ch.4 - Double Date [pt.1]

Eiffel i'm in love?
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A/N: Hi~ i'm not abondon this fic btw,hihihi :D


Eiffel I’m In Love

Chapter 4 – Double date [pt.1]



Later that Night Jessica called her boyfriend Taecyeon. She wants to make sure something and beside that she want to ask Taecyeon to go to fireworks festival with her, it’s gonna be their first ever official date.


“its me Jessica”

“baby I have been waiting for your call! You said you gonna call me this afternoon”

“Sorry I just got back” said Jessica “so how’s shopping with your mom?” ask Jessica. Jessica just wants to make sure, because Jessica remember her conversation earlier with Tiffany.

“she only make me carrying all the stuff that she bought… my arms hurt now baby” whined Taecyeon

‘so maybe Tiffany seeing someone else.. there’s no way Taecyeon gonna cheat on me right?’ Jessica asking herself

“baby? Are you still in there?”

“oh yeah.. of course.. sorry I’m spacing out, hehehehe..” answered Jessica “oh, baby do you have time tomorrow? I want we go to Fireworks festival tomorrow” Jessica continued

“Are you sure ?? did your parents finally giving you permission for having boyfriend?? Of course I would be happy going to fireworks festival with you baby” Said Taecyeon excitedly “do you want me to fetch you?” Offered Taecyeon

Jessica can sense that her Boyfriend really excited. Taecyeon have been nagging at her countless time to go having a date, but Jessica always excusing herself because she was afraid her mother will be mad at her and beside she knows her mom to well, her mom wouldn’t give her permission anyway. Sometimes her mom’s over protectiveness is really too much.

“No, my mom still not knows that we’re dating, and No! I mean.. you no need to fetch me.. we better met at seoul plaza, I don’t want we got caught by my mom.. it will be disaster” Explain Jessica

“okay.. no problem..” taecyeon sound little bit sad “but really baby, I felt so happy.. Finally we going to have a real date,hehehe”

“me too”

“eh.. what time is it now? why you not sleeping yet baby?”

“are you asking me to ended our phone call?!” ask Jessica

“nooo.. I mean why you not sleep yet so with that you can dreams about me”

“eww.. that’s so cheesy baby” said Jessica


“so good night?”

“good night and dream about me will ya,hehehe.. kiss kiss hug hug”

With that the two lovers ended their phone call.


Morning came and the first thing that Jessica did when she step her foot in school is going straight confront Yoona.

“Yoona can we have a few words?” ask Jessica. Yoona looking at Jessica before agreed to Jessica.

“sure what’s the matter?”

“err.. we better going somewhere, I don’t think I can talk to you in here” with that the two of them going to the back of school building.

Im Yoona famous for being a beautiful in their school, who does not know Yoona, she’s like goddess and she’s part time models. Jessica is not close with Yoona, they only being classmate in junior year.

Jessica still feeling hesitant for gonna asking Yoona about her relationship with Taecyeon, but Jessica need to ask her anyway.

“err.. Yoona is that true that you’re going out with my boyfriend yesterday?” asked Jessica. Yoona seems shock with Jessica question

“what? I’m not” said Yoona

“but my bestfriend Fany said she saw you with Taecyeon yesterday in malls” explained Jessica

“ahh.. about that.. yes I was in the mall yesterday with him” Jessica really shocked with yoona revelation. “but waittt !! do not get me wrong” said Yoona


“well, I met him in malls yesterday and guess what!”


“I saw him with other girls! Firstly I thought it was you but turns out its another girl, so I come to him and asking who she is.. he said she was only his cousin but I’m not buying his words..” Yoona can see that Jessica suddenly feel so down

“Jess.. you must be careful, Taecyeon is not that good” warning Yoona

“sigh… that’s what my bestfriend always told me..” muttered Jessica

“Your bestfriend true then.. oh by the way after I confront him we part our way.. I don’t know if he going with that girl again or not, because when I confront him she was going to the toilet and that maybe when Tiffany saw me with him”

“but Tiffany said he was leaving with you” said Jessica

“no.. he only walks me out and we part our way there”

“oh… thank you Yoona.. sorry for accusing you”

“no problem.. I’m glad you asking me truthfully.. Because I don’t have courage to talk with you about what I see” smiled Yoona and Jessica smile too, Yoona smile really contagious.

 “and if he really cheating on you, you can come to me and I’ll gladly kick his for you” offered Yoona

“ahahaha.. thank you for your offer Yoona, I’ll keep that in mind”

After their talks they were

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Chapter 4: Update juseyooo....
jungyu123 #2
Chapter 4: Please continue this story author-nim ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 4: yessssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ur back :D
i'm a big fan of this story u knw :/ i really missed it :)
glad u updated after 100000000 yrs kkkkk ;P
Chapter 3: dont abandon this plssssssss :(
Chapter 3: update soon plsssssssssssssssssssssss~
ShiningEgg #6
Chapter 3: lol bored? i dunno you update so fast lol
well katanya mau belajar nongkrong dimari mulu lo dek hahaha

anyway good luck with ur exam and thx for update~
ps : can't wait to see the firework scene... and i wonder who's gonna be "titi kamal" hahaha
Chapter 3: hahaah so funny if look jessicat and yulmouse hahahah
Chapter 2: HAHAHHA what happen with you yul??? i think you love with sicababy??? hiihihih
ShiningEgg #9
Chapter 2: "the dude who just come from france" LOL i dunno with my self but i laugh so much w/ this sentence XDD remind me with Hyo's infamous sentence : "the guy who come from the night"

well good luck for ur Eiffel I'm In Love YulSic vers then~~ :))
Chapter 1: wow,,, pertemuan awal yangg,,,,,, aku sendiri cukup tepuk jidat hahhah
tapi pertemuan seperti ini sering terjadi di sinetron indonesia sich heheheh maaf sebelumnya
hm,, jadi sica dating with namja kotak kotak??? hmm,,, aku yakin setelah prince kwon seobang coming, she will be falling in love with him hihihi