"I already signed you up," Taeyeon said as soon as Tiffany took the seat next to hers.

"Thanks," Tiffany managed to smile a bit for her bestfriend.


The audition took place for the longest time in Tiffany's life. She just can't get a hold of what's happening. Her brain wasn't functioning well after. Her mind was blank. She can't hear anything, except for a few 'Congratulations' coming from the other students around.

"Thank you guys, thank you!" Taeyeon said to the group of her fellow students congratulating her.

That's when Tiffany had fully absorbed the results of the audition. She turned to look at Taeyeon. She was smiling brightly as she bowed multiple times to the people around them, replying 'thank you' to every 'congratulations' she received.

After what seemed to be a birthday party to Taeyeon, since she got so many greetings, she looked at Tiffany.

"Fany-ah, what do you want for lunch? It's on me," Taeyeon said with a huge smile on her face.

"TaeTae, why? Why didn't I get in? Why did you get the lead role? I didn't even get a role," Tiffany said, her voice shaking as a sign of being at the verge of crying.

Taeyeon was startled, but she replied. "Well, you lack skills. I was obviously better than you. But don't worry. Next year, I will help you get a role."

Tiffany was surprised with her bestfriend's words. She never saw it coming from Taeyeon's mouth. She stared at her in dismay. She didn't really want an answer.

"What? Taeyeon, do you even have a heart??" Tiffany asked. She's so disappointed.

Before Taeyeon could even reply, Tiffany ran out from the suffocating atmosphere. She ran as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going, but she's too preoccupied to mind that.

She ran faster than ever. She just wants to go home as fast as she could. But she failed. Her body collided with another body. The impact was too strong, throwing both of them in the ground.

"Owwwww!!" a high-pitched voice whined in pain.

Although her body hurts, Tiffany got up. "I'm sorry."

Tiffany was about to leave, but she was stopped by the person who she bumped into.

"Where do you think you're going?! You just pushed me and stained my uniform and-" the person stopped ranting.

"Are you crying?" the voice is now a bit calmer.

Tiffany looked up and was greeted by a pair of creased eyebrows.

"Je- Jessica... ?"

"Yes. It's me, Jessica," she even showed her name plate to Tiffany.

Tiffany can't help but to chuckle a bit. But she didn't stop crying.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

Tiffany continued to sob.

"And why are you going that way? That's the principal's office."

Tiffany had no idea about that. She only cared about running away from the auditorium.

Suddenly, Tiffany was pulled in for a hug. She can tell that it was a hug because she felt arms around her shoulders.

"It's okay. You can cry," Jessica whispered to her.

Tiffany sobbed harder until she found comfort in Jessica's embrace.

-end of flashback-




The two girls in love with each other continued to recall their high school memories; from Tiffany's fail cheerleading attempt during a basketball competition in school up to Jessica's scattered drool when she fell asleep once during their World History class.

"Hahaha! Jessi, I can't believe you drool when you sleep," Tiffany laughed like it's her last time.

"You love this drooling princess," replied Jessica.

Tiffany smiled and nodded. Then they both stared at each other for so long, as if one would die when the other looked away.

"I love you," they both said in unison.

"I love you too," they replied at the same time.

They chuckled.

"Jessi..." Tiffany said as she slid her hands around Jessica's waist.

"Hmmm?" Jessica replied while pulling Tiffany closer.

"Love you," Tiffany said, her eyes and lips both smiling.


"Love you more."


"No, I love you more."


"I love you most."


And that was Jessica's winning piece. Tiffany admitted defeat by smiling sweetly and giving Jessica a quick kiss on the cheek.

Jessica was surprised, and was about to kiss Tiffany back but the latter freed herself from the hug and stood up to get something from her bag. It was the box.

Tiffany excitedly handed a pink box to Jessica, "Happy 200th day anniversary, Jessi."

Jessica chuckled. She wanted to be surprised that Tiffany wrapped it in pink, but she already knew it. Tiffany is such a pink monster.

Jessica gladly took the box with a sweet smile on her face. She removed the ribbons and pulled the wrapper apart.

She opened the unwrapped box slowly, until she saw what's inside.

"It's almost winter already, so I bought you a jacket. Hope you like it," Tiffany said with her signature eye smile.

Jessica smiled and took out the present inside the box. It was a cute thick yellow jacket.

"Awww, thank you Tiff," Jessica said. She was about to hug Tiffany when she saw another thing inside the box.

"Eh? You're giving me two jackets?" she asked.

"No, that one is mine," Tiffany said as she grabbed the pink jacket from inside the box she gave to Jessica.

"Why did you wrap it inside? I almost thought I'm receiving two jackets for this winter," Jessica pouted.

Tiffany giggled at her girlfriend's childishness. "Come here Jessi, I'll put the jacket on you."

Jessica obeyed her beloved girlfriend. She spread her arms, so Tiffany can slide the sleeves easier.

She did the same to Tiffany, so that they are now wearing couple jackets. The couple pulled each other for a hug.

"This feels warmer," Jessica whispered to Tiffany's ear.

"The jacket?"

"No, your embrace," Jessica replied.

Tiffany slightly hit her girlfriend's arm, as if she can't handle the cheesiness. But inside her mind, she has already melted like a wax of lighted candle.

Suddenly Jessica broke the intimate hug and turned her back to Tiffany. She walked away from Tiffany and into her car. Tiffany thought that Jessica was leaving, but it turned out that she was just going to get something from the trunk.

She went back to Tiffany with what seemed to be a dog cage in her hand. Then she handed it to Tiffany.

"Happy 200 days," Jessica said with a shy smile.

Although Tiffany was hesitant to take it at first, she took it seconds after. She took a closer look on Jessica's present to her and was greeted by a cute little white puppy.

"Oh my gosh, Jessiiiiii," Tiffany squealed as she sat on the blanket and opened the cage.

"Thank you!" she said with all the excitement that has gotten into her once she took out the little puppy and carried it in her hands like a mom.

Jessica smiled at the scene. She knows Tiffany will love it. She always wanted to own a pet, and Jessica thinks that a puppy might be perfect.

"Jessi, what's his name? He's a boy, right?" Tiffany asked while playfully ruffling the dog's white fluffy hair.

"I don't know. You name him."

"Baby boy, what do you want to be called?" Tiffany said as she lifted the little puppy up to eye level. She waited for the dog to answer.

Jessica chuckled. Tiffany is too cute. Even cuter than the puppy, she thought.

"Just name him Prince, since you are my queen" Jessica said.

Tiffany thought about it for a moment. "POOOORIIINSOOOO-YAAAAAH!!!!!" she squealed. She got so excited that she didn’t notice Jessica’s cheesy line.


 Tiffany kept on playing with the puppy after she gave Jessica a tight hug and a kiss as a 'thank you'.

Jessica was happy at first, but now she felt as if she had just disappeared. Tiffany didn't notice her when she yawned, when she grunted, and when she scoffed multiple times.

Meanwhile, although Tiffany enjoys playing with Prince, she was doing things in purpose. She wanted to know how easily Jessica can get jealous to a dog.

Tiffany starts to count in her mind,











"Fany-ahhhh!!" Jessica shouted, obviously frustrated.

Tiffany smiled, but she held it back when she turned to face Jessica. "Yes, Jessi?"

"Who are you dating again? Me or that dog?" Jessica complained.

Tiffany chuckled. How cuter can her girlfriend get? "I'm dating you, Jessi. Or are you going to break up with me? If that happens, I'll date this cute puppy then," Tiffany joked.

But Jessica was in no mood for jokes. She already misses Tiffany even when they were just a few inches away from each other. Suddenly, she grabbed the white puppy and put it back on its cage.

"Jessi, what are you doing to our cute little Prince?" Tiffany was surprised with her girlfriend's aggressiveness.

"Who's better-looking to you? Me or Prince?"

"What if I choose Prince?"

"Just date him then." Jessica stood up.

Tiffany let out a small laugh. She thought Jessica has already learned how to control her temper. But she was wrong. 'I guess I still have to teach her the art of controlling temper,' Tiffany thought to herself.

She stood up and faced her sulky girlfriend who is now crossing her arms. Tiffany knows no other way, so she kissed her cheek.

But Jessica didn't move.

"Aigoo, my Jessi. You are not cute, because you are gorgeous. And I will never ever break up with you. Choosing Prince over you? That's ridiculous, Jessi. Prince is our son. So that would make me.... your daughter-in-law?" Tiffany chuckled.

After a few seconds, Jessica chuckled too. "You're really something," she said as she wrapped her loving pair of arms around Tiffany.

Suddenly, they both felt something that came from nowhere. They looked up and saw small, soft pieces of frozen water that falls straight from the sky.

"Aren't these snowflakes?" Jessica asked.

A long silence occurred before they spoke in unison, "It's the first snow."

They stared at each other's eyes intensely. And as if on cue, they moved their heads towards each other and stopped two inches before their faces touch.

"It's the first snow. And I'm seeing it with you." Jessica broke the silence. Tiffany could feel her cheeks heating up despite the cold weather. Jessica's face was too close and she could feel her warm breath.

"Ye-yeah..." Tiffany nodded.

Soon after Tiffany replied, their lips touched while the snow from the sky continued to fall.

Suddenly, a familiar noise echoed through their ears.

They broke the kiss and stared awkwardly at each other. Then Tiffany realized that it was the new member of their family who was making the noise.

She bent her knees almost immediately, "Awww... our dear Prince, what's wrong baby? Are you cold? Let's get inside the car now."

"Wow Princeu-yah, what an excellent timing you got there," commented the Jessica-sarcastic-Jung.




It was another typical night for the young couple. They were strolling in the streets of Myeongdong while holding each other's hands, fingers intertwined.

It became their hobby. After eating a fancy dinner, they walk pass some small stalls. Sometimes they enter shops and get out with a new couple item. Majority of those items, pink.

It was no different this time. They just got out of a shop with a new couple phone case. Jessica wanted to get the leopard printed one, but her girlfriend was more persistent. In the end, they both have matching pink iPhone cases.

Tiffany's left hand was busy holding her newly cased iPhone while her other hand was holding Jessica's left hand as they walk. She stopped when her phone beeped.

"Why?" Jessica asked.

"I got a message," Tiffany replied and then opened it.

"What does it say? Who texted you?"

"Uhmm, Jessi... it's my sister. I gotta go home now."

"Is there something wrong? It's still too early, baby." Jessica said with matching aegyo, the aegyo that she knows Tiffany can't resist.

Tiffany giggled and caressed her cheek, "I know, baby. But my sis said that something came up and I have to be home soon,"

Jessica pouted, "Fine. But I'll drive you home."


As soon as Tiffany took a step inside their house, she received a warm welcome from her sister, Michelle.

"Oh, you're home." Michelle said before giving her beloved dongsaeng a hug.

Tiffany smiled.

She and her sister are close. But they don't hug often.

As soon as they broke the hug, Michelle spoke. "Steph, are you up for some good news?"

"Good news? What do you mean?" Tiffany was curious.

"Today, I received a mail. Guess where was it from??" Michelle seemed so excited.

"I don't know. Tell me nooow."

"It's from Berkeley School of Music!! Steph, you got accepted!!" Michelle was jumping in joy.

It took Tiffany a few seconds to register what her sister just said. 'Me? Accepted? Berkeley? OH MY GOSH,' she thought.

"Aaahhhhhh!!!" Tiffany joined her sister and held her hand as they both jump in joy and excitement.

Suddenly, Michelle stopped and stared in Tiffany's eyes.

"Steph, another good news. I'm going to US with you."


Jessica reached home eight in the evening. It was unusual of her, as she usually gets home later.

"I'm home," she said as she stepped inside of their luxurious house.

"Sooyeon-ah, you're early" her mom greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes mom, Tiffany had to go home early... and I don't have anything else to do, so I just went here straight."

"Oh. Did you eat?" her mom asked in concern.

Jessica nodded and smiled. Her mom never fails to make her feel loved. She feels so lucky to have such a caring mom. She always thought that if she is to be given another life in the future, she would still choose to be her mom's daughter.

"That's good, because I have something to discuss with you."

"What is it, mom?" Jessica was pulled to the couch by her mom. 'It must be something serious,' she thought.

"Sooyeon-ah, you have to listen to me carefully," her mom started when both of them were already seated.

Jessica doesn't know why but she suddenly felt like her tongue disappeared. She just nodded.

"As you know, our company has not been doing well in profit these past few months. A number of shareholders pulled out their investments and it is definitely not a good thing, right?" her mom paused.

Jessica has no idea why her mom was telling her such things. She knows she'll be part of the company someday, but she's not expecting it to be this soon.

Her mom continued, "Well, there is a way we can survive."

It was followed by a long pause, which was followed by her mom speaking again, "And we will need you."

Jessica gulped. She can't get a gist of what her mom is going to say next. She started praying that it is something possible for her to do. She doesn't want her family to go bankrupt, especially when it's because of her.

"You have to marry this man," her mom said, handing her an iPad with a picture of a guy on the screen.


That night, Jessica cried herself to sleep. While Tiffany on the other hand, slept with a smile on her face.




The next day, Tiffany and Jessica met in a café for lunch. Tiffany was the one who ordered their food as she seemed like the only one who has an appetite, while Jessica just sat on her seat.

Jessica wasn't saying any word since they got there. She only nodded when Tiffany asked her if she's fine with spaghetti and apple juice.

Their order arrived. They finished eating without words getting spoken. Tiffany thought that Jessica was just having a bad day, so she didn't bother asking. Instead, she was thinking of sharing the good news to Jessica. After all, she has to tell her. She has to study in the US for two years.


"Jessi/Tiff," they called each other at the same time.

"You first," Tiffany said, pointing to Jessica.

"No it's okay, you first" Jessica said, her voice firm.

Knowing that she's not gonna win, Tiffany started to spill her news. "Jessi, I just got accepted in Berkeley! Finally, I'll be able to fulfill my dream!!" Tiffany shouted with happiness.

"Really? That's amazing!" Jessica smiled.

Tiffany let out a relieved sigh. She finally saw her smile. "Yes, my sister called me yesterday because she just got the news from the mail."

"Aww, so that's why. I'm happy for you."

Tiffany's smile got wider.

"I'm glad you are. But what is that I'm gonna be away from you for a while," Tiffany's expression turned upside down.

Jessica sighed. "How long will it take?"

"Two years. Two-verylongwithoutjessicabymyside-years."

Jessica chuckled a bit. "It's okay, baby. We'll be fine. I think it's the perfect opportunity for us to make use of the purpose of internet," Jessica tried to brighten up the mood, even though she feels darker inside. She has to stay strong for Tiffany.

Tiffany nodded, though she hasn't smiled yet. "But Jessi, I am really really going to miss you. Prince said he will miss you too."

"You are going to bring him?" Jessica was surprised.

"Yup. I want to bring him. How can I just leave my son like that? I can't let you take care of him. You are not a good babysitter. Who knows you might not even remember that you have a dog and forget to feed him? I can't afford to lose your present to me."

Although Jessica was supposed to be offended, she was touched. Tiffany always cared so much about her and the things that she has given her.

Jessica laughed. "Fine, I get it. Do well in school, okay?"

"Of course, I will!" Tiffany nodded. She clenched her fists up in the air and mouthed 'hwaiting!'. Then she remembered something.

"Jessi, how about you? What is it that you're gonna tell me?"

"Huh?" Jessica asked back, confused.

"The thing you are supposed to tell me. You made me say mine first, right?" Tiffany hoped that Jessica will remember it.

Jessica never forgot about it. But seeing Tiffany this happy, she just can't ruin the moment.

"Ah, that. I was only going to ask you if... you enjoyed the food," she lied.


"Oh... well, the food was okay. Not very bad but not as good as I expected. Maybe next time, we should try their other dishes," Jessica succeeded in drifting Tiffany's attention away from the topic.

'I will tell you....... soon.' she thought.


It was already a week after their lunch at the café. They are now at the airport.

"Tiff, do you really have to leave now?" Jessica tried hard to hold her sob.

"Yes, Jessi. My classes are going to start soon. And I still have to adjust."

"Okay, take care then. Study hard and fulfill your dreams, okay?" Jessica said as they broke their hug.

"You too. Work hard and bring your company to the top," Tiffany smiled.

Jessica sighed before nodding her head slowly. She told Tiffany about their company's condition, but not about the 'marriage'. She can't even comprehend everything about it yet. But she already has a decision. She will work in the company and prove to her parents that marrying a random guy is not the best possible way to escape from bankruptcy.

They both leaned into each other for their last hug before Tiffany boards the plane. They rested on each other's embrace for what it seemed like the longest hug they have ever done. If they can stay like that forever and not let go of each other, they would. But they have to take a step for their dreams to become a part of the reality.

"Bye Jessi. I will miss you."

"See you in two years. Love you."

"I love you too."

"Call me when you get there, okay?"

"I will!"




Two years later, Tiffany came back to Korea with a diploma in her hands. She can't believe what's happening in her life. It felt just like yesterday when she was crying because her playmate dropped her strawberry ice cream on the floor. Right now, she has become a grown-up with nothing more to ask for. She already has the things that were once just dreams.

She took a step out of the airport with almost teary eyes. All the emotions suddenly came rushing inside her. Even though she was able to spend time with her supportive family back in the US, she can't get Jessica out of her mind, regardless of their everyday exchange of cheesy messages and overnight phone calls. As soon as she finished school, she already decided to book her flight back to Seoul. She just can't stand another minute without Jessica by her side. She knows that a single minute is going to feel like a year if she's not with Jessica. They have never seen each other after two very very long years.

At the thought of Jessica, she immediately pulled out her pink iPhone from her bag and dialed the number of the person she misses the most. Their last phone call was yesterday morning, but she already missed her so much. Now she feels so excited and nervous at the same time. She didn’t tell Jessica that she's going back too soon. She wanted to surprise her girlfriend.

"Tiff!" she was startled as she was greeted with Jessica's loud voice.

Jessica never talked that loud to her. She is usually the calm sweet Jessica that always welcomes Tiffany's phone calls.

"Jessi, what's wrong?" Tiffany started to panic, thinking that Jessica is in trouble.

"Tiffany, mom collapsed.... and... and she was rushed to the hospital" Jessica replied, her voice much calmer this time.

Tiffany can't believe what she just heard.

"Oh my gosh, wait for me I'll be right there."

"Huh? How are you supposed to go here? You're in the US."

Tiffany bit her lip. She was too shocked to focus on her surprise.

"Uhhh, I.... I'm in Incheon Airport. I just got off the plane. I'm on my way to Seoul as we speak"

"Really? Why didn’t you tell me?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. But you surprised me even more"

Jessica sighed, " Awww I feel bad for you to be greeted by such a news when you just got back"

"No, no Jessi it's okay. What hospital are you in?" Tiffany said as she enters a taxi.

"No Tiff, you should rest. You must be tired" said a concerned Jessica.

"I'm not tired. Now tell me the name of the hospital" Tiffany replied firmly.

A couple of minutes after, Tiffany arrived with all her luggage along with her. Everyone could tell that she went there straight from the airport.

Jessica greeted her with a very tight hug. She could feel all the emotions that were rushing inside Jessica's body. She caressed her girlfriend's back gently as the latter began to sob.

Tiffany was surprised with how much she really missed Jessica. She almost booked a flight back to Seoul last Christmas. Thanks but no thanks to her sister who stopped her from doing so.

"How's your flight? Are you tired? Wait, let me get you something to eat," Jessica said out of love and concern.

She was about to go somewhere to get food for Tiffany when she was stopped by a hand that grabbed her arm.

"Listen, Jessica. I had a great flight and I told you I'm not tired at all. Not hungry either," Tiffany said, cupping Jessica's cheeks.

"Okay," Jessica just nodded.

They stayed outside Jessica's unconscious mom's room for a while. Krystal and daddy Jung was already inside so they need not to be there.

Tiffany really wanted to stay longer, but Jessica insisted. She said that the former needs to rest and that she will be fine with Krystal and her dad. Tiffany just agreed in defeat and left the hospital with her luggage. But she left the fruits that she bought on the way.

Jessica tried her hardest to offer her a ride to home, but Tiffany insisted to just take a cab. She knows Jessica was not in the best condition to drive that night.


Three days later was when Jessica's mom got discharged from the hospital. Jessica and Tiffany were in the park, as they agreed to meet there. They were sitting comfortably in one of the benches with Jessica's head resting on Tiffany's shoulder.


"Jessi, do you want to eat ice cream?" Tiffany asked the girl next to her whom she loves the most.

Jessica chuckled, "Ice cream in the park? What are you? Three? The last time I checked, you're twenty-three."

"Hey, I know I'm already that old. No need to remind, really. And fyi, we're the same age. What's wrong with eating ice cream in the park?" Tiffany replied. But she didn't wait for the other girl's reply. She held her hand and dragged her to the ice cream store.

"Flavor?" she asked Jessica.

"Mint chocolate!" Jessica replied, her voice a little bit more high-pitched than usual.

"Wow, look at that. A second ago you acted as if eating ice cream is like eating a poison apple, but now you just can't wait to eat one," Tiffany .

"Stop talking, just order."


A few minutes later, they got their ice creams. They returned to sit on the bench and enjoy the cold food that was served during summer.

"How was your school? Was it fun?" Jessica was the first to talk.

"Hmmmm. Yes, it was. I enjoyed it a lot. Although the practical tests were extremely nerve-wracking, I was able to do it better than the written exams," Tiffany said proudly.

She looked to face Jessica who was eating her ice cream happily. Tiffany chuckled.

"Hey Jessi, what are you? Three? That's not how a 23-year old is supposed to eat her ice cream," it is teasing time for Tiffany. She just can't help it. Her girlfriend is so cute while eating.

She didn’t know but suddenly, she kissed Jessica's lips.

"Eh? What was that for?" Jessica was a bit startled.

"You have ice cream there in your lips," Tiffany said shyly.

"Really? Ah, I see. Is that how a 23-year old supposed to eat her ice cream?" Jessica said with a smirk. She is really better than Tiffany when it comes to teasing.

But even before Tiffany could reply, Jessica kissed her back. "You have ice cream too."

Tiffany blushed madly.


After her cheeks have already recovered, she asked Jessica. "Jessi, how was your work? Did you do well in the company? How's the company now?"

Jessica replied a few seconds after. "I... I did well. Of course, I did well. The company... it was great," she forced a weak smile.

"Really? You did save your company? I knew it! I always believed you can do it," Tiffany said as she hugged Jessica. But the latter's stiffened body did not return the hug.

Tiffany broke the hug and changed their topic immediately.

"Jessi, Prince is a big boy now," Tiffany said with excitement. But Jessica seemed not to hear it. She was just staring straight, watching the people walking in the park.









"Jung Sooyeon!" Tiffany shouted. It made Jessica shocked, her face is now pale.

"Ye-yes?" she asked Tiffany.

"What's wrong? You're spacing out. Is there something bothering you? Or someone?"

Jessica looked down, contemplating if she should tell it to Tiffany now. After all of Tiffany continuous achievements, she just can't get the guts to tell her about it.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just... tired. Should we go home now? Let's go. I'll drive you home." Jessica lied, obviously avoiding the topic.

"Go home? This early? We're just sitting and talking. Why are you suddenly tired?" Tiffany asked gently. She knows something is wrong.

She caressed her girlfriend's back. "Jessi, what is it? You should tell me. I'll listen.”

Jessica looked down. She knows she can't hide it anymore. Tiffany is not the type to leave you alone at a time like this.

Jessica bit her lip before sighing heavily. "Tiff, the truth is... I failed to save our company. I did not do well... The company is now in a really bad condition. I'm a loser, Tiffany. I am a loser," she said before sobbing.

Tiffany was too shocked to react immediately. Her eyes were wide open, as well as . She can't believe what she just heard. She doesn't really know what to tell the depressed Jessica now. So instead, she pulled her and let her cry in her arms. She caressed the girl's back.

But the girl in her arms pulled herself out of the comforting embrace. Her eyes are red as she was crying. She stared at Tiffany.

"The company... there is a way to save it." Jessica said in between sobs.

Tiffany waited for her to continue. She was a bit glad that there's still a way. She knows Jessica will try her best to do it. Jessica loves her family and she will never let them end up being broken.

"I... I have to go to the US... and... and marry a guy there," Jessica sobbed harder than ever.

This time, Tiffany turned pale. She felt dizzy absorbing the information she just heard. She stared at Jessica in huge disbelief.

"Ti-Tiffany, I'm getting married," Jessica said, still sobbing hard.

"That's the only way left to save my family. The guy's family... they will save our company... if I marry their son... Tiffany, that's the only way... Since I failed to do it on my own, that's.... the only way left," she buried her face in her palms.

Tiffany still can't manage to utter a reply.

"Tiff, I don't know what to do... Do I deserve this? I did my best... to save our company," Jessica bit her lip to stop herself from sobbing hard, "Maybe... this is my destiny."

 "Destiny? Jessica, you believe in destiny?!" Tiffany shouted.

Jessica looked down. She can't stop her tears from falling.

Tiffany was crying as well. "That’s the stupidest thing!!! We dream, Jessica!" she continued.

"I dreamt, Tiffany! I did!! But what happened?! What am I now?!! Nothing good has happened to me!" Jessica shouted back.

Tiffany tried her best to calm down. "Listen, Jessi. You don't have to marry that guy. We can find another way. Calm down. We can talk to your mom about thi-"

"Tiffany! My mom collapsed because of me! I talked to her about it. No, I fought with her. I asked her to cancel the arranged marriage. But she just won't do it!" Jessica broke into tears again.

"Arranged marriage?? Where are we?? Joseon dynasty?!?!?" Tiffany asked as if what she just heard is the most ridiculous thing on earth, next to destiny.

"Jessica, it's not too late. We can talk this out to your parents. I'll ask my dad to... to invest! In your company! We'll invest in your company. Jessi, we can do this."

Jessica raised her head and looked at Tiffany.

"We'll talk about this with your parents. I'll ask my dad today. I'm sure he will agree. So tomorrow, we will talk with your parents. Tomorrow, let’s meet. We can do this, okay?" Tiffany said while rubbing Jessica's arms.

Jessica nodded, her eyes weary.

They hugged for what it seemed like the longest hug they ever had.




The next day, Tiffany woke up with all the determination she needed. All she wants to do is to fight for what is right, for the love of her life.


"We can do this. Jessi and I can do this. We're gonna spend our lives together, and achieve our dream of forever with each other."



Or so she thought.





Jessica believed in destiny.


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gladslab #2
Chapter 2: I think this story should be the season 1 because this is fany and sica's past.. And please do update next chapter, of what happen why did sica still go to US and leave fany when her dad invest on sica's company.. I just want to know the whole story..
justjeti #3
Chapter 2: sequel please author~^^
Chapter 2: Sequel please. .cause I don't understand the last part. .kekeke^^
luvsoshi #5
Chapter 2: So that's the ending? Just like that? I'm kinda confused :p

Please make a sequel wit my happy JeTi.. Hehehe
Chapter 2: the story was great ..but the end confused me ..
can you make a sequel,?please author-shi :)
stephanyy #7
Chapter 1: author-nim!!!! jjang! :))
I just wanna say that your story is great :)
But i think you need to tag it with jeti so it could attract more readers especially jeti shipper
A sequel for this would be great!